Este artigo é sobre alchemy labs used to make potions and poisons. Para the player-built home addition related to the Hearthfire add-on, veja Alchemy Laboratory.
Alchemy Labs are places where it is possible to perform Alchemy. A category listing all places where alchemy labs can be found is available at Category:Skyrim-Places-Alchemy Labs.
- Ansilvund Excavation — A Nordic ruin situated northeast of Shor's Stone. (map)
- Cragwallow Slope — A small cave southeast of Windhelm home to conjurers and atronachs. (map)
- Cronvangr Cave — A medium-sized cave southwest of Kynesgrove, inhabited by frostbite spiders and vampires. (map)
- Fort Amol — A Stormcloak fort located to the northwest of Darkwater Crossing along the White River. (map)
- Mistwatch — A fort located at the northern base of the mountains on the border of the Rift and Eastmarch, just southeast of the Atronach Stone on the edge of the hot springs. (map)
- Mzulft — An extensive Dwarven ruin south-southeast of Windhelm, along the main road between Windhelm and Riften. (map)
- Narzulbur — An Orc stronghold located in Eastmarch hold. (map)
- Palace of the Kings — A large castle at the far end of the Valunstrad district in Windhelm. (map)
- Sacellum of Boethiah — The shrine for the Daedric Prince Boethiah located in the mountains directly east of Windhelm on the map. (map)
- Snapleg Cave — A medium-sized cave carved into the side of a mountain. (map)
- Stony Creek Cave — A small cave located in the southeastern corner of Eastmarch that is occupied by bandits. (map)
- Uttering Hills Cave — A cave occupied by bandits, in the mountains to the west of Windhelm. (map)
- The White Phial — The alchemical shop located on the north side of the Windhelm's market district. (map)
- Anise's Cabin — A small, open cabin in Falkreath Hold near where the White River meets Lake Ilinalta. (map)
- Bloodlet Throne — A single level fort occupied by vampires, vampire thralls, and wolves. (map)
- Cracked Tusk Keep — A fort located to the west of Falkreath. (map)
- Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary — One of two Dark Brotherhood sanctuaries located within Skyrim. (map)
- Dead Man's Drink — An inn in the town of Falkreath. It is owned by Valga Vinicia. (map)
- Falkreath Stormcloak Camp — A Stormcloak camp located in the mountains of Falkreath Hold, east of Helgen. (map)
- Grave Concoctions — A store in Falkreath specializing in alchemy and home for Zaria who runs the store. (map)
- Haemar's Shame — A cavern that is home to vampiric worshippers of Clavicus Vile. (map)
- Hag Rock Redoubt — A small Nordic ruin located south of Markarth. (map)
- Ilinalta's Deep — A medium-sized Imperial fort that mysteriously collapsed. (map)
- Knifepoint Ridge — A large palisade-walled bandit camp surrounding an iron and corundum mine, located northwest of Falkreath. (map)
- Southfringe Sanctum — A remote snowy cave that is home to the conjurer Bashnag and his coven. (map)
- Sunderstone Gorge — A heavily trapped narrow cave system inhabited by warlocks, located west of Bloated Man's Grotto. (map)
- Twilight Sepulcher — The location of the Pilgrim's Path and main entrance to Nocturnal's Ebonmere portal, resting place for the Skeleton Key. (map)
- Angeline's Aromatics — The alchemy shop in Solitude. (map)
- Castle Dour — A large fortress in Solitude, the headquarters of the Imperial Legion and residence of the Emperor in Skyrim. (map)
- The Katariah — The personal transport vessel of the Emperor, Titus Mede II. (map)
- Potema's Catacombs — A series of catacombs designed to house the Wolf Queen of Solitude. (map)
- Volkihar KeepDG — The home of the Volkihar vampire clan in Skyrim, located at Castle Volkihar on an island far west of Solitude. (map)
- Fort Snowhawk — A military fort located just west of Morthal. (map)
- Labyrinthian — A sprawling Nordic ruin in Hjaalmarch, containing the entrances to several indoor dungeon areas. (map)
- Lost Valkygg — A Nordic ruin, the entrance of which is in the exterior of Labyrinthian. (map)
- Movarth's Lair — A small cave north of Morthal inhabited by vampires. (map)
- Thaumaturgist's Hut — An alchemy shop in Morthal. (map)
The Pale
- Dawnstar Sanctuary — A disused Dark Brotherhood sanctuary located on the shore of the Sea of Ghosts near Dawnstar. (map)
- Forsaken Cave — A cave located west of Windhelm. (map)
- Fort Dunstad — A large fort occupied by bandits, located south of Dawnstar. (map)
- Hall of the Vigilant — A secluded lodge south-southwest of Dawnstar, home to the Vigilants of Stendarr. (map)
- Irkngthand — A large Dwemer ruin located far to the west of Windhelm and south of Lake Yorgrim. (map)
- The Mortar and Pestle — The alchemy shop in Dawnstar, located between Brina's House and Beitild's House. (map)
- Nightcaller Temple — A ruin located on the clifftop overlooking Dawnstar. (map)
The Reach
- Blind Cliff Cave — A cave southwest of Karthwasten along the banks of the Karth River containing Forsworn. (map)
- Burguk's Longhouse — The longhouse of Chief Burguk, located in the Orc stronghold of Dushnikh Yal. (map)
- Darkfall CaveDG — A cave located just southwest of the Orc stronghold Mor Khazgur. (map)
- Deepwood Vale — A Nordic ruin west of Solitude and far northeast of Markarth containing Forsworn. (map)
- Dushnikh Yal — A prosperous Orc stronghold southeast of Markarth, southwest of Karthspire. (map)
- Fort Sungard — A large Forsworn occupied fort located strategically at the crossroads between the Reach, Whiterun Hold, and Falkreath Hold. (map)
- The Hag's Cure — An apothecary in Markarth owned and operated by Bothela. (map)
- Hag's End — A small Nordic ruin with a few magic users present (witches, hags, and hagravens). (map)
- Hag Rock Redoubt — A small Nordic ruin located south of Markarth. (map)
- Harmugstahl — A ruined fort located north-northwest of Karthwasten and east of Dragontooth Crater. (map)
- Karthspire Camp — An open sprawling Forsworn encampment located northwest of Old Hroldan Inn. (map)
- Mor Khazgur — An Orc stronghold in the far northwest of Skyrim, west of Solitude and north of Markarth. (map)
- Shrine to Peryite — The shrine to the Daedric Prince, Peryite. (map)
- Sundered Towers — A pair of linked ruined Nordic towers inhabited by Forsworn and Hagravens (map)
- Understone Keep — An ancient Dwarven keep built into the mountainside, used as a palace by the Jarl of Markarth. (map)
- Valthume — An ancient barrow where ancient knowledge awaits and the restless dead still battle. (map)
The Rift
- Alchemist's Shack — A small wooden shack located between Haemar's Shame and Ivarstead. (map)
- Avanchnzel — A large Dwarven ruin filled with Dwarven automatons of all types. (map)
- Black-Briar Manor — The Black-Briars' residence in Riften. (map)
- Boulderfall Cave — A small cave inhabited by leveled necromancers. (map)
- Darklight Tower — A tower occupied by hagravens. (map)
- Elgrim's Elixirs — A damp alchemist's shop located on the lower level, by the canal that flows through the center of the city of Riften. Owned and run by Elgrim and his wife Hafjorg. (map)
- Forelhost — A ruined fortress on a peak southeast of Riften which contains a word wall for the Storm Call shout. (map)
- Fort DawnguardDG — A large fort southeast of Riften which serves as the Dawnguard's base of operations. (map)
- Largashbur — An accursed Orc stronghold in the Rift beset by giants. (map)
- Mistveil Keep — A castle located at the southern end of Riften. (map)
- The Ragged Flagon — An inn that is part of the Thieves Guild's headquarters. (map)
- The Ratway — A network of sewer tunnels running beneath Riften, and home to the Thieves Guild. (map)
- Redwater DenDG — A drug den hidden beneth a dilapidated shack, supplying Redwater skooma, located west of Autumnshade Clearing. (map)
- Sarethi Farm — A farm between Riften and Ivarstead that has learned to cultivate nirnroot. (map)
- Shroud Hearth Barrow — An ancient Nordic ruin located just northeast of Ivarstead. (map)
- Tolvald's Cave — A large cave in the Velothi Mountains, located northeast of Shor's Stone and south-southeast of Ansilvund. (map)
- Altar of Thrond — A landmark due west of the Temple of Miraak adjacent to a cave inhabited by hagravens. (map)
- Ashfallow Citadel — An old Imperial fort, currently being used as a base of operations by the Morag Tong. (map)
- Bloodskal Barrow — A small Nordic ruined barrow inhabited by reavers. (map)
- Damphall Mine — A large, partially flooded iron and silver mine containing reavers, located north of Bloodskal Barrow. (map)
- Edla's House — The home of Edla and Nikulas in Skaal Village. (map)
- Highpoint Tower — A ruined fort in the Ash Wastes northeast of Raven Rock and west of Tel Mithryn. (map)
- Ienth Farm — A farm owned by Garyn and Milore Ienth. (map)
- Raven Rock Mine — A mine located in the settlement of Raven Rock. (map)
- Shaman's Hut — A house in the southeastern part of Skaal Village. (map)
- Tel Mithryn Apothecary — The home of Elynea Mothren and where she practices her craft of growing fungi. (map)
- Temple of Miraak — A location in Solstheim dedicated to the dragon priest it is named after, Miraak. (map)
Whiterun Hold
- Arcadia's Cauldron — An alchemy shop in Whiterun's market area. (map)
- Broken Fang Cave — A small cave situated between Swindler's Den and Sunderstone Gorge. (map)
- Dragonsreach — The residence of the jarl of Whiterun Hold, the hold's seat of political power, and the location of the hold's jail. (map)
- Drelas' Cottage — An isolated cottage at the foot of a mountain in northern Whiterun Hold. (map)
- Dustman's Cairn — An ancient Nordic barrow located in the central tundra of Whiterun Hold. (map)
- Fellglow Keep — A huge fort east-northeast of Whiterun, and home to a group of renegade mages from the College of Winterhold. (map)
- Honningbrew Meadery — A small meadery owned by Sabjorn. It is located at the crossroad by the bridges to the southeast of Whiterun. (map)
- Rannveig's Fast — A Nordic ruin in the mountain range just south of Morthal, situated between Cold Rock Pass and Swindler's Den. (map)
- Sleeping Giant Inn — A small inn and tavern in the town of Riverwood. (map)
- Valtheim Towers — A pair of tall Nordic towers inhabited by bandits. (map)
- White River Watch — A small cavern located east-northeast of Honningbrew Meadery and southwest of the Ritual Stone. (map)
- Alftand — A large Dwarven ruin southwest of Winterhold. (map)
- Arch-Mage's Quarters — The area within the College of Winterhold in which its current Arch-Mage resides. (map)
- Blackreach — An immense, naturally lit cavern inhabited by hordes of Falmer and containing the ruins of a Dwemer city. (map)
- Hall of Countenance — The main living and sleeping quarters for most of the higher ranked mages of the College of Winterhold. (map)
- Hob's Fall Cave — A small cave on the coast between Winterhold and Dawnstar inhabited by leveled warlocks and skeletons. (map)
- Journeyman's Nook — A small and ancient Nordic shelter southeast of Winterhold. (map)
- The Midden — A medium-sized dungeon underneath the College of Winterhold containing the Atronach Forge and home to Augur of Dunlain, a former mage of the college. (map)
- Mount Anthor — A mountain southwest of Winterhold and west of the Shrine of Azura. (map)
- Saarthal — A medium-sized Nordic ruin southwest of Winterhold. (map)
Player Owned Houses
- Breezehome — A house that can be purchased in Whiterun. (map)
- Hjerim — The house in Windhelm you can purchase. (map)
- Honeyside — A two-story house in the northwest corner of Riften. (map)
- Proudspire Manor — A three-story house that can be purchased in Solitude. (map)
- Severin ManorDB — A home in Raven Rock, initially inhabited by Mirri, Tilisu, and Vendil Severin. (map)
- Vlindrel Hall — A house available for purchase in Markarth. (map)
- With the Hearthfire DLC, you can build a lab in any of your constructed homes, either in the Main Hall, or by building an Alchemy Laboratory.HF
- The player may clip through the alchemy lab, and appear to be standing in the middle. This has no effect on exiting or using the table. ?
- Sometimes after making many potions the lab doesn't let you select more ingredients. This is fixed simply by leaving it and then selecting it again. ?