Ficheiro:MW Map Ashlands.jpg
Map of the Ashlands
The Ashlands region is the largest contiguous geographical region on Vvardenfell—a dry, inhospitable wasteland characterized by clusters of stone obelisks; minimal, highly-adapted vegetation; and bubbling ash mires. It encompasses land from the Urshilaku Camp on the northern shore of the Sea of Ghosts, west to the Redoran Council seat Ald'ruhn, then south to where the slopes of Red Mountain level off into the lava fields of Molag Amur. The southern border runs on an approximate line from Foyada Mamaea, near Balmora, to the southern border of the Grazelands.
The mountainous region to the southeast of Molag Amur is sometimes considered part of the Ashlands because of the similarity of its ecology, but is generally flatter, with open lava flows. Also, the slopes of Red Mountain itself are a separate region, bound by the Ghostfence. Frequent ash storms limit visibility and spread the Blight, affecting almost every creature found in the region.
Only the western part of the Ashlands is under permanent control of House Redoran. The shrine in Maar Gan is an important Temple pilgrimage site, and the village's houses volunteer militia for the fight against the forces of Dagoth Ur. The nomadic Ashlander tribe of the Urshilaku hunt for game, forage, and their herds find sparse grazing around ragged tent villages in the far northwest, but there are small Ashlander camps throughout the area outside the Ghostfence. The rest of the region is embattled with infractions of rogue Telvanni, bandits, and even vampires trying to gain a foothold. The interior of the Ashlands is thus largely devoid of permanent, occupied settlements, with the citadel of Ghostgate being the major exception. This is due to the lack of water and vegetation in the area, as it rarely ever rains. Scattered throughout the land are various caves, eggmines, Daedric and Dwemer ruins, and wizards' towers. Common species of the Ashlands are rats, wild guars, bull and betty netch, alits, kagoutis and the ever-present cliff racers. While the region's soil is too poor for cultivation, tough native species such as trama, fire fern and occasional lichen scratch out a rough existence in the rocky ground and provide valuable substances for the creation of potions.
Ashlands Places
A list of places found in the Ashlands, Vvardenfell, Morrowind.
Cities and Settlements
Major Cities
Smaller Towns
- Ghostgate — A fortress that consists of two main towers, called Dusk and Dawn, connected by a hallway that acts as a Tribunal Temple. (map)
- Maar Gan — A small Redoran outpost and pilgrimage destination. (map)
Imperial Forts
- Buckmoth Legion Fort — An Imperial Legion Fort located near Ald'ruhn. (map)
Ashlander Camps
- Urshilaku Camp — The campsite of the Urshilaku Ashlander clan. (map)
House Strongholds
- Indarys Manor — A Redoran stronghold located on the site of Bal Isra, near Ald'ruhn and Maar Gan. (map)
Ancestral Tombs
- Aryon Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb in the southern Ashlands region. (map)
- Dareleth Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in the northeast Ashlands, west of Tel Vos. (map)
- Drath Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb southwest of the Urshilaku Camp in the Ashlands region. (map)
- Drinith Ancestral Tomb — The large tomb in the northern Ashlands, east-northeast of Kogoruhn. (map)
- Fadathram Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb south of the Ghostfence in the southern Ashlands region. (map)
- Helas Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb between the Ghostfence and Falensarano in the eastern Ashlands. (map)
- Indaren Ancestral Tomb — A Daedra-occupied tomb in the northern Ashlands. (map)
- Llando Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb in the northern Ashlands between the Urshilaku Camp and Valenvaryon. (map)
- Omalen Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb in the northern Ashlands, north of Kogoruhn and southeast of Valenvaryon. (map)
- Rothan Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb west of Maar Gan on the edge of the Ashlands region. (map)
- Salvel Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized tomb just inside the northeastern corner of the Ghostfence, northeast of Odrosal. (map)
- Sandus Ancestral Tomb — A large tomb just outside the eastern Ghostfence, northwest of Falensarano. (map)
- Saren Ancestral Tomb — A medium-sized, daedra-occupied tomb northeast of Moonmoth Legion Fort and northwest of Marandus. (map)
- Thalas Ancestral Tomb — A small tomb northeast of Moonmoth Legion Fort in the southern Ashlands. (map)
- Mamshar-Disamus Camp — An isolated Ashlander camp located just east of the ruins of Kogoruhn. (map)
- Abinabi — In the northwestern section of the Ashlands. (map)
- Bensamsi — A cave that has been taken over by the Sixth House. (map)
- Cavern of the Incarnate — A holy place dedicated to Azura in the northern Ashlands. (map)
- Dun-Ahhe — A medium-sized cavern located in the northeastern corner of the Ashlands. (map)
- Kora-Dur — A cave inhabited by the unique daedroth Menta Na. (map)
- Maran-Adon — A cave in the northeastern Ashlands. (map)
- Missamsi — A Sixth House base northeast of Moonmoth Legion Fort. (map)
- Odaishah — A small, isolated cave in the Ashlands region. (map)
- Odibaal — A small bandit cave located at the base of the Ashlands western mountain range. (map)
- Sanabi — A small isolated bandit cave deep in the Ashlands mountain range, far east of Caldera. (map)
- Sha-Adnius — A small slavers cave on the western edge of the Foyada Bani-Dad. (map)
- Sharapli — A Sixth House base just over the mountains east of Ghostgate. (map)
- Tin-Ahhe — A small smugglers' cave in the northeastern Ashlands. (map)
- Yesamsi — A small Necromancer's cave east of Ald Velothi. (map)
Daedric Ruins
- Assarnatamat — A shrine to Mehrunes Dagon on the Foyada Mamaea southeast of Caldera. (map)
- Assurnabitashpi — A shrine to Mehrunes Dagon west of the Urshilaku Camp. (map)
- Ebernanit — A shrine to Mehrunes Dagon southeast of the Valenvaryon stronghold, in the Ashlands. (map)
- Ramimilk — A shrine to Molag Bal southeast of Ald'ruhn. (map)
- Zergonipal — A shrine to Malacath near the beach, on the mainland just south of the Rotheran stronghold. (map)
Dunmer Fortresses
- Falasmaryon — A stronghold deep in the northern Ashlands, across the Foyada Bani-Dad from Maar Gan. (map)
- Kogoruhn — An ancient Dunmer stronghold, the location of which was lost with time. (map)
- Valenvaryon — A Dunmer stronghold that sits at the north edge of the Ashlands and is home to a colony of Orcs. (map)
Dwemer Ruins
- Bthuand — A Dwemer ruin in the north-central Ashlands just west of the daedric shrine of Zergonipal. (map)
- Bthungthumz — Located near the Urshilaku Camp, next to Druscashti. (map)
- Druscashti — A Dwarven Ruin located southwest of the Urshilaku Camp and northwest of Bthungthumz. (map)
- Ahanibi-Malmus Egg Mine — Located in the Ashlands southeast of Kogoruhn, just north of the Ghostfence, and south of Kora-Dur. (map)
- Akimaes-Ilanipu Egg Mine — Located just north of Falasmaryon. (map)
- Dunirai Caverns — A glass mine, southeast of Ghostgate. (map)
- Elith-Pal Mine — An ebony mine just to the west of the Zainab Ashlander camp. (map)
- Hairat-Vassamsi Egg Mine — An egg mine west-northwest of Maar Gan. (map)
- Halit Mine — A well-staffed glass mine northeast of Ghostgate. (map)
- Maelu Egg Mine — An abandoned egg mine northeast of Ghostgate. (map)
- Panabanit-Nimawia Egg Mine — A blighted egg mine just inside the Ghostfence, due east of Buckmouth Legion Fort. (map)
- Sudanit Mine — A Redoran-run ebony mine to the west of Ghostgate. (map)
- Sur Egg Mine — An egg mine southwest of Zainab Camp. (map)
Velothi Towers
- Shishara — A remote Velothi tower that can be found in the Ashlands. (map)
- Shishi — A Velothi tower located northwest of Maar Gan that appears to be the stumbling block between Telvanni and Redoran. (map)
Related Quests
A list of quests that take are related to the Ashlands, Vvardenfell, Morrowind.
Main Quest
- The Citadels of the Sixth House: Find the Ash Vampires to collect powerful artifacts and make your assault on Dagoth Ur himself.
- Meet Sul-Matuul: Travel to the northern coast to find out more about the Nerevarine Prophecies and how it relates to you.
- The Path of the Incarnate: You visit the Urshilaku Camp once again and must complete the Third Trial of the prophecy.
- Redoran Hortator: You must persuade House Redoran to recognize you as their Hortator.
- Sixth House Base: Dispose of a Sixth House base recently discovered near Gnaar Mok.
- Urshilaku Nerevarine: Talk to Sul-Matuul to be named Urshilaku Nerevarine.
- Zainab Nerevarine: You must travel to the Zainab camp and have them recognize you as the Nerevarine.
- Zainsubani Informant: Seek out Hassour Zainsubani in Ald'ruhn and ask him about the Ashlanders and the Nerevarine Cult.
Great House Quests
House Hlaalu
- Delivery for Bivale Teneran: Deliver orders to the clothier Bivale Teneran in Ald'ruhn.
- Disguise: Steal orders from Neminda in the disguise of a dead Redoran.
- Epony Trade: Convince Canctunian Ponius to buy Ebony from House Hlaalu, or shut down the Sudanit Mine.
- Kill Banden Indarys: Kill this Lord in his manor between Maar Gan and Ald'ruhn.
- Literacy Campaign: Find two books for the school in the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild.
- Shipment of Ebony: Smuggle some raw ebony to Ald'ruhn.
House Redoran
- Armor Repair Debts: Try to collect money owed by a Buoyant Armiger in their stronghold in Molag Mar.
- Ash Statue: Continue the investigation to find out how and why Varvur received an ash statue.
- Clear Varvur Sarethi's Name: Start the investigation into the murder of Sarethi's friend.
- Deliver Cure Disease Potion: Deliver a potion to Theldyn Virith in Ald Velothi.
- Escort to Koal Cave: Escort Tuveso's son on his pilgrimage to Koal Cave south of Gnisis.
- Evidence of Corruption: Recover proof of Hlaalu corruption in the Caldera Mining operation.
- Find Beden Giladren: Find another pilgrim who disappeared on his way to Maar Gan.
- Find Fedris Tharen: Find this pilgrim who disappeared on his way to the Koal Cave shrine.
- Find Mathis Dalobar: Find this missing trader around Ald'ruhn.
- Founder's Helm: Retrieve a helm stolen by Alvis in Balmora.
- Guard Sarethi Manor: Guard Athyn Sarethi from assassins in his Ald'ruhn manor.
- The Mad Lord of Milk: Calm an enraged inhabitant of Milk.
- Miner Arobar's Support: Find out what or who has been influencing Councilor Miner Arobar.
- Mission to Morvayn Manor: Recover an ash statue from this councilor's house now overrun by Corprus creatures.
- Mudcrab Pests: Take care of some mudcrabs that have been bothering Falen's guar herd.
- Nalvilie Saren: Find a lost love for Hlaren Ramoran.
- Ondres Nerano's Slanders: Defend your House honor.
- Recover Shields from Andasreth: Find four soldiers who disappeared in the Andasreth Stronghold.
- Rescue Varvur Sarethi: Rescue Sarethi's son being held in the Venim Manor.
- Shishi Report: Check on soldiers sent to this House outpost.
- Shurinbaal: Take care of some smugglers in Shurinbaal.
- Shut the Mines Down: Shut down the Caldera Mine for Garisa Llethri.
- Slay Dagoth Tanis: Kill this Dagoth at the bottom of the Falasmaryon Stronghold.
- Stronghold: Build your House stronghold, Indarys Manor, in three phases.
- Taxes from Gnisis: Retrieve some taxes from Hetman Abelmawia in Gnisis.
- Trouble with Bandits: Help Falen again by protecting her and her herd from bandits.
House Telvanni
- Dwemer Books: Find three rare books for Baladas in Gnisis.
- Auriel's Bow: Find the bow that smells like ash yams somewhere in Ghostgate.
- Mages Guild Monopoly: Convince three Redoran Councilors to support a proposal to allow House Telvanni to compete with the Mages Guild.
- Kill Banden Indarys: Kill a Redoran noble in his manor house.
- Dahrk Mezalf: Recover an ancient Dwemer ring from the ruins of Bthungthumz.
- Shishi: Rescue Faves Andas from Redoran forces northwest of Maar Gan.
Guilds' Quests
Fighters Guild
- The Code Book: Retrieve a code book held by Sottilde at the South Wall Cornerclub in Balmora.
- Desele's Debt: Collect some debt money from Helviane Desele in Suran.
- Silence Tongue-Toad: Silence an Argonian in Ald'ruhn for a reward.
- Lirielle's Debt: Retrieve 2000 gold of debt money from Lirielle in Ald'ruhn.
- Vandacia's Bounty: Collect the bounty on a tax lady in Seyda Neen.
- Alleius' Bounty: Collect another bounty on a judge in Ebonheart.
- The Necromancer of Vas: Clean out a den of Necromancers far north in the Sheogorad Region.
- Beneran's Bounty: Collect a bounty on the murderer Nerer Beneran in Sargon.
- Bandits in Suran: Get rid of some bandits in Suran for Avon Oran.
- Flin for Elith-Pal: Deliver a load of flin to the Elith-Pal Mine at the base of the Red Mountain.
- Remove Sjoring's Supporters: Kill a pair of corrupted Fighters Guild members.
- Remove the Heads of the Thieves Guild: Wipe out the three top bosses in the Thieves Guild.
- Kill Hard-Heart: Kill the Master of the Fighters Guild in Vivec.
- Sujamma to Dunirai: Deliver a load of sujamma to Nelacar at the Dunirai Caverns.
Mages Guild
- A Wizard's Staff: Procure a Wizard's Staff required for the rank of Wizard.
- Mystery of the Dwarves: Discover what really happened to the Dwemer.
- Kill Necromancer Tashpi Ashibael: Investigate a possible case of necromancy in Maar Gan.
- Catch a Spy: Search for a Telvanni spy who has infiltrated the Guild.
- Chronicles of Nchuleft: Search for the rare Dwemer book Chronicles of Nchuleft.
- A Potion from Skink-in-Tree's-Shade: Fetch a potion from the Sadrith Mora Guild hall.
- Steal Chimarvamidium: You are asked to 'borrow' a book from the Vivec Guild hall.
- Huleen's Hut: Investigate reports of disturbances from Huleen's Hut in Maar Gan.
- Return Chimarvamidium: Return the book you 'borrowed' from the Vivec Guild hall.
- Dwemer Tube from Arkngthunch-Sturdumz: Acquire a rare Dwemer Tube from Arkngthunch-Sturdumz.
- Nchuleftingth Expedition: Check on an expedition to the Dwemer ruin of Nchuleftingth.
- Scarab Plans in Mzuleft: Retrieve Dwemer plans from the ruins of Mzuleft.
- Bethamez: Retrieve some ancient Dwemer documents.
- Arch-Mage: Your final quest to replace Trebonius as the guildmaster of the Mages Guild.
Thieves Guild
- Loot the Mages Guild: "Borrow" a tanto from the Ald'ruhn Mages Guild.
- Redoran Master Helm: Stick it to a Redoran councilor by stealing his master helm.
- Naughty Gandosa: Steal a naughty little girl's book.
- Withershins: Pick up a copy of this rare book.
- Retrieve the Scrap Metal: Protect the Thieves Guild by making a Spider Centurion.
- The Darts of Judgement: Steal four daedric darts from a Redoran Guard.
- Redoran Cookbook: Steal the Redoran cooking secrets.
- Speak With Percius: Visit Percius in the Ald'ruhn Fighters Guild to learn information on the Camonna Tong.
- The Hlervu Locket: Steal a locket from a Redoran bigwig, and give it back to its owner.
- Enamor: Give a good man his dagger back.
- Books for Vala: Steal history books for an Imperial Cult priest.
Tribunal Temple
- Pilgrimages of the Seven Graces: Your first task is to visit seven shrines throughout the island.
- Compassion: Cure a mortal enemy of Blight to learn of compassion.
- False Incarnate: Investigate the claims of a possible Nerevarine in Suran.
- Pilgrimage to Maar Gan: Perform another pilgrimage to the shrine in Maar Gan.
- Dark Cult in Hassour: Destroy a dark Sixth House cult in the cave of Hassour.
- Cure the Outcast Outlander: Cure an ill Ashlander in his camp nearby.
- Food and Drink for the Hermit: Deliver some food to the hermit Sendas Sathis on Shuran Island.
- Hair Shirt of St. Aralor: Recover this lost relic from Kogoruhn.
- Cleaver of St. Felms: Recover this lost relic from Tureynulal.
- Crosier of St. Llothis the Pious: Recover yet another artifact in the crater of Red Mountain.
Morag Tong
- Writ for Odaishah Yasalmibaal: Execute Odaishah near Tel Fyr.
- Writ for Toris Saren: Execute Toris in Vivec.
- Writ for Sarayn Sadus: Execute Sadus in Zaintirari.
- Writ for Ethal Seloth and Idroso Vendu: Execute Vendu and Seloth in Temporary Housing in Vivec.
- Writ for Guril Retheran: Execute Guril, found in Vivec.
- Writ for Galasa Uvayn: Execute Galasa, found in Vivec.
- Writ for Mavon Drenim: Execute Drenim in Vivec.
- Writ for Tirer Belvayn: Execute Tirer in the dungeon of Shara.
- Writ for Mathyn Bemis: Execute Mathyn Bemis in Vivec.
- Writ for Brilnosu Llarys: Execute Llarys in the Hlormaren stronghold.
- Writ for Navil and Ranes Ienith: Kill these two brothers in the basement of the Dren Plantation Villa.
- Writ for Larrius Varro: Execute Larrius Varro in the Moonmoth Legion Fort.
- Writ for Baladas Demnevanni: Execute this powerful spellcaster in Gnisis.
- Writ for Dram Bero: Execute this Hlaalu council member in Vivec.
- Writ for Mistress Therana: Execute this loony Telvanni council member in Tel Branora.
- Threads of the Webspinner: Find 26 Sanguine items for Eno Hlaalu to receive a nice reward from Mephala.
Imperial Cult
- Buckmoth Alms: Visit the citizens of Ald'ruhn and collect donations for the Cult.
Imperial Legion
- Dwemer Artifacts at Drinar Varyon's Place: Find proof that Drinar Varyon in Ald'ruhn is a smuggler of Dwemer artifacts.
- Rescue Joncis Dalomax: Rescue this fellow knight being held in Ashurnibibi.
- Maiden's Token: Recover a maiden's embroidered gauntlet from Varona Nelas in Assumanu.
- Courtesy: Defend the Legion's honor from a Buoyant Armiger in Ghostgate.
- Molag Bal's Quest: Help deal with a lazy minion.
- The Boy Who Would Be Undead: Convince a young man in Ald'ruhn that Vampirism isn't all it's cracked up to be.
- Shashev's Key: Kill this rival mage for Sirilonwe in Vivec.
- Blood for Mistress Dratha: Steal a potion of Quarra blood for Mouth Raven Omayn in Sadrith Mora.
- The Imprisonment of Mastrius: Aid this vampire imprisoned in the Salvel Ancestral Tomb by Azura.
Aundae Clan
- The Vampire Hunter: Kill a vampire hunter from Ald'ruhn who has been seen near the headquarters.
- Blood Ties: Find out what happened to the Ancient's son after she became a vampire.
Berne Clan
- The Blood of the Quarra: Retrieve a potion of Quarra blood from their headquarters.
Quarra Clan
- The Cult of Lord Irarak: Kill this vampire in the Ginith Ancestral Tomb who thinks himself a god.
- The Quarra Amulet: Retrieve a number of ingredients for amulet making.
Miscellaneous Quests
- Hannat Zainsubani: Rescue this explorer from the Sixth House base of Mamaea.
- Ienas Sarandas: Help local merchants collect on overdue purchases.
- Sleepers Awake: Save several people from Dagoth Ur's spell.
- Strange Man at Gindrala Hleran's House: Kill the trespassing Dreamer in Gindrala Hleran's house.
- The Shirt of His Back: Take a vow to deliver these shirts to Ald'ruhn.
- The Weapon Delivery: Bring a delivery of weapons to Ald'ruhn for this lost trader.
- A Lucky Coin: A strange and very rare meeting at the Ghostgate.
- Viatrix, The Annoying Pilgrim: Escort this ungrateful snob to a shrine inside the Ghostfence.
- Divided by Nix Hounds: Reunite this couple after an attack by wild beasts.
- Kurapli Seeks Justice: Take vengeance for the death of Kurapli's husband by killing the outcast Zallay Subaddamael.
- The Imprisonment of Mastrius: Aid this vampire imprisoned in the Salvel Ancestral Tomb by Azura.
- Lead the Pilgrim to Koal Cave: Escort this poor shrine seeker to his destination.
Name | Race | Class | Faction | Level | Health | Magicka | Alarm | Fight | Location | Notes | |
Addarnat Assardidairan | Male | Dunmer | Scout | 12 | 128 | 104 | 0 | 90 | [6,9] | Trainer | |
Anasour Selitbael | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [5,13] | |||||||
Antu Assarrimisun | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [5,3] | |||||||
Assamanu Shashipal | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [-4,10] | |||||||
Badala Velothren | Female | Dunmer | Agent | 14 | 102 | 108 | 0 | 80 | [0,17] | Trainer | |
Berapli Ashumallit | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [5,2] | |||||||
Dakin Kuntarnammu | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [-2,11] | |||||||
Dissu Ashalkimallit | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [5,2] | |||||||
Drerel Indaren | Male | Dunmer | Commoner | 6 | 35 | 94 | 0 | 30 | [-4,7] | ||
Falanu Indaren | Female | Dunmer | Commoner | 5 | 63 | 88 | 0 | 30 | [-3,7] | ||
Fonus Rathryon | Male | Dunmer | Pilgrim | 7 | 82 | 94 | 0 | 30 | [-5,12] | ||
Iner Raledran | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [0,17] | |||||||
Kanat Assalatammis | Male | Dunmer | Scout | 6 | 83 | 92 | 0 | 90 | [-2,13] | Trainer | |
Mamaea Ularshanentus | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [-5,14] | |||||||
Man-Ilu Ashananapal | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [5,13] | |||||||
Manu Odirnapal | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [6,9] | |||||||
Mausur Assaplit | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [5,13] | |||||||
Mubdan Esurnadarpal | Male | Dunmer | Scout | 12 | 128 | 104 | 0 | 90 | [7,12] | Trainer | |
Mut Urshan-Adairan | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [6,9] | |||||||
Nirai Ashishpalirdan | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [-4,10] | |||||||
Nirait Shin-Ilu | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [-2,13] | |||||||
Nund Assurnipilu | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [5,4] | |||||||
Pilu Shilansour | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [-4,10] | |||||||
Salay Yessur-Disadon | Male | Dunmer | Scout | 7 | 90 | 94 | 0 | 90 | [5,4] | Trainer | |
Salmus Kaushmamanu | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [-5,14] | |||||||
Santinti Assarbeberib | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [7,12] | |||||||
Selk Muddumummu | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [5,3] | |||||||
Shali Assannabalit | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [5,2] | |||||||
Shamar gro-Ogar | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [-1,4] | |||||||
Shanit Ashar-Don | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [-5,14] | |||||||
Shirerib Ashi-Iddan | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [7,12] | |||||||
Telinturco | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [4,3] | |||||||
Tissamsi Asharapli | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [3,14] | |||||||
Undil | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [4,3] | |||||||
Viatrix Petilia | Female | Imperial | Pilgrim | Tribunal Temple (Acolyte) | 12 | 113 | 104 | 0 | 30 | [-3,5] | |
Yenabi Laserbillahemmi | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [5,4] | |||||||
Zairan Enturnabaelul | Male | Dunmer | Scout | 9 | 105 | 98 | 0 | 90 | [5,3] | Trainer | |
Zanat Assarnuridan | Male | Dunmer | Scout | 7 | 90 | 94 | 0 | 90 | [-2,11] | Trainer | |
Zebba Asharnalit | {{ }} | [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] | [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] | [3,14] |