House Telvanni | |
Locations: | |
Other Locations: Misc. Locations: |
Leaders: | |
Other Members: |
Favored Skills: | |
Favored Attributes: | |
Friends & Foes: | |
Ashlanders | -1 |
House Redoran | -1 |
House Hlaalu | -1 |
Imperial Cult | -1 |
Imperial Legion | -1 |
Tribunal Temple | -1 |
Vampires | -1 |
Sixth House | -3 |
Mages Guild | -3 |
- Os senhores-magos da Casa Telvanni se isolam tradicionalmente, obtendo sabedoria e maestria em solidão. Mas certos senhores-magos ambiciosos, seus partidários, e clientes têm adentraram totalmente na competição para explorar e controlar as terras e recursos de Vvardenfell, construindo torres e bases ao longo de toda a costa leste. De acordo com princípios Telvanni, os poderosos definem os padrões de virtude. — Grandes Casas de Morrowind
- "A Casa Telvanni alcança a disposição de meu irmão Sotha Sil - iconoclasta, profano, inconvencional." – Vivec
Casa Telvanni é uma das Grandes Casas de Morrowind. Ela governs o Distrito Telvanni do leste de Morrowind, e administers a porção leste do Distrito de Vvardenfell de seu assento do conselho em Sadrith Mora. A Casa é composta basicamente de magos egocêntricos e ambiciosos, e é conhecida por muitos como a Casa do mestre mago. Aqui, is comum subir nos níveis eliminando ou 'indispondo' outros membros. Dos senhores Telvanni, apenas Mestre Aryon de Tel Vos - the youngest and newest councilor - seems ser capaz de olhar além de seu próprio nariz para a necessidade do povo; o restante want pouco mais do que ser deixados sozinhos para seus estudos, pesquisas e ambições. Os outros membros are similarmente isolados em perspectiva e do ser presididos por nenhuma outra instituição, predominantemente a Guilda dos Magos.
Os Telvanni, em geral, do interagiam com outras Casas ou Guildas, do tinham muitos inimigos exceto pelos Abolicionistas e a Guilda dos Magos Imperial. Na Segunda Era, eles recusaram a se juntar ao Pacto Coração-Ébano, muito para o desgosto das outras casas. Na outra mão, os Telvanni do possuíam o ódio por vampiros que a maioria das facções have, e alguns de seus senhores e Bocais are voluntários em falar com eles; magos do temiam vampiros tanto quanto os outros do.
Para mais informações, veja o artigo de lore.
Joining House Telvanni
To join House Telvanni, travel to Sadrith Mora and speak with the Mouths in the Telvanni Council Hall.
Normally, you can join only one Great House in the game, but there is a way in which you can join both House Telvanni and House Hlaalu. For details on how to do this see the Redoran or Telvanni and Hlaalu article.
It should be noted that House Telvanni is the only house in Morrowind to tolerate vampires and even let them join their ranks.
Expelled from House Telvanni
If you are expelled, you can make amends with anyone ranked Mouth or above, except Therana. You can rejoin as many times as needed.
House Telvanni Ranks
Rank | Required Attributes | Required Skills |
0. Hireling | Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 | — |
1. Retainer | Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 10 |
2. Oathman | Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 20 |
3. Lawman | Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 30 and two at 5 |
4. Mouth | Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 | One skill at 40 and two at 10 |
5. Spellwright | Intelligence 31 Willpower 31 | One skill at 50 and two at 15 |
6. Wizard | Intelligence 32 Willpower 32 | One skill at 60 and two at 20 |
7. Master¹ | Intelligence 33 Willpower 33 | One skill at 70 and two at 25 |
8. Magister¹ | Intelligence 34 Willpower 34 | One skill at 80 and two at 30 |
9. Archmagister | Intelligence 35 Willpower 35 | One skill at 90 and two at 35 |
Note that you do not actually have to satisfy the requirements for Magister or Archmagister; as soon as you meet the requirements for Master, you will also be given the option to advance to Magister (which begins the quest Archmagister Gothren, automatically advancing you to Archmagister on completion.)
Bug: Some people have reported reaching the rank of Master in the House, then being unable to advance any further. For more details and tips on how to solve this, see below.
¹ Requires completion of Stronghold Phase 2. Until it completes Aryon will tell you that you must complete more quests.
House Telvanni Quests
General Quests and Information | |
Raven Omayn's Quests, Sadrith Mora | |
Arara Uvulas' Quests, Sadrith Mora | |
Felisa Ulessen's Quests, Sadrith Mora | |
Baladas Demnevanni's Quests, Gnisis | |
Mallam Ryon's Quests, Sadrith Mora | |
Galos Mathendis' Quests, Sadrith Mora | |
Therana's Quest, Tel Branora | |
Dratha's Quest, Tel Mora | |
Neloth's Quest, Tel Naga, Sadrith Mora | |
Aryon's Quests, Tel Vos | |
Fast Eddie's Quests, Sadrith Mora | |
House Telvanni Members
Telvanni Master 'Bug'
The bug/feature occurs when you try to advance to the last rank in the House and are told you cannot. It is supposed to start when you advance from the rank of Wizard when speaking to Master Aryon (in Tel Vos), use topic Magister:
- I can grant you the rank of Master now. That will give you an equal place on the Telvanni Council. But if you aspire to a higher claim, I can also grant you the title of Magister. By accepting the title of Magister, you are announcing that you deserve the title of Archmagister more than Gothren who currently holds that rank. Which will it be?
However, some people have mentioned that they have problems advancing to Archmagister even if they did not choose to have the one time advance to Master, which leaves them stuck at the rank of Magister. This problem comes from getting too many advancements. In particular, when you ask for advancement after you are a spellwright, but before you have recruited a Mouth, Master Aryon will promote you to Wizard. Then when you recruit your mouth, you'll be advanced to Master, and the game will assume you didn't want to be magister.
If you have the patch, an expansion, or Game of the Year Edition, there is a way around this. Speak to Aryon again (topic Magister again).
- You have foresworn the title of Magister... But perhaps you have changed your mind. Will you fight Archmagister Gothren and claim the title as your own?
You should choose to fight Gothren, kill him, and return to Aryon to be named as the Archmagister.
The last option for those playing the PC version of the game is to use the console. Open the console using the ~ tilde key and enter the command: PCRaiseRank "Telvanni"