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Quick Walkthrough
- Speak to Lloros Sarano for duties.
- Travel to Andasreth to find out what happened to some Redoran soldiers.
- Find the bodies of the Redoran soldiers and get their Redoran Banner Shields back.
- Report back to Lloros Sarano.
Detailed Walkthrough
Lloros Sarano in the Ald'ruhn Tribunal Temple will ask you to find out what happened to four Redoran soldiers who were sent to the Andasreth stronghold and have not returned. You must rescue them if they are alive or bring back their Redoran Banner Shields if they are dead.
The stronghold is in a caldera northwest of Gnaar Mok near the coastline; the easiest way to get there is to head due west from Drulene's guar farm. Unfortunately, all the soldiers are indeed dead and can be found in a locked room at the bottom level of the stronghold. Good Redorans will undoubtedly hunt down and kill every bandit therein in revenge.
Report back to Sarano with the four shields to complete the quest. As a reward you may choose to keep one of the shields. This can affect your disposition bonus received. If you choose to keep the shield the bonus is +15, if you choose to give the shield to Sarano the bonus is +5.
Quest Stages
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Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.
{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Recover Shields from Andasreth|HR_LostBanner}}
{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=Lloros Sarano asked me to return the House Redoran shields of the warriors who were sent to the stronghold of Andasreth. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=100|2=yes|3=I returned the House Redoran shields to Lloros Sarano. }}
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