There are several quests and artifacts related to a specific Daedric Shrine and the god (or Daedra) found within it.
Daedra Lord | Shrine Location | Reward | Description | Details |
Azura | Shrine of Azura | Sheogorath's Signet Ring Azura's Star |
Settle a bet between Azura and Sheogorath. | Azura's Quest |
Boethiah | Under the sea west of Ashurnibibi / Khartag Point (after the quest is completed). |
Goldbrand/Eltonbrand | Restore the glory of this forgotten Daedra Lord. | Boethiah's Quest |
Malacath | Assurdirapal | Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw | End the bloodline of a false hero. | Malacath's Quest |
Mehrunes Dagon | Yasammidan | Mehrunes' Razor | Retrieve a lost blade. | Mehrunes Dagon's Quest |
Mephala | Vivec Arena, Hidden Area | Ring of Khajiit | Take care of this "free agent" for the Morag Tong. | Mephala's Quest |
Molag Bal | Yansirramus | Mace of Molag Bal | Help deal with a lazy minion. | Molag Bal's Quest |
Sheogorath | Vivec St. Delyn, Ihinipalit | Spear of Bitter Mercy | Stick a fork in a Bull Netch to make sure it's done. | Sheogorath's Quest |