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Morrowind:Athyn Sarethi

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Athyn Sarethi (athyn sarethi)
Home City Ald'ruhn
House Sarethi Manor
Race Dunmer Gender Male
Level 18 Class Agent
Training Short Blade (70)
Light Armor (66)
Sneak (60)
Other Information
Health 128 Magicka 118
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Essential Yes
Faction(s) House Redoran Councilman(Councilman)
Athyn Sarethi

Athyn Sarethi is a Dunmer agent and a Councilor in House Redoran. He can be found in Ald'ruhn in the Sarethi Manor in the Manor District with his wife Domesea Sarethi. He offers major training in Short Blade, and medium training in Light Armor and Sneak. He has powerful enemies; not only has he fended off three Morag Tong attacks already (one of which you get to witness), but his son has just recently been kidnapped as well.

Athyn wears a chitin cuirass with matching greaves and boots and an extravagant robe with a matching belt. He carries the clearly misnamed Llethri Manor key and a dwarven shortsword. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related Quests

Main Quest

House Redoran

House Telvanni

  • Mages Guild Monopoly: Convince three Redoran Councilors to support a proposal to allow House Telvanni to compete with the Mages Guild.
