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Morrowind:Mages Guild

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Mages Guild

Other Officers:

Favored Skills:
Favored Attributes:
Friends & Foes:
Fighters Guild +1
House Hlaalu +1
Imperial Cult +1
Imperial Legion +1
Thieves Guild +1
Ashlanders -1
Camonna Tong -1
House Redoran -1
Vampires -1
Tribunal Temple -2
Sixth House -3
House Telvanni -3
MW-sign-Mages Guild.jpg

The Mages Guild is a professional organization, located throughout Tamriel, it is dedicated to the study and application of magicka and alchemy. Its charter from the Emperor specified that the guild must provide magic services to the public. Anyone can purchase potions, alchemical ingredients, magical items, and a selection of standard spells from the guild. However, training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the guild stewards are sometimes able to provide members with work. Furthermore, exclusive services such as spellmaking and enchanting — deemed potentially dangerous to the public at large — are only made available to higher-ranked guild members in good standing.

The Mages Guild is led by an Arch-Mage, and guided by the Council of Mages, made up of five archmagisters (including the Arch-Mage). The Arch-Mage and the Council of Mages are headquartered at the guild's Arcane University in the Imperial City. The Council decides important Guild policies, such as its policy on the use of necromancy and also administers recruitment, sale of spells in each local guild hall, and the enforcement of Guild law. In addition, guild halls exist in most cities in Tamriel, each of which is run by a local guildmagister.

The Mages Guild was founded by Vanus Galerion in the early years of the Second Era as a way of centralizing magic and thus moving away from the many separate groups (like the Psijic Order of which Galerion was a member) that had dominated the study of magic until that time. The Guild Halls were overseen by an Archmagister. Below him were the Master of Incunabula and the Master at Arms. The Master of Incunabula had a counsel of two, the Master of Academia and the Master of the Scrye. The Master at Arms also had a counsel, the Master of Initiates and the Palatinus (the leader of the local chapter of the Order of the Lamp). This hierarchy is not present in Morrowind, however. The rules of the Guild vary from location to location, some differences more drastic than others.

The Guild maintains five branches on Vvardenfell, and offers instantaneous transport between any branch via the Guild Guide system. The central guild hall is in Vivec, presided over by the officious, if not terribly efficient, Arch-Mage Trebonius Artorius. Look for other guild halls in Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Wolverine Hall and Caldera.

The Mages Guild obviously favor the magical related Skills such as Alchemy, Mysticism, Illusion, Alteration, Destruction and Enchant. The favored attributes are Intelligence and Willpower. The Mages Guild has slightly favourable relations with the Imperial Cult, Fighters Guild and the pro-Imperial House Hlaalu, but more unfavourable relations with House Redoran, and even hostile relations with the Tribunal Temple and especially with their mortal enemy, House Telvanni, whose goals for and attitudes toward mages and the magical arts conflict with the Guild's own (nevertheless it IS possible to join both with the exception of a single Mages Guild quest directly against the Telvanni, which doesn't need to be done).

Joining the Morrowind Mages Guild

Joining the Mages Guild is fairly simple: you need to talk to the right people. There are six people in Vvardenfell that can admit you to the Mages Guild:

Chat with any of these characters about joining the Mages Guild, and they will admit you as an Associate.

Expelled from the Mages Guild

If you are expelled from the Mages Guild, you will have to see Trebonius Artorius. When you speak to him about making amends, he will say: "Well, of course, %PCName. We value your membership as much as any %PCRank. Reflect on your failures. Time heals all things. In a week or two you will be a %PCRank in good standing. I am certain of it." If you speak to Trebonius after ten days have passed about making amends, he will say: "It has been a few days since your unfortunate behavior began. But I still believe you will soon be a member in good standing once more. Perhaps in another week." If you speak to Trebonius about making amends after twenty days have passed, he will say: "Yes, any day now the Mages Guild will review all those expelled from the ranks. If your case comes up, I will put in a good word for you." After thirty days have passed, you will be back in the Mages Guild as you were before you had gotten expelled. You can wait those thirty days; however, each day you visit or wait in a Mages Guild counts as three days. This means that if you wait in the Mages Guild or visit every day, you will regain membership in ten days. You can rejoin as often as you like, with the only expense being time. However, this script does not run in the Caldera Mages Guild, so you need to go to other Mages Guild halls for this process to work.

Guild Guides

In each of the five Mages Guild halls, the Guild Guide will provide instant transportation to any other Guild Hall for a small fee. Unlike silt strider and boat travel, it is instant, and does not take any game time. You may also take followers with you, unlike Propylon Chambers. The five Guild Guides are:

Masalinie Merian
Emelia Duronia
Flacassia Fauseius
Wolverine Hall

Mages Guild Supply Chest

Once you join the Mages Guild you also gain access to the supply chest which contains:

  • 3 Lesser Soul Gems
  • 5 Standard Fortify Willpower Potions
  • 10 Standard Restore Magicka Potions
  • 1 Scroll of Almsivi Intervention
  • 3 Scrolls of Daydene's Panacea
  • 1 Scroll of Divine Intervention
  • 2 random books

The container is found at the Guilds in Ald'ruhn, Balmora, Vivec and Wolverine Hall and respawns every 4 months by default.

Mages Guild Ranks

Rank Required Attributes Required Skills
0. Associate Intelligence 30 Willpower 30
1. Apprentice Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 10
2. Journeyman Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 20
3. Evoker Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 30 and two at 5
4. Conjurer Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 40 and two at 10
5. Magician Intelligence 31 Willpower 31 One skill at 50 and two at 15
6. Warlock Intelligence 32 Willpower 32 One skill at 60 and two at 20
7. Wizard Intelligence 33 Willpower 33 One skill at 70 and two at 25
8. Master Wizard Intelligence 34 Willpower 34 One skill at 80 and two at 30
9. Arch-Mage Intelligence 35 Willpower 35 One skill at 90 and two at 35

Note that gaining advancement at higher ranks may require the payment of guild dues (for example, to reach Conjurer requires a payment of 200 drakes).

Mages Guild Quests

General Quests and Information
  • A Wizard's Staff: Procure a Wizard's Staff required for the rank of Wizard.
  • Arch-Mage: Your final quest to replace Trebonius as the guildmaster of the Mages Guild.
Ajira's Quests, Balmora Guild
Ranis Athrys' Quests, Balmora Guild
Edwinna Elbert's Quests, Ald'ruhn Guild
Skink-in-Tree's-Shade's Quests, Wolverine Hall Guild
Trebonius Artorius' Quests, Vivec Guild
  If you complete this quest before finishing the Main Quest, the Main Quest will be impossible to finish as all of the NPCs involved are essential to the central storyline.

Mages Guild Members

Character Name   Race Class Ranking Location Comments
Edwinna Elbert Female&F Breton Mage 7 Wizard Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages
Heem-La Male&M Argonian Mage 4 Conjurer Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages Mage Service
Erranil Female&F Altmer Guild Guide 1 Apprentice Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages Guild Guide
Manis Virmaulese Male&M Breton Mage 1 Apprentice Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages
Orrent Geontene Male&M Breton Nightblade 1 Apprentice Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages Nightblade Service
Anarenen Male&M Altmer Alchemist 0 Associate Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages Alchemist Service,Trainer: Enchant, Conjuration, Alchemy
Tanar Llervi Female&F Dunmer Enchanter 0 Associate Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages Enchanter Service
Gilas Inlador Male&M Dunmer Sorcerer 3 Evoker Bal Fell, Outer Shrine
Darane Mencele Female&F Dunmer Sorcerer 2 Journeyman Bal Fell, West Wing
Murzush gra-Bulfim Female&F Orc Warrior 0 Associate Bal Fell, Outer Shrine
Urim gro-Bulag Male&M Orc Warrior 0 Associate Bal Fell, Outer Shrine
Durzub gro-Bogamakh Male&M Orc Barbarian 0 Associate Bal Fell, West Wing
Ranis Athrys Female&F Dunmer Nightblade 7 Wizard Balmora, Guild of Mages Nightblade Service, Trainer: Mysticism, Alteration, Illusion
Itermerel Male&M Altmer Mage 4 Conjurer Balmora, Eight Plates
Galbedir Female&F Bosmer Enchanter 2 Journeyman Balmora, Guild of Mages Enchanter Service, Trainer: Alchemy, Destruction, Unarmored
Estirdalin Female&F Altmer Mage 1 Apprentice Balmora, Guild of Mages Mage Service, Trainer: Destruction, Alteration, Illusion
Marayn Dren Male&M Dunmer Mage 1 Apprentice Balmora, Guild of Mages Mage Service, Trainer: Destruction, Mysticism, Alteration
Masalinie Merian Female&F Breton Guild Guide 1 Apprentice Balmora, Guild of Mages Guild Guide
Ajira Female&F Khajiit Alchemist 0 Associate Balmora, Guild of Mages Alchemist Service, Trainer: Enchant, Conjuration, Alchemy
Sharn gra-Muzgob Female&F Orc Healer 0 Associate Balmora, Guild of Mages Healer Service, Trainer: Alteration, Mysticism, Restoration
Folms Mirel Male&M Dunmer Enchanter 7 Wizard Caldera, Guild of Mages Enchanter Service
Emelia Duronia Female&F Imperial Guild Guide 2 Journeyman Caldera, Guild of Mages Guild Guide
Eraamion Male&M Altmer Nightblade 2 Journeyman Caldera, Guild of Mages Nightblade Service
Ernand Thierry Male&M Breton Alchemist 2 Journeyman Caldera, Guild of Mages Alchemist Service
Medila Indaren Female&F Dunmer Mage 2 Journeyman Caldera, Guild of Mages Mage Service, Trainer: Destruction, Alteration, Mysticism
Chanil-Lee Female&F Argonian Sorcerer 2 Journeyman Ebonheart, Six Fishes Trainer: Mysticism, Enchant, Destruction
Dead Hero Male&M Redguard Witchhunter 8 Master Wizard Endusal, Kagrenac's study
Dead Hero Male&M Altmer Sorcerer 8 Master Wizard Kogoruhn, Hall of Maki
Listien Bierles Male&M Breton Sorcerer 1 Apprentice Maar Gan, Huleen's Hut
Senilias Cadiusus Male&M Imperial Mage 6 Warlock Nchuleftingth, Upper Levels
Skink-in-Tree's-Shade Male&M Argonian Sorcerer 8 Master Wizard Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild Trainer: Speechcraft (Master), Mysticism, Enchant
Procyon Nigilius Male&M Imperial Mage 6 Warlock Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild Trainer: Destruction, Alteration, Illusion
Tenyeminwe Female&F Altmer Battlemage 4 Conjurer Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
Natalinus Flavonius Male&M Imperial Battlemage 3 Evoker Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
Arielle Phiencel Female&F Breton Nightblade 1 Apprentice Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild Nightblade Service
Dabienne Mornardl Female&F Breton Enchanter 1 Apprentice Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild Enchanter Service
Iniel Female&F Altmer Guild Guide 1 Apprentice Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild Guild Guide
Tusamircil Male&M Altmer Alchemist 1 Apprentice Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild Alchemist Service
Uleni Heleran Female&F Dunmer Mage 1 Apprentice Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild Mage Service
An-Zaw Male&M Argonian Nightblade 1 Apprentice Suran, Suran Tradehouse Trainer: Illusion, Mysticism, Alteration
Emusette Bracques Female&F Breton Spellsword 2 Journeyman Tel Aruhn, Plot and Plaster Trainer: Restoration, Alteration, Destruction
Barnand Erelie Male&M Breton Healer 1 Apprentice Tel Branora, Sethan's Tradehouse Trainer: Mysticism, Restoration, Alteration
Trebonius Artorius Male&M Imperial Battlemage 9 Arch-Mage Vivec, Guild of Mages
Malven Romori Female&F Dunmer Mage 7 Wizard Vivec, Guild of Mages Mage Service
Sirilonwe Female&F Altmer Nightblade 4 Conjurer Vivec, Guild of Mages Nightblade Service
Janand Maulinie Female&F Breton Enchanter 2 Journeyman Vivec, Guild of Mages Enchanter Service
Craetia Jullalian Female&F Imperial Alchemist 1 Apprentice Vivec, Guild of Mages Alchemist Service
Flacassia Fauseius Female&F Imperial Guild Guide 1 Apprentice Vivec, Guild of Mages Guild Guide