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Magnus, Magus

Magnus, also known as the god of magic, was a prominent et'Ada, one of the Original Spirits. During the Dawn Era, Lorkhan persuaded Magnus and several other et'Ada to help create the mortal plane, Mundus. Magnus was said to have been the architect of Mundus, as he created the schematics and diagrams needed to construct it.

As Mundus began to form, it became evident that many of the et'Ada would be required to sacrifice much of their power in order to form the mortal plane. As their aspects began to die off, many of the et'Ada vanished completely. Magnus decided to terminate the project. He fled to Aetherius in the last of Mundus' birth-pains, and his departure tore a hole which became Nirn's sun, itself known as Magnus.

Magrus, Cat's Eye, Sun God

Khajiiti version of Magnus, god of sun and magic, popular with Khajiiti magicians. He is the child of Ahnurr and Fadomai. He was born third.


Malacath é o Príncipe Daédrico cuja esfera é a proteção dos desprezados e oprimidos, o guardião do Voto Juramentado, e da Maldição de Sangue. Malacath foi criado quando Boethiah comeu o espírito ancestral Altmeri, Trinimac, por mais que Malacath que este conto é muito "literal". Seguidores devotos elfos de Trinimac se tornaram os Orsimer ("Povo Pária" em Élfico), ou Orcs. Alguns discordam, dizendo que Trinimac ainda existe e Malacath é uma entidade separada. Malacath não é reconhecido como um Lorde Daédrico por seus semelhantes, o que encaixa perfeitamente a sua esfera. Os Dunmer dizem que ele é também Malak (ou Malauch), o deus-rei dos Orcs e um dos Quatro Cantos da Casa dos Problemas que testa os Dunmer para fraquezas físicas. Outros nomes incluem "Mauloch", o "Deus das Maldições", "Orkey", "Velho Batente" ou "Pai-Orc". Malacath despreza fraqueza física, daí a força acima da média das criaturas associadas a ele. Os horríveis e estúpidos Ogrims são os serventes dste "daedra maligno".

Malacath é aliado de Mephala e seu inimigo é Ebonarm. Seu dia de invocação é o 8o da Geada de Outono. Seu plano de Oblivion é Ashpit, descrito por consistir de nada mais que areia, palácios de fumaça e criaturas de vapor: "angústia, traição e promessas quebradas como cinza que preenche o ar amargo". Levitação e respiração mágica são essenciais para a sobrevivência lá. O santuário de Malacath em Cyrodiil, onde é representado como um Orc musculoso pronto para atacar com uma pesada arma, é inteiramente patrocinado por Orcs que odeiam "pessoas bonitas".

Para mais informações veja o artigo principal da lore.

Malak, God-King of the Orcs

Rumored to be Malacath.

Malooc, Horde King

An enemy god of the Ra Gada. Led the goblins against the Redguards during the First Era. Fled east when the army of the HoonDing overtook his goblin hordes.

Mara, Goddess of Love

Mara, Goddess of Love, patron of the bountiful earth, and source of mortal compassion and understanding. Nearly revered as a universal goddess, her origins are in mythic times as a fertility goddess. In Skyrim, Mara is a handmaiden of Kyne. In the Empire, she is Mother-Goddess, worshipped at the Benevolences of Mara. She is sometimes associated with Nir of the 'Anuad', the female principle of the cosmos that gave birth to creation. Depending on the religion, she is either married to Akatosh or Lorkhan, or the concubine of both. She gave the Nerevarine her blouse and skirt.

Masser, Big Moon God

A maior das luas de Nirn, Masser, ou Jode, é conhecida como um dos espíritos correspondentes ao plano mortal, e por isso é temporal e sujeita aos limites da mortalidade. Masser, que existe como um plano separado, há muito tempo pereceu; foi a morte de Masser que levou os mortais a perceber que ela tinha tanto textura quanto tamanho limitado, assim como uma tonalidade vermelha, as quais são o resultado do declínio de seu revestimento anterior em puro branco.

Embora considerada por várias culturas como um espírito assistente de um dos planeta deus, um deus menor ou deus estrangeiro, Secunda não é exibida dentro de planetários Dwemer, nem mesmo detém uma posição no panteão Imperial. Na cultura Khajiiti, andar o Caminho de Jode é um passo necessário ao Campeão Lunar que deseja se tornar Juba. Sob a influência de vapores de açúcar lunar, o Lunar Sagrado guia o Campeão Lunar por um aspecto de Masser conhecido como Semi-Plano de Jode, que se transforma pra mostrar visões do futuro a estes que cumprem o caminho.

Mannimarco, King of Worms

Mannimarco, an Altmer lich, is the leader of the Order of the Black Worm and an enemy of the Mages Guild. He is also known as The King of Worms, though it is unknown whether that title is specific to him or if he holds it as the leader of his cult of necromancers. Around 3E 433, he launched an all-out attack against the Mages Guild in Cyrodiil. Though his initial attacks were successful, his cult failed to destroy the Mages Guild, and Mannimarco was killed by the Mages Guild's newest Arch-Mage with the help of the previous Arch-Mage, Hannibal Traven.

For more information, see the full lore article.

Mauloch, Mountain Fart

Another name for Malacath or an aspect of him. An Orcish god of the Velothi Mountains, Mauloch troubled the heirs of King Harald for a long time. Fled east after his defeat at the Battle of Dragon Wall, circa 1E 660. His rage was said to fill the sky with his sulfurous hatred, later called the "Year of Winter in Summer", referring to the famed eruption of Red Mountain. The "Myth of Mauloch" a little-known legend which says, in part, that the Orcs had been nomads for two hundred years before the first founding of Orsinium.

Mehrunes Dagon

Mehrunes Dagon is the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Change, Revolution, Energy, and Ambition. He is associated with natural dangers like fire, earthquakes, and floods. He is an especially important deity in Morrowind, where he represents its near-inhospitable terrain as one of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles. In most cultures, though, Dagon is merely a god of bloodshed and betrayal. Dagon's plane of Oblivion is known as the Deadlands. As the name suggests, they are barren wastelands, consisting of blackened isles in a sea of lava. The Dremora, Clannfear and Scamps are among his servants.

For more information, see the main lore article.

Mephala, Androgyne, the Spider God

Mephala is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is obscured to mortals, also known by the names Webspinner, Spinner, Spider, Teacher of the Secret Arts, Queen of the Eight Shadows of Murder and the Anticipation of Vivec. Unlike many other Daedric Princes, who almost always appear as the same gender (e.g. Azura is always female, Sheogorath is always male), Mephala appears as either male or female depending on whom the Daedric Prince wishes to ensnare (though she's typically female). Mephala's only consistent theme seems to be interference in the affairs of mortals for amusement. Mephala's sphere seems to indicate a careful plan carried out through executions, each life a portion of a massive web. It is little wonder that Hermaeus Mora, the "Demon of Knowledge", is considered Mephala's sibling.

Her realm of Oblivion is the Spiral Skein.

Mephala sees the affairs of mortals as a weave; pull but one thread and the whole thing unravels. The Dunmer associate Mephala with more simple concepts—lies, sex, and murder. Mephala directly helped to found the infamous cult/society of the Morag Tong, and they claim to murder for the daedra's glory. Some scholars also argue that when the Morag Tong was banished from the rest of Tamriel, they were allowed to continue to operate in Morrowind when they replaced their worship of Mephala with that of Vivec. As a reaction to this, the Dark Brotherhood was formed, being led by the mysterious Night Mother, who some insist is just another form of Mephala.

For more information, see the main lore article.

Meridia, Prince of Living Energies

Meridia, Lady of Infinite Energies, also known as the Glister Witch, is an obscure Daedric Prince, associated with the energies of living things. Meridia has a great and everlasting hatred for the undead and will greatly reward any who eliminate them from the world. Meridia is one of the few Daedric Princes who is usually not considered to be wholly evil. However, in the Iliac Bay area, she is known as the Daedra Lady of Greed and as an avid collector of human specimens.

Meridia (originally known as Merid-Nunda) was believed to have been a Magne-Ge, a family of divine beings that fled to Aetherius soon after the creation of Mundus. For supposedly consorting with illicit spectra, she was cast out of Aetherius and took the mantle of a Daedric Prince. She created her realm of Oblivion, known as the Colored Rooms, by bending and shaping the rays of light from Magnus, the sun. Mankar Camoran (incorrectly) attributed Coldharbour to her, which is the realm of Molag Bal, one of her enemies (along with Ebonarm). Her realm is inhabited by the Aurorans. Some Daedra Seducers are also in her service.

She was responsible for the destruction of the Ayleid city of Abagarlas. Her day of summoning is the 13th of Morningstar. She granted immortality to her champion, Umaril the Unfeathered, the ancient Ayleid enemy of Pelinal Whitestrake. Her Aurorans and Umaril returned during the time of the Oblivion Crisis to seek vengeance on the Divines. To the Ayleids, she was the personification of their fourth element, light.

For more information, see the main lore article

Molag Bal

Molag Bal é o Príncipe Daédrico cuja esfera é a dominação e a escravização dos mortais. Ele é conhecido como o Deus dos Esquemas, o Rei do Estupro, o Ceifador de Almas, o Senhor da Brutalidade e o Príncipe da Fúria. His main desire is to harvest the souls of mortals and to bring them within his sway by spreading seeds of strife and discord in the mortal realms. One legend claims that Molag Bal created the first vampire when he raped a Nedic virgin, who in turn slaughtered a group of nomads. He also made pacts with other mortals and turned them into vampires such as Lord Harkon and his family. Thus it is implied Lord Harkon and his family are the original Volkihar Clan of vampires being directly turned by the Daedric Prince himself. He is a Daedric power of much importance in Morrowind, where he is always the archenemy of Boethiah, the Prince of Plots. Other enemies are Ebonarm, Meridia, and Mephala, and is allied with Azura. His summoning day is Chil'a. In Aldmeris, his name means Fire Stone.

Molag Bal's plane of Oblivion is Coldharbour. The book The Doors of Oblivion says that his plane resembles a copy of Nirn, including the Imperial Palace, but all desecrated and ruined. The ground is sludge, the sky is on fire, and the air is freezing. The Daedroths are typically counted among his servants.

For more information, see the main lore article.

Morihaus, First Breath of Man

Morihaus, also known as Morihaus-Breath-of-Kyne or the "First Breath of Man", was a demigod and early cultural hero of the Cyro-Nordics. Legend portrays him as the taker of the "Citadel" (the White-Gold Tower), an act of mythic times that established human control over the Nibenay Valley. He is often associated with the thu'um, and therefore with Kyne (or Kynareth to Imperial scholars). He was the consort of Saint Alessia, and wore the Lord's Mail, which is also known as the Armor of Morihaus.

Morihaus was, apparently, a winged man-bull. Several tales speak of the hoop ring he wore in his nose. That the "man-bull" Morihaus was the son of Kyne is called a "solid truth", though when Alessia sought guidance from the "Handmaiden" (believed to be Mara), the Slave-Queen intoned, "Morihaus, your son, mighty and snorting, gore-horned, winged, when next he flies down, let him bring us anger". Legend also holds that Alessia flew atop him. He is said to have greeted the arrival of Pelinal Whitestrake with excited stomping and bellowing. When Morihaus was injured by a "volley of bird beaks", Pelinal carried "the bull" to a Nedic healer.

Pelinal loved Morihaus greatly and treated him like family, calling him "nephew". While he was a great leader and fighter like Pelinal, Morihaus never fell to the madness which afflicted the elder warrior. In a rare piece of advice, Pelinal counseled Morihaus against pursuing his love for Alessia, saying, "We are ada, Mor, and change things through love. We must take care lest we beget more monsters on this earth. If you do not desist, she will take to you, and you will transform all Cyrod if you do this." Morihaus rejected the advice as "impossible" to follow. After Pelinal was killed in his battle with Umaril the Unfeathered, Morihaus found his dismembered head, still able to talk, and the two had a conversation largely lost to history.

The Adabal-a, one of the oldest written accounts from the First Era, is traditionally believed to be the memoirs of Morihaus. It includes all or part of Pelinal's final conversation with the "winged-bull". Morihaus chided his "uncle" for going beyond Alessia's counsel and getting himself killed, but predicted the "blood-made-glorious" warrior would come again. Pelinal warned Morihaus that Umaril still lived and would return. Morihaus out-lived his love Paravania, as he called Alessia, who died in 1E 266. When (or if) the demigod died is unknown.

Morwha, Yokudan Fertility Goddess

Yokudan fertility goddess. Fundamental deity in the Yokudan pantheon, and the favorite of Tall Papa's wives. Still worshipped in various areas of Hammerfell, including Stros M'Kai. Morwha is always portrayed as four-armed, so that she can 'grab more husbands'. Morwha's shrine is in the shape of a beehive.

Muluk, God of the Goblins

Muluk is speculated to be a god worshipped by goblins, invoked during rituals by their tribal shamans. It is thought that he is related to the Orcish god Mauloch.
