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Hermaeus Mora

Hermaeus Mora (or Herma-Mora, among others[nb 1]) is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is the scrying of the tides of Fate, of the past and future as read in the stars and heavens, and in whose dominion are the treasures of knowledge and memory. He describes himself as "The riddle unsolveable. The door unopenable. The book unreadable. The question unanswerable." He is vaguely related to the cult origins of the Morag Tong if only by association with his sibling, Mephala. Apocrypha is Hermaeus Mora's plane of Oblivion, an endless library where all forbidden knowledge can be found. The books all have black covers with no titles, and the library is haunted by ghosts forever searching for knowledge. Unlike most Princes, Hermaeus Mora does not take on a humanoid form at all, manifesting instead as grotesque assemblages of eyes, tentacles, and claws, or a featureless purple vortex known as the Wretched Abyss. His servants include Seekers and Lurkers.

For more information, see the main lore article.


Hircine is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is the Hunt, the Sport of Daedra, the Great Game, the Chase, and is known as the Huntsman and the Father of Manbeasts. Hircine created the various therianthropic diseases which transform mortals into beasts, and is therefore the guardian of were-creatures. They reflect his sphere admirably, hunting at night and being hunted by day. Hircine's existence appears to have been discovered later than other Daedric Princes, as he doesn't appear in the most ancient records and summonings of him were rare or non-existent. Hircine is a sportsman who enjoys giving his prey a chance for victory, however small. He is typically portrayed with a great spear and either the head or skull of a deer. Hircine's enemy is Ebonarm and his summoning day is 5th of Mid Year.

For more information, see the main lore article.

HoonDing, the Yokudan Make Way God

Yokudan spirit of 'perseverance over infidels'. The HoonDing has historically materialized whenever the Redguards needed to 'make way' for their people. In Tamrielic history this has only happened three times: twice in the First Era during the Ra Gada invasion in the form of Hunding and Diagna, and once more during the Tiber Wars. In this last incarnation, the HoonDing was said to have been "either a sword or a crown, or both", implying that HoonDing was either the young Redguard Crown Cyrus, or the sword enchanted with the soul of the last heir to the throne of Hammerfell prince A'Tor, or, of course, both of them together.

House of Troubles

A Casa dos Problemas (também conhecida como Daedra Malignos) é o termo Dunmer (e antes disso Velothi) para quatro dos Lordes Daedra: Mehrunes Dagon, Sheogorath, Malacath e Molag Bal. Estes príncipes são os Daedra Malignos como introduzidos aos Chimer pelos ensinamentos de São Veloth. Rebeldes cujo propósito é testar a resolução e fé dos mortais, também são conhecidos como Quatro Cantos da Casa dos Problemas. Antigos e alienígenas templos dedicados a sua adoração podem ser encontrados por Morrowind.

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