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Existem dez raças jogáveis em Skyrim, cada uma com capacidades e poderes únicos, assim como um bônus de +10 para uma habilidade e bônus de +5 para outras cinco habilidades. A raça é a única escolha no processo de criação de personagem que afeta as habilidades e capacidades dos jogadores. As raças podem ser organizadas em três categorias:

Humanos Mer (Elfos) Bestas


A tabela a seguir resume as diferenças entre as dez raças. Detalhes completos dos poderes e capacidades estão disponíveis em suas páginas individuais.

Raça Homem Mulher Terra Natal Capacidade Poderes Bônus Iniciais Altura (H) Altura (M)
(High Elves)
60px 60px Ilha do Semprestio +50 Mágicka Highborn
  • Regenera mágicka 25x mais rápido por 60 segundos, uma vez ao dia.
1.08 1.08
60px 60px Black Marsh Histskin
  • Recover health 10x faster for 60 seconds, once per day
1.01 1.00
(Wood Elves)
60px 60px Valenwood Command Animal
  • Make an animal an ally for 60 seconds, once per day
0.98 1.00
60px 60px High Rock Resist Magic 25% Dragonskin
  • Absorb 50% of the magicka from hostile spells for 60 seconds, once per day
1.00 0.95
(Dark Elves)
60px 60px Morrowind Resist Fire 50% Ancestor's Wrath
  • Opponents getting too close take 8 points of fire damage per second for 60 seconds, once per day
1.00 1.00
60px 60px Cyrodiil Imperial Luck
  • Imperials always find more gold.
Voice of the Emperor
  • Calms nearby people for 60 seconds, once per day
1.00 1.00
60px 60px Elsweyr Claws
  • Claws do 12 damage.
Night Eye
  • Improved night vision for 60 seconds, can be used multiple times a day.
1.00 0.95
60px 60px Skyrim Resist Frost 50% Battle Cry
  • Targets flee for 30 seconds, once per day
1.03 1.03
60px 60px Orsinium None Berserker Rage
  • You take half damage and do double damage for 60 seconds, once per day
1.045 1.045
60px 60px Hammerfell Resist Poison 50% Adrenaline Rush
  • Stamina regenerates 10x faster for 60 seconds, once per day
1.005 1.00


  • The movement speed of each race is dependent on its height. High Elves have the largest speed multiplier due to being the tallest race, with Orcs being second tallest.
  • There are minor dialogue differences depending on what race you choose. For example, many people in the game will respond positively to you if you are a Nord but negatively if you are a Dunmer.
  • Although the in-game text says "Khajiit claws do 15 points of damage.", the actual effect magnitude is only 12 points.
  • Along with information like height or skill bonuses a weight value can be found in the game data. The meaning or impact of that value is unclear. However, it seems to have an impact on how easily a race is ragdolled or moved.
Weight Altmer Argonian Bosmer Breton Dunmer Imperial Khajiit Nord Orc Redguard
Female 0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Male 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 1

Raças Não-Jogáveis

Other NPC races that exist in the game, but are not available to the player, are:

All other races in the game are considered to be Creatures (every variety of creature has its own race), but are not detailed here because those races are not NPCs.