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A Embaixada Thalmor em Skyrim

O Thalmor é o governo conjunto do terceiro Domínio Aldmeri, e de acordo com Ondolemar, representa uma aliança entre a raças regentes Altmer e Bosmer. Um regime militarista fundado nas crenças de supremacia racial, o Thalmor procuram avançar seu poder e influência em Tamriel com a intenção específica de estabelecer a superioridade racial de Mer sobre Homem, "um século de cada vez". Em Arcéu, eles mantêm uma embaixada nas montanhas com vista para Solitude, estão no controle do Paço Vigia do Norte (usado como um centro secreto de detenção para seus prisioneiros políticos) e possuem um prédio não utilizado reservado para eles pelo Império dentro das muralhas da cidade de Solitude. Patrulheiros Thalmor podem ser encontrados viajando pelas estradas, às vezes com um prisioneiro Nord escoltado, e entrando em combate com qualquer Tempesmanto que seja avistado. Embora não seja imediatamente hostil a você, conversar com eles revelará sua natureza antagônica e escolher certas opções de diálogo (particularmente sobre o tema de adoração a Talos) pode torná-los hostis à você. O esquadrão assassino de Thalmor também pode rastreá-lo nas selvas, proclamando "Contemple o futuro! Contemple o Thalmor!" ao atacar.

Visão geral

Antes da presente Arcéu, o Domínio Aldmeri e o Império travaram um conflito devastador conhecido como Grande Guerra. O Domínio saqueou a Cidade Imperial e manteve-a sob ocupação por dois anos antes que o Império pudesse montar um contra-ataque e reclamar a cidade para si. Com o Império muito enfraquecido após essas campanhas, um tratado de paz conhecido como o Tratado Ouro-Branco foi negociado. O tratado de Ouro-Branco proibiu a adoração a Talos, dissolveu os Lâminas, e forçou o Império a ceder boa parte do sul de Martelfell ao Domínio Aldmeri. O Thalmor criou então várias embaixadas nas províncias imperiais, como a de Skyrim, da qual seus patrulheiros e outros agentes mantêm os governos provinciais locais controlados e aplicam os termos do Tratado Ouro-Branco.

De acordo com Ondolemar, o Thalmor foram os "Vencedores da Grande Guerra" e a única razão pela qual o Império ainda existe é porque eles "permitem a sua existência".


Elenwen, líder do Thalmor em Skyrim
Name Location Description
Ancano College of Winterhold Thalmor advisor to the Arch-Mage.
AncarionDB Northshore Landing Leader of the Thalmor on Solstheim.
Elenwen Thalmor Embassy First Emissary to Skyrim.
Estormo Labyrinthian Thalmor agent, second to Ancano.
Gissur Thalmor Embassy Undercover Thalmor agent sent to track you down.
J'datharr Outside Windhelm Stables Thalmor assassin sent to kill Malborn.
Agent Lorcalin Shrine of Talos at White River Gorge Thalmor agent sent to kill Talos worshippers.
Ondolemar Understone Keep Commander of the Justiciars assigned to Markarth.
Northwatch Guard Northwatch Keep Guards the front gate from possible trespassers.
Northwatch Interrogator Northwatch Keep Justiciar in charge of interrogations at Northwatch Keep.
Rulindil Thalmor Embassy Third Emissary to Skyrim. In charge of interrogations.
Shavari Riften Thalmor assassin sent to kill you.
Tsavani Thalmor Embassy Thalmor Embassy's cook.
Captain Valmir Forelhost An undercover Thalmor agent.
Agent Sanyon Southwest of the Guardian Stones (map) Dead Thalmor agent near a Talos shrine.

Membros genéricos do Thalmor

Name Class Location
Northwatch Archer Thalmor Archer Northwatch Keep
Northwatch Guard Thalmor Warrior Northwatch Keep
Northwatch Mage Thalmor Wizard Northwatch Keep
Thalmor Archer Thalmor Archer Skyrim
Thalmor Soldier Thalmor Warrior Skyrim
Thalmor Wizard Thalmor Wizard Skyrim

Thalmor come in three different types, with names based on their location. The type you encounter does not depend on your level, the only differences being in their armor, weapons, health, and magic. The boss in any encounters will always be a Wizard. Though the lore states that the Thalmor are a union between Altmer and Bosmer, all Thalmor NPCs seen in Skyrim are Altmer.


Justiciars are the official enforcers of the terms of the White-Gold Concordat, specifically enforcing the ban on the worship of Talos. They can be randomly encountered wandering the countryside accompanied by Thalmor Warriors. You have the option of talking to them and discussing various topics. Telling them that you worship Talos, support freedom of religious belief, or lingering too long near one will provoke them into attacking you. They can either be Warriors or Wizards, and will be equipped as such.


Arqueiros Thalmor

Thalmor Archers use elven or glass bows and arrows and wear light elven or glass armor depending on your level. They carry a leveled dagger (steel, elven, or glass) and a random selection of gems, food, drink, and gold.

A male Thalmor archer preparing to fire
 BaseID Raw Health Raw Magicka Spells
1 Female&F 00072884
Male&M 0002b127
127 56 Bound Sword, Fast Healing, Highborn
12 Female&F 00072aa8
Male&M 00072af6
249 72 Bound Sword, Fast Healing, Highborn
20 Female&F 0007d963
Male&M 0007d964
371 88 Bound Sword, Fast Healing, Highborn
28 Female&F 0007d968
Male&M 0007d969
493 104 Bound Sword, Fast Healing, Highborn
36 Female&F 0007d96d
Male&M 0007d970
565 120 Bound Sword, Fast Healing, Highborn

Guerreiros Thalmor

Thalmor Warriors use leveled one-handed weapons, made of steel, elven, or glass, and wear leveled armor, made of either elven or glass, depending on your level. They can hold just a weapon, a weapon and shield, or dual-wield two weapons. They carry a leveled dagger (steel, elven, or glass) and a random selection of gems, food, drink, and gold.

A Thalmor soldier preparing to fight
 BaseID Raw Health Raw Magicka Spells
1 Female&F 00072883,000f960b
Male&M 0002b126, 000f960a
127 56 Fast Healing, Flames, Highborn
12 Female&F 000f95f2, 0007297a, 000f960e
Male&M 000f95f1, 00072aa6, 000f960d
249 72 Fast Healing, Flames, Highborn
20 Female&F 0007d961, 000f95f4, 000f9610
Male&M 0007d962, 000f95f3, 000f960f
371 88 Fast Healing, Flames, Highborn, Lesser Ward, Turn Lesser Undead
28 Female&F 0007d967, 000f95f6, 000f9612
Male&M 0007d96e, 000f95f5, 000f9611
493 104 Bound Sword, Fast Healing, Flames, Highborn, Lesser Ward, Turn Lesser Undead
36 Female&F 0007d96c, 000f95f8, 000f9614
Male&M 0007d96f, 000f95f7, 000f9613
565 120 Bound Sword, Close Wounds, Fast Healing, Flames, Highborn, Lesser Ward, Turn Lesser Undead

Sábios Thalmor

Thalmor Wizards are the main spell-casters of the Thalmor armies, and are generally harder to kill, even though they only wear robes. They carry a leveled dagger (steel, elven, or glass) and a random selection of gems, soul gems, ingredients, potions, and gold.

A female Wizard preparing to attack
A male Wizard preparing to attack
 BaseID Raw Health Raw Magicka Spells
1 Female&F 00072885
127 118 Flames, Frostbite, Healing, Highborn, Lesser Ward, Oakflesh, Sparks
12 Female&F 00072886
249 166 Conjure Flame Atronach, Fast Healing, Firebolt, Highborn, Lesser Ward, Lightning Bolt, Oakflesh
20 Female&F 0007d95f
371 239 Banish Daedra, Chain Lightning, Conjure Frost Atronach, Fast Healing, Fireball, Highborn, Lightning Bolt, Oakflesh, Steadfast Ward
28 Female&F 0007d965
493 312 Chain Lightning, Conjure Storm Atronach, Fast Healing, Highborn, Incinerate, Steadfast Ward, Stoneflesh, Thunderbolt, Turn Lesser Undead
36 Female&F 0007d96a
565 385 Banish Daedra, Chain Lightning, Close Wounds, Conjure Storm Atronach, Expel Daedra, Fast Healing, Highborn, Incinerate, Steadfast Ward, Stoneflesh, Thunderbolt, Turn Undead
44 Female&F 0007d971
637 458 Banish Daedra, Chain Lightning, Close Wounds, Conjure Storm Atronach, Expel Daedra, Fast Healing, Highborn, Incinerate, Ironflesh, Steadfast Ward, Thunderbolt, Turn Undead

Equipamento Thalmor

Name (ID) Type Notes
Hooded Thalmor Robes
Clothing Worn by Wizards
Thalmor Boots
Clothing Worn by Wizards
Thalmor Gloves
Clothing Worn by Wizards
Thalmor Robes
Clothing Worn by Wizards

Equipamento nivelado

All generic Thalmor have weapons that are leveled, and can be either steel, elven, or glass; the only exceptions are the archers' bows, as there are no steel bows. The archer and warrior classes wear leveled armor, either elven, gilded elven or glass; the only exceptions are the warrior's shields which are either elven or glass and are leveled separately.

Missões relacionadas

Major quests revealing important lore about the Thalmor include:

Outras missões do Thalmor

Quests and favors that merely involve the Thalmor or going into Thalmor controlled areas include:

When you first encounter Thalmor Justiciars, you may have the following conversation:

Player: "Who are you?"

Justiciar: "I am a Thalmor Justiciar on important business that you are interfering with."

Subsequent encounters will also provide you with the following initial option:

Player: "What's wrong with worshipping Talos?"

Justiciar: "It's immoral to worship a man. And it's also illegal. A faithful Imperial citizen would know that. Perhaps there's something you wish to confess?"

This will lead to three choices, as described below.

You then have two choices, both of which will result in a rude dismissal:

Player: "Who are the Thalmor?"

Justiciar: "We are special envoys of the Aldmeri Dominion, the rightful rulers of Tamriel. If you'd like I can show you why. If you're smart, you'll walk away."

Player: "What are you doing in Skyrim?"

Justiciar: "We're making sure your Emperor wasn't lying to his elven masters when he agreed the Empire would give up false gods and foolish beliefs. Now, go away."

If you speak to them again, you may have another conversation:

Player: "Do all Thalmor have such high opinions of themselves?"

Justiciar: "That we are superior to men is an established fact. For example, take this belief in Talos. The "ninth" Divine. Heh. Certainly you don't believe such things? Or perhaps there's something you'd like to confess?"

You then have three choices, the first two of which will and the third of which may result in combat:

Player: "You got me. I believe in Talos." Justiciar: "And so, you will die a heretic's death." (attacks)

Player: "I can worship anyone I want." Justiciar: "Incorrect. You can worship whatever gods you like. But Talos is a man, and only a heretic would think otherwise... And so, you will die a heretic's death." (attacks)

Player: (Remain silent)

If not attacking: Justiciar: (?)

If attacking: Justiciar: "I don't like you... I think you're a heretic. And so, you will die a heretic's death."

The factor that controls whether the Thalmor attack when you remain silent is unknown.

Thalmor Justiciars may warn you away with one of the following lines:

"You're interfering in official Thalmor business."

"This doesn't concern you, 'citizen.' "

"Walk away. Now."

"Move along."

If you enter and then exit conversation with them, they may say:

"Go now. Return to your pathetic pursuits."

"Be warned. You have been marked by the Thalmor."


  • Elenwen is present at the execution in Helgen when Alduin attacks during the first main quest, Unbound.
  • According to dialogue from Delphine and Legate Fasendil, the Thalmor even carry out acts of ethnic cleansing on some segments of their own Bosmer and Altmer populations, which are never heard about elsewhere in Tamriel. The reasons for this are unclear, but Fasendil's comments suggest this is related to the quelling of dissident uprisings.

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Lore relacionada

The following is a list of lore that reveals various aspects of the Thalmor's culture and history: