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Oblivion:Console Command Tutorial

Warning: Use console commands with caution! It is easily possible to mess up your game if you modify settings at the console. Even if short term the game functions normally, you may later discover that you have made it impossible to complete a quest and therefore you cannot proceed normally with game play; fixing that problem can then make new glitches pop up elsewhere. Create a permanent saved game before experimenting with the console. If you need to use the console to fix a glitch, try to use the least powerful command possible. It is advisable to use the "Test Hall" for experimentation with console commands—for more information, see below.

Here's something for those of you who have trouble using, would like to better their understanding of, or would like to learn how to use more of the various console commands. There are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands, of console commands; this obviously won't cover all of these, but it'll do its best to cover the console commands that most people would find useful.

Opening the Console

The console is opened with the tilde (~) key when using the International English keyboard layout; it's left of the 1 key, below the Esc key, and above the Tab key. If it doesn't open the console then you probably have one or more of the following issues:

  • You have an infrared remote sensor hooked up to your computer (used for the Windows Media version of Windows). Disconnect it and try again.
    • Note that this also works on some Vista computers.
  • You have Windows Vista installed. Download and use the Ring of Console mod to access the console. (The mod requires you to have the Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) installed to work: you can download it here.) If equipping the ring still doesn't work, try hotkeying the ring to a slot. Then activating and deactivating it should bring up the console cursor at the bottom left. (This does not apply to all versions of Windows Vista).
  • You're using an international keyboard. Depending on the country your keyboard comes from, the tilde key might not be placed as described, though the key in that location may still open the console; if it does not, then using the above mod should solve the problem.

For Apple Computer Users

If you are using a virtual machine (Parallels Desktop, VMware Fusion, Virtual Box, or similar) on an Apple computer, the key may be mapped differently by default, even if the tilde key appears to work normally in Windows itself. One solution to this proposed in the Parallels forum is to download and install Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator, a freeware tool that lets you create custom key assignments. This may or may not work for you (see the Discussion tab for further info).

Another alternative is to install a mod such as Change Console Key, which is an Oblivion Script Extender plugin that lets you reassign the console invocation key within Oblivion itself. Assigning key number 34 (which is PageDown in Windows, or usually Fn-DownArrow on the Macbook) seems to work well.

The preceding has been tested on a Macbook Pro Retina running OSX 10.8.2 through 10.9.0, with Windows 7 64-bit running inside Parallels Desktop 8 and 9.


  1. Console commands are not case-sensitive - they are only capitalized in this guide for clarity.
  2. In the case of console commands that require IDs, the initial 0s of an ID can be omitted. This means that if an item's ID says 00032564, then you only have to use 32564 in the console command.
  3. Some items and NPCs will have multiple IDs all sharing a name. This can mean several things for items: it is leveled; it has several different looks shared under a single name, such as bones; or, it has several different types shared under a single name, such as soul gems. For an NPC, it probably means that it is a spawning enemy NPC such as a bandit or a marauder.
  4. Any IDs that pertain to objects in a mod, be it official or user-made, will not work in commands unless the first two digits in the ID are the mod's load order (including the base Oblivion.esm file) in hex; hex goes from 00 to 09, then from 0A to 0F, then from 10 to 19, then from 1A to 1F, etc. For example, if the mod is the 3rd mod in the list (including Oblivion.esm), then any ID in that mod will start with 2 (02); if it's the 15th in the list, the IDs will start with E (0E); if it's 42nd, they will start with 29. Alternatively, you can manually change the load order of the desired mod to be first to load and work without the hassle of finding the load order. To do this, you'll need a mod manager: you can download one here.
  5. Pressing the up and down keys while the console command window is open will scroll through the previously entered console command, if there are any. Pressing the page up and page down keys will scroll through the list of previously entered commands, if it's big enough to be cut off.
  6. The maximum value for the level of anything (character level, attributes, skills, etc.) is 255. You can go above this with spells and enchantments, but when using the console you can't increase anything beyond 255; if you increase it past 255 with an incremental command (such as ModPCS) it will reset to 0.
  7. If the instructions tell you to click something, have the console open when you click it.
  8. When the instructions say to type something that means hit enter after you've typed it.
  9. This guide will make occasional references to "cells." A cell is simply an area; interior areas take up one cell each, while exterior areas may be made up of many cells interconnected.
  10. An ID is a hex code (an 8-digit code made up of numbers and letters, though they can be shorter with the initial 0s omitted) that the game uses to reference objects, whether they be NPCs, creatures, buildings, flames, anything at all, and most console commands use these references as a parameter to target certain object types.
  11. There are two types of IDs: reference IDs and base IDs. Most commands use base IDs, but a few use reference IDs. Each command in this guide will specify which it uses.
  12. If a command parameter is a string, it must be enclosed in quotes " " if it contains any spaces. For example: To rename player to Joe (which contains no spaces), Player.SetFullActorName Joe is OK. However, to rename player to Joe Bloggs (which contains a space), Player.SetFullActorName "Joe Bloggs" must be used. This is because the console treats spaces as parameter separators and Joe Bloggs will be treated as two parameters (error, SetFullActorName takes one parameter only) whereas "Joe Bloggs" is treated as one parameter (no error).
  13. If you want to write a bat-executable textfile with more than one command, you can use the symbol ";" as a comment indicator. In a large script this can be useful to keep track of what's been added. Everything after the comment symbol will not be executed but it will show in console output.

Finding IDs in the Construction Set (CS)

First, you will of course require the CS, downloadable here. The CS is a tool that is used to edit the world of Oblivion and contains most of the game's data. Once you have your CS installed and running, go into "File" and "Data" - double-click the file Oblivion.esm and click OK (note: if you want to find the ID of something from a mod, you'll also need to load that mod's .esp file). Once the file has loaded, you can use the Object Window to find any ID you want to by browsing the categories on the left, finding the desired object, then looking at its ID. The ID column is the second column from the left (between "EditorID" and "Count") and by default is too small to see any IDs with, so drag it larger from the top of the column. Also, by default the rows are listed in alphabetical order by their Editor ID; to make it easier to find things, click the top of the "Name" column to list the rows in alphabetical order by their name. Now, say, for example, one wanted to find the Xivilai's ID: Go under "Actors - Creatures - Daedra" then find the Xivilai and look at its ID.


Player-Targeted Commands

Player.AddItem BaseID #

(Only works with item IDs.)

A very commonly used console command. This will add the specified number of the specified item to your character's inventory. The item ID for gold is simply F.

Example: Player.AddItem 6EE68 2; gives the player two Master Mortar and Pestles.

Links: Codes for all items are provided on the various item pages: Ammunition, Armor, Artifacts, Books, Clothing, Generic Magic Apparel, Generic Magic Weapons, Generic Staves, Ingredients, Leveled Items, Miscellaneous Items, Potions, Scrolls, Sigil Stones, Specialty Gear, Staves, Unique Items, Weapons

Other applications: If you click an NPC, creature, or container and type AddItem BaseID # then it will be added to its inventory instead. This is good for people who like to use NPCs to help them fight but want the NPCs to have better equipment.

Player.RemoveItem BaseID #

(Only works with item IDs.)

It will remove the specified number of the specified item from your character's inventory, permanently. Could be used for something like removing one of those annoying quest items that the game leaves in your inventory and won't let you remove.

Example: Player.RemoveItem 7E9D 1; removes the Filled Colossal Black Soul Gem from the player's inventory.

Links: Codes for all items are provided on the various item pages: Ammunition, Armor, Artifacts, Books, Clothing, Generic Magic Apparel, Generic Magic Weapons, Generic Staves, Ingredients, Leveled Items, Miscellaneous Items, Potions, Scrolls, Sigil Stones, Specialty Gear, Staves, Unique Items, Weapons

Other applications: You can click an enemy and type RemoveItem BaseID # to remove items from their inventory. You could use it to remove equipment from an enemy, though its use is limited since you'd need to know exactly what the enemy has.

Player.PlaceAtMe BaseID #

(Only works with NPC, creature, and item IDs.)

If an NPC or creature ID is used, then this will spawn the specified number of the specified NPC or creature next to your character. The NPC or creature will retain all of the AI that the original NPC or creature had, acting just like a clone of it. It has the same schedule, inventory, stats, and will sell the same things if it's a merchant; in most instances, it will also complete designated parts of a quest that the original may have been associated with, but some quests require the original as they identify it by its RefID, which the clone does not share. Possible entertainment value, but limited practical use; the Resurrect command is recommended for bringing back quest-related NPCs and creatures that have died.

If an item ID is used, then this will spawn the specified number of the specified item below your character. It is recommended that you jump before using this command for items, as the items will otherwise likely end up underground. Not much practical use, as Player.AddItem BaseID # has the same result but without requiring you to pick the items up off the ground, but it does allow you to spawn gold coins which otherwise couldn't be placed in the world as you can't drop them from your inventory. (The item ID for gold is simply F.)

Example: Player.PlaceAtMe AED40 5; spawns 5 Adoring Fans next to the player.

Links: Lists of NPC IDs: Named NPCs - Generic NPCs; Lists of creature IDs: Animals - Horses - Undead - Goblins - Monsters - Daedra - Dremora; Codes for all items are provided on the various item pages: Ammunition, Armor, Artifacts, Books, Clothing, Generic Magic Apparel, Generic Magic Weapons, Generic Staves, Ingredients, Leveled Items, Miscellaneous Items, Potions, Scrolls, Sigil Stones, Specialty Gear, Staves, Unique Items, Weapons

Other applications:

If you click an NPC or creature then type PlaceAtMe BaseID #, you'll spawn that NPC or creature next to the selected object. Could be used for something like spawning a few guards next to an enemy and having them take care of it for you.
One possible practical use is to have infinite armies of Followers.
Test your skill in combat against overwhelming numbers of creatures that the game would not pit against you normally.

Notes: Gold coins seem to be the only item that is placed next to the player instead of beneath the player, which removes the need to jump before using it to spawn them.

Player.SetCrimeGold 0

This will remove your bounty by setting it to 0, but any pursuing guards will still have to find you before they'll stop following you. Don't worry, though, as soon as they get to you they'll just engage you in a normal conversation. If you've already been caught and decided to resist arrest it gets more complicated. Even if you type this command in then yield (holding block and pressing activate on them) they may try to arrest you again, due to the 40-gold bounty for resisting. Keep putting this command in then yielding and they'll eventually stop. If you try this command once the guard has talked to you the game will crash.

Other applications: Putting in another number instead of 0 will set your bounty to that number and make the guards pursue you. Good for if you have an itch to kill some guards or want to go to jail for whatever reason. Can also be used on other NPCs, but the guards will just attack whatever NPC you have put the bounty on.


Will pay your fine and remove all of your stolen items to the nearest Evidence Chest, but will not teleport you to the nearest jail. Only really useful if you've got no stolen items on you, otherwise you'll end up having to head to the nearest jail anyway to steal back your items. Alternatives include dropping your stolen items before using this then picking them back up, or just using Player.PayFineThief (see below).


This is like the above Player.PayFine command, but more effective: it removes your bounty but lets you keep all of your stolen goods. As with Player.PayFine, the bounty gold is still removed from your character, though at half price.

Player.SetLevel #

Sets your level to the number specified, but won't count toward any level-ups. This is only any good for if you want to get a better version of a leveled item then set your level back down to what it originally was.

Example: Player.SetLevel 100; sets the player's level to 100.

Other applications: Clicking an NPC or creature and typing SetLevel # will set the NPC or creature's level to the specified number. Useful if you've gone past level 25 and want to cast a level-based spell such as Frenzy or Command on an enemy.

Notes: This command will allow you to increase your level then decrease it without ever changing the internal values, but if you want an actual level-up then use ADVLevel.

Player.AddSpell BaseID

(Only works with spell IDs.)

Adds the specified spell to your character. Can be used to add any spell already in the game, even if it's not normally available.

Example: Player.AddSpell A9824; gives the player the spell Open Easy Lock.

Links: A list of spell IDs; A list of leveled-spell IDs.

Other applications: By clicking an NPC or creature and typing AddSpell SpellID you can give the selected NPC or creature a spell. Good for giving follower-NPCs better spells to fight or heal with.

Player.RemoveSpell BaseID

(Only works with spell IDs.)

Removes the specified spell from your character. A very good console command, as there's no other way to remove spells from your character.

Example: Player.RemoveSpell A9824; removes the spell Open Easy Lock.

Links: A list of spell IDs; A list of leveled-spell IDs.

Other applications: You could remove a spell from an enemy by clicking it and using RemoveSpell SpellID. It's of little use, though, because you'd have to find the exact spell that the enemy is using before you can find its ID, which is difficult at best and would require use of the CS.

Player.RemoveSpell RefID -(for custom spell deletion)

(Only works with spell IDs.)

This is a bit more complicated than deleting a normal spell. First, go into your Oblivion directory (by default C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion) and find the file LevelUpData_1 - open this in Wordpad (not Notepad). Look for the character you're going to be deleting the spell(s) from, find his/her latest level up, then start scrolling right. You'll eventually come upon spell names. In here, find the spell(s) you're going to delete and write down their ID(s), which are in parentheses to their right. Now that you have the ID(s) you can delete the spell(s) like you'd delete any other spell.

Example: Tricky to do an example since it varies from person to person, but an example ID for a custom spell would be FF01E5B4, so to delete that spell the player would type Player.RemoveSpell FF01E5B4.

Player.SetScale #

This will change your character's size depending on the value; the smallest value is 0.5, the largest is 2, and decimals work up to the hundredths place (second digit). The number isn't necessarily the proportion your size is increased by because a scale of 2 will make your character about 2.5 times bigger. Aside from making the character larger, it also changes your movement speed (presumably by the value of the scale).

Example: Player.SetScale 1.5; makes the character about 2 times larger and increases speed by a factor of 1.5.

Other applications: By clicking an NPC, creature, item, object, etc. and typing SetScale # you can change its size. This seems to work on anything at all: people, creatures, items, structures, you name it.


Default Scales
Race Male Female
Argonian 1.03 1.00
Breton 1.00 0.95
Dark Elf 1.00 1.00
High Elf 1.10 1.10
Imperial 1.00 1.00
Khajiit 1.00 0.95
Nord 1.06 1.06
Orc 1.06 1.06
Redguard 1.03 1.00
Wood Elf 0.90 1.00

Several things should be noted about this command:

  1. Your run/walk speed will change regardless of whether you use the command in first- or third-person view, but the scale will only change for the view you're currently in. In other words, if you use the command while in first-person, you'll still appear as normal in third-person.
  2. If you scale in first-person then go to third-person, the camera will be placed as though your character's size had changed.
  3. When you talk to people or go into first-person, you will be at your normal eye level.
  4. For some reason, the positions of hands, feet, and heads are changed upon death to whatever the NPC started with, lengthening or shortening the attached appendage. This can lead to rubber-corpses with 3-foot long necks and tiny heads, or corpses which appear to be one big wad of clothes and meat. This is undone if the person is scaled, and then the area is reloaded before death. Or you can use the resurrect command, after that the person who has been scaled to a size won't be changed, and will look like a dead giant.

Player.SetActorRefraction #

Causes the actor to be rendered with the refraction shader, a value between 0 and 10 changes how much the light is refracted, causing them to look like they were made of glass. The different levels alter how much light is refracted - how clear and glassy the character looks. However, it does not make it harder for NPCs to detect you.

Example: Player.SetActorRefraction 5.

Notes: If using chameleon also it causes some issues if you are trying to turn it off. Just do 'Player.SetAV chameleon 0', 'Player.SetActorRefraction 0' a few times and it should revert.

Player.SetFactionRank BaseID #

(Only works with faction IDs.)

Sets your character to a rank depending on the number specified. 0 is the lowest rank, 9 is the highest (although few factions have that many ranks). Using the value -1 will remove you from the faction, as will setting an invalid rank.

Example: Player.SetFactionRank 2F872 3; sets the player to the Assassin rank in the Dark Brotherhood.

Links: Lists of miscellaneous factions.

Other applications: By clicking an NPC or creature and typing SetFactionRank FactionID #, you can add them to or remove them from the desired faction. There is a "Player Faction" that, when an NPC or creature is added to it, will cause a hostile NPC or creature to become friendly with the player.

Notes: Major and minor faction IDs (more detail in the links):

Major Factions Minor Factions

*The first two digits are replaced by the mod's load order; refer to Note #4.

Player.SetFactionRank 22296 1 sets the player to Apprentice in the Mages Guild and provides the player with full access to the Arcane University and the Spellmaking and Enchanting Altars.

Player.MoveTo RefID

(Only works with NPC, creature, and item IDs.)

(For finding NPCs, creatures, and items.)

This command requires that you use the target's RefID. For any unique item in the game, this is a fixed ID number that is the same in any person's game. The easiest way to find this RefID for all unique NPCs is to check the NPC's page on this wiki (refer the "Links" below for a list of NPC pages). For example, the NPC page for Jauffre shows that his RefID is 1CB98 . RefIDs are also documented on the articles for various unique creatures and items (find each page via the search function). (Note that the RefIDs on the wiki will not work for any duplicates you may have created.)

If you want to find the RefID for an undocumented item, there are a few ways to go about this.

  • The simple method requires you to have a previous save in which you can find the NPC, creature, or item you are now seeking: load up that save (preferably after making a new save), open the console, click the object and note the ID at the top of the screen, then close the console, load up your most recent save, and input the ID you just found into the command.
  • If you have no such save, however, there is still a way to find the ID. You must first make a save using the console command Save Name 1. Once this is done, exit/minimize Oblivion and go into My Computer and into the directory My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves, then find a text file with the name of the save you just made - open it in Notepad. Go into Find, under Edit, and do a search for what you're trying to find - write down the ID (leftmost number) for it/them. Many items and creatures will have more than one of them in-game, so write down the ID for each of them. Also, some items, creatures, and NPCs will not be in this list; it's uncertain how it decides what to save on this list, so just hope that what you want to find is in it. Once you have your ID(s), start up Oblivion again and, using the ID(s) you just wrote down, type this command. You should now be next to the thing you were looking for; if you aren't, and there were more than one of what you were looking for, then put in the next ID until you do find the one you want.

Example: If you wanted to find Jauffre, you would type Player.MoveTo 1CB98.

Links: List of unique NPC IDs.

Other applications: If you select an NPC, creature, or item then type MoveTo Player you can move the selected NPC/creature to your character, even if you're no longer in the same cell (assuming you still have the desired NPC/creature selected in the console). An alternative to manually selecting the NPC, creature, or item is using the PRID RefID command, if you know the object's RefID.

Player.RemoveAllItems RefID #

(Only works with NPC and container IDs.)

Removes every non-quest item from the selected NPC or container and moves them to the specified target NPC or container (if one is specified); the number determines whether they retain their ownership flag (1) or become "free loot" (0). This can be used: to destroy all non-quest items in an inventory by clicking the object and typing RemoveAllItems; to move all non-quest items from one inventory to another by clicking the object with the desired items and using the RefID of the object they're to be given to; or to move all non-quest items from the player's inventory to another object's inventory by beginning the command with "Player." and using the RefID of the object they're to be given to.


RemoveAllItems; destroys all non-quest items in the inventory of the selected object.
RemoveAllItems 356BA 1; moves all non-quest items from the inventory of the selected object to the container with the RefID 356BA while retaining their ownership flag for the NPC.
Player.RemoveAllItems 356BA 1; moves non-quest items from the player's inventory to the container with the RefID 356BA while retaining the player's ownership of them.

Notes: Player is the player's equivalent of both a BaseID and a RefID, and can be used in place of one.

Player.DuplicateAllItems RefID

(Only works with NPC and container IDs.)

Duplicate every item in one object's (NPC or container) inventory into another object's inventory. The first RefID used is the object which has the items you want to duplicate. However, you can only put anything there if you're duplicating your own inventory, as it won't work if you put the RefID of the object; to duplicate anything else's inventory you'll have to click it. The second RefID is the object that you want the duplicated items you be put into. You need to watch out what you duplicate, though, as quest items aren't exempted from it.


DuplicateAllItems Player; duplicates everything in the selected NPC or container to the player's inventory.
Player.DuplicateAllItems 356BA; duplicates all of the player's items to the NPC or container's inventory.
Player.DuplicateAllItems Player; doubles every item in the player's inventory.

Notes: You can duplicate the items of an inventory into itself by selecting the NPC or container and using its own RefID ("Player" is the player's equivalent of both a BaseID and a RefID).

Player.SetAV ActorValue #

This will set/add to the value specified to the number specified. The values that can be affected by this command include skills, attributes, health, fatigue, and magicka; a full list of recognized values is found at Actor Value Indices. When editing skills and attributes it will set the specified skill or attribute to the number specified. When editing fatigue, health, or magicka it will set the value to the specified number plus its base value; the numbers that can be used depend on your current values for the stats, but the values for each cannot exceed the following: health - 2,147,483,520; magicka - 65,615; fatigue - 65,675.


Player.SetAV Blade 100; sets the player's Blade skill to 100.
Player.SetAV Health 1000; with a base health of 100, the player's health is now 1100.

Other applications: By clicking an NPC or creature and typing SetAV Value # you can change the specified value of the select NPC or creature. Good for when you want an NPC to have more health or do more damage, or, alternately, if you want an enemy to have less health or do less damage. Beware when modifying the values of creatures, though, as any changes made will affect every creature of that type.

Notes: The difference between this command and AdvSkill is that if this is used to increase a skill, any major skills changed won't count toward a level-up. You will, however, gain the benefits of skill perks (such as the ability to disarm or stun opponents) though the game won't tell you so.

Also, when modifying a skill with a name containing multiple words, such as Hand to Hand, omit the spaces (i.e. HandToHand).

Player.SetAV ActorValue # -(for more complex actor values)

This one will explain the usage of the more complex actor values. Keep in mind that when changing these actor values it will often take into account any enchantments you have on you, as they're already applying to the actor value. Note that a number between 0 and 100 usually means the effect is in percentages, and a 0 or 1 number will mean it will turn it off (0) or on (1). 0, for most actor values, will remove the effect.

To get started, here are some simple resistance values: ResistParalysis, ResistPoison, ResistMagic, ResistFire, ResistShock, ResistFrost, and ResistNormalWeapons; depending on what number between 0 and 100 you use, these will increase your resistance to the specified effect ("normal weapons" are any weapons that aren't silver, Daedric, or enchanted). There is also the uncommon and unseen ResistWaterDamage value, which will negate a percentage of lava damage dependent upon the number inputted, though strangely it does not affect the damage taken from drowning in water.

Some more simple ones are SpellAbsorbChance, SpellReflectChance, and ReflectDamage; depending on what number between 0 and 100 is used, these will increase the chance of absorbing or reflecting spells and reflecting damage.

The simple on/off effects are WaterWalking and WaterBreathing; they use 0 and 1, and are self-explanatory.

Blindness takes a number between 0 and 100 and affects how well an NPC or creature can visually detect you. At 0, how well the player sneaks is completely dependent on their skill, but as the number increases it becomes easier for the player to sneak around the NPC or creature as they become less capable of seeing the character until, at 100, they can't see at all. They can still hear, however, so the player can still be detected by any noise they make. Blindness also affects an NPC's ability to spot the theft of items, but not attempts to pick his or her pockets.

There are also the values Chameleon and Invisibility; Chameleon takes a number between 0 and 100, while Invisibility takes either 0 or 1. The problem with these is that Chameleon may stick on (NPCs won't notice you) even after you've turn it off, and Invisibility is bugged (if you go through a door you'll freeze - you probably shouldn't use it). Note that if you use either, you won't be able to see the invisibility effect until you go into 3rd-person and back, or vice-versa.

There are two, DetectLifeRange (0 to 100) and NightEyeBonus (0 or 1) that seem to not work at first. You'll need to save the game after you put them in then load that save before you'll get the night eye or detect life effects; the same goes for turning them off again.

AttackBonus and DefendBonus work in much the same ways.

  • AttackBonus, as you may guess, will increase the damage of your attack. The AttackBonus number you input here is, although invisible from your stats page, directly added to WeaponRating (see the damage formula for details) of all hits made with weapons; this means that it is subject to the influence of fatigue, sneaking, power attacks, enemy armor ratings and resistances, etc. It also has no effect on unarmed attacks, which includes Hand To Hand and creature attacks.
  • DefendBonus, as you also may guess, will increase your defense (a.k.a. armor rating). The DefendBonus number used is added directly to your armor rating, and will allow you to increase your effective armor rating beyond the normal cap of 85; however, the armor rating in the menu will only display up to 85, so if you increase your armor rating beyond that you'll have to keep track of it yourself.

MagickaMultiplier controls your maximum magicka. Each added number is equivalent to 10% of your magicka; the number used can be thought of as the percentage of the player's base magicka they'll be given divided by 10, in that 1 is 10%, 2 is 20%, 10 is 100%, 20 is 200%, etc., with almost no limit to how high it can go (the maximum number allowed is determined by your current magicka, but your magicka cannot exceed 2,147,483,647 with this command).

There are also three values to be used as negative effects on your enemies. Just click the NPC or creature you want affected and put in the command, but you probably don't want to put Player before SetAV unless you intend to paralyze yourself. These are all 0 or 1 values and pretty much self-explanatory: Paralysis, Silence, and StuntedMagicka. Stunted Magicka will stop the enemy's Magicka from recharging, and all three are permanent effects until you turn them off with 0.

Some other values that may be useful, or fun, to try changing on NPCs and creatures are Aggression, Responsibility, and Confidence. Aggression controls how much the NPC or creature wants to kill the things around it, 0 being passive and 100 being bloodthirsty. Responsibility controls how well the NPC will follow the law, 100 being law-abiding and 0 being kleptomaniacal (it obviously does not apply to creatures). Confidence controls how prone the NPC or creature is to fleeing or fighting, 0 being never fighting and 100 being never fleeing (a middling number will make them initially fight but flee if they're dying).

Other applications: You can change the positive actor values of allies and companions with these in the same way you'd change their negative values: by clicking them and putting in the command without the Player at the start. You can also turn many positive values into negative values to be used on your enemies by inputting a negative number instead of a positive number (ex. SetAV ResistMagic -50 will give a 50% weakness to magicka to the selected NPC or creature).

Other Targeted Commands


This is kind of like the Player.PlaceAtMe command, but you don't need to know the ID. Click an NPC or creature then type in the command, and a clone of it will be created; you'll have to repeatedly re-enter the command if you want more than one clone. The clone will share most of its AI, such as its schedule and combat, but it won't have any dialogue and can't be used to complete a quest. It has limited uses beyond entertainment, but has potential as an aid to experiments and tests. Also, for a more practical use, if you want the equipment of a non-essential NPC but killing them would break the quest (for example, Lucien Lachance upon recruitment) then you can create the clone, kill it and take the gear. (Watch out for objects titled "Missing name", as ever)

Other applications: If you click a summoned creature and type in the command, you'll get a real version of that creature rather than another summoned version. This real version will act just like if you'd encountered it in a dungeon, and it will fight you and any NPCs near it. Unfortunately, a copy of a summoned creature will attack anything, including NPCs and other creatures which the creature would usually ignore. For example, a copy of a summoned Spider Daedra will attack any other Daedra that are nearby, including other Spider Daedra that were copied from the same summoned Spider Daedra.

Notes: You can use this to clone yourself, but your clones will have little dialogue and no AI except for combat AI; clones will be included in every guild that the original was in, which means that attacking and/or killing a clone will get you expelled from every guild you're in for attacking another member of them. In some cases (like in the Knights of the Nine plugin) you may be prompted an option to make your clone follow you and help you in combat like another follower. This can potentially crash your game, depending on how many clones you make and whether or not they engage in combat (i.e. trigger their AI).

Lock # and Unlock

Lock and unlock a door or container, respectively.

  • Click a door or container that is locked and type Unlock to unlock it (also works on doors and containers that require keys).
  • Click a door or container that is unlocked and type Lock # to lock it. The number refers to the difficulty of the lock: 1-7 is Very Easy, 8-20 is Easy, 21-40 is Average, 41-80 is Hard, 81-99 is Very Hard, and 100 Needs a Key (which means the door is unopenable, as there is no key set up for it). The numbers themselves are internal, and they have little meaning within the range of a difficulty level other than the likelihood of the lock opening with an auto-attempt and the speed at which the tumblers rise and fall. Leaving the # blank will fill it with a 0, which won't change the current lock level if there is a lock, and will make it a Very Easy lock if there is not.


Lock 99; puts a lock with 5 tumblers on the door or container.
Lock 100 puts a lock on a door or container that can't be opened by any NPC or player unless you have the key that was originally assigned to that door.

Notes: The lock command seems to be of little use as NPCs can use doors and containers whether they're locked or not.

Resurrect and Kill

Resurrect and kill an NPC or creature, respectively.

  • Click a corpse then type the Resurrect command to bring the NPC or creature back to life with full health and reset its inventory to the default, removing any items obtained during the game and adding any items lost during the game. It will go about whatever it was last doing like it never died.
  • Click a living NPC or creature and type the Kill command to kill it or knock it out, depending on if it's marked as essential or not.

Notes: Adding a 1 to the Resurrect command (i.e. Resurrect 1) will cause the NPC or creature to come back to life and stand itself back up (as opposed to disappearing and reappearing live and standing), offering a more aesthetically-pleasing alternative which also allows the NPC or creature to keep any items they had on them rather than having their inventory reset; however, any equipped and readied weapons and shields will be dropped on death and thus will be not be in the resurrected NPC's inventory. Using this method, the player can place items in the inventory of the dead NPC or creature then resurrect them with the items intact, which can also be used to give NPCs back their dropped weapons and shields.

You can also resurrect NPCs and creatures whose corpses have disappeared by using the command PRID RefID to select the corpse (it may not be visible, but the data's still there) and using Resurrect like normal. (See Player.MoveTo RefID for details on how to find RefIDs.)

StartCombat and StopCombat

Force an NPC or creature to initiate combat with another NPC or creature and force an NPC or creature to cease all combat, respectively.

  • Click an NPC or creature and type StartCombat Player to make them attack you; you can then kill them without being charged for assault and murder. Good for killing NPCs such as certain Dark Brotherhood targets without picking up a bounty. Alternatively, StartCombat can be used to make two NPCs/creatures fight; you must first select one of the two NPCs/creatures and note the ID that appears at the top, then select the second one and type in StartCombat RefID, using the ID of the first one.
  • Click an attacking NPC or creature and type this to stop them from attacking you (or anyone/anything else). Depending on if it's an enemy or a normal NPC, it may immediately begin attacking again; if it's a normal NPC, keep using the command until he or she stops, but if it's an enemy then it will never stop. This is basically a console version of yielding, good for stopping NPCs who are attacking you when they don't like you enough to stop for a yield.

Notes: Warning!, using this command on yourself after death will crash the game, and using "resurrect 1" will revive you; but leave your body on the floor.

SetActorFullName "Name"

Clicking an NPC or creature then typing this command will change their name to the specified name. Unlike most commands, those quotes are actually necessary. Good for renaming a horse or a helper NPC.

Example: SetActorFullName "Dave"; sets the selected NPC or creature's name to Dave.

SetBarterGold #

By clicking a merchant and typing this you can set their barter gold to any number you like. Very handy for getting the most profit out of what you sell, or just selling large numbers of items without needing to split them. The maximum value for barter gold is 65535.

Example: SetBarterGold 10000; sets the selected merchant's gold to 10,000.

ModAmountSoldStolen #

Adds the specified number to your "Gold fenced." Useful for the Thieves Guild quests, as you can simply use this command instead of actually going out and fencing things.

Example: ModAmountSoldStolen 500; adds 500 to the player's "Gold fenced."

SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1

By clicking a friendly NPC and typing this it will change how they act when you hit them. If the selected NPC is in combat, they will allow you an unlimited number of hits and will never turn on you. If they are out of combat, they will allow you three hits before turning on you. Great for those big fights with lots of guards running around.

Notes: To turn this off, click the NPC again and type SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 0 .


Click a horse, item, door, anything that isn't yours, type this, and it's yours. You could break into someone's house, use this on all of their possessions, and walk away without actually stealing a thing. Or you could walk into a stable, use this on a horse, and you've got yourself a free horse that will follow you. Or, if you aren't trying to cheat, you could use it for troubleshooting.


  • You can use this command to "launder" items you've already stolen, but you first must place them on the ground to click them.
  • It can be used to force any humanoid to never attack you (not even in retaliation); presumably you are taking ownership of the creature as a "pet". It also sets their disposition towards you at 100.
  • Some doors don't clear their trespass sign even when this console command is used.

SetCellOwnership LocationCode

Gives you ownership of the specified cell, which will allow you to own buildings that aren't actually yours and thus enter them without it being counted a trespassing. You will also gain ownership of all of the items, containers, and beds within the cell not specifically owned by an NPC.

Example: SetCellOwnership ICMarketDistrictAFightingChance; gives the player ownership of A Fighting Chance.

Links: Each Place page provides the code for that location, plus there is the list of interior test cell location codes and the list of exterior test cell location codes.

Notes: Location codes differ from IDs in that they are in string form rather than hex form (i.e. KvatchChapel vs. 0001ECF1).

SetQuestObject BaseID #

(Only works with item IDs.)

Using this, you can remove the "quest item" tag on those pesky quest items that never get removed from your inventory. Or, if you have an item you don't want to accidentally sell or lose then you can use this on it to make it an undroppable quest item. 0 removes the "quest item" tag, 1 adds it.

Example: SetQuestObject 7E9C 0; removes the "quest item" tag from the Colossal Black Soul Gem.

Links: Codes for most non-useful quest-specific items are provided at Miscellaneous Items; enchanted quest-specific items are listed at Leveled Items and Unique Items.


By clicking an Oblivion Gate and typing this, you will destroy that gate. Of course, you won't get the Sigil Stone for the gate, and you won't get the fame that comes with the Sigil Stone, but if you hate Oblivion Gates ruining the scenery and don't feel like running through them then you can just close them with this.

Notes: Occasionally, using this command will cause the weather to be "stuck" in oblivion sky mode; entering FW 38EEE into the console should resolve this.

ModDisposition Player #

You can use this command to modify one NPCs disposition to another NPC, the other NPC probably being you. Click the NPC whose disposition you want to modify and type the command. The number used is the number you wish to add to the NPCs disposition (using a negative number will decrease their disposition).

Example: ModDisposition Player 30; adds 30 to the selected NPCs disposition toward the player (if it was 40, it's now 70).

Other applications: You can modify one NPC's disposition to another NPC by using the form ModDisposition NPC'sID #. First, open the console and click the NPC that you want the other NPC to like/dislike and note the ID that appears at the top next to the name. Now click the NPC whose disposition you want to edit and use the ID you just saw in the NPC'sID section.


By clicking anything at all - NPC, sword, rock, etc. - and typing this it will basically be removed from the world. Be very careful with this one as it has no inhibitors, which means you can disable anything at any time. Useful for removing guards or the like so you can steal with no bounty.

Notes: You can bring the disabled object back with Enable (its data remains so the game still knows it was there), but you need to either still have the disabled object selected in the console or know the RefID so you can use it with the command PRID RefID to select it again. Once you disable an object there is no way to click it again, so if you deselect it and don't know its RefID then there's no way to bring it back. (If you disabled an NPC, creature, or item and deselected it without getting its RefID, then see Player.MoveTo RefID for details on how to find RefIDs.)
Warning: Using this command with the player selected will crash the game.

SetEssential BaseID #

(Only works with NPC and creature IDs.)

Makes the NPC or creature belonging to the ID essential or non-essential depending on the number used (1 for essential, 0 for non-essential). Be careful if you use this on a creature as it will affect every creature of that name.

Example: SetEssential A288 0; removes Countess Millona Umbranox's essential flag.

Links: Lists of NPC IDs: Named NPCs - Generic NPCs; Lists of creature IDs: Animals - Horses - Undead - Goblins - Monsters - Daedra - Dremora.

Notes: Be careful with this one as you can break quests if you make the wrong NPC non-essential at the wrong time, but you can also protect a quest by making a non-essential NPC essential. This will not work correctly if used on the player. The player will fall unconscious, but all controls will be disabled and the player will never regain consciousness. Use ToggleGodMode (tgm) instead.

Toggle Commands

ToggleCollision (TCL)

Not much to this one, it simply removes all collisions (clipping) from the area. NPCs and creatures will fall through stairs, streets, etc., while you'll be free to run through the air and go through any object. Additionally, when an NPC or creature is killed it will be frozen in place until the clipping is turned back on.

Other applications: If you click an NPC or creature and type this it will disable their clipping instead. While they won't fly around, they will go through objects such as buildings, stairs, furniture, etc. If you're riding a horse and want to go through objects you'll have to use this on your horse instead of yourself.

Notes: Type TCL again to turn the clipping back on.

ToggleGodMode (TGM)

Another simple one. It turns god mode on, which does quite a bit. Your health, magicka, and fatigue will never lower, you can cast any spell regardless of magicka cost, you never run out of arrows, you can breathe underwater and you can carry an unlimited amount without being slowed down or over-encumbered.

Notes: Type TGM again to turn god mode off. If you were above your encumbrance with god mode on then you'll be stuck in place with it off.

ToggleFlyCam (TFC)

This toggles the free-flying camera. With this on, your camera will detach from your character and be able to fly around on its own. It's great for taking screenshots or checking out an area without entering it. Note that with this on you will lose control of your character's movements until you turn it off, however, you can still attack and activate anything directly in front of your character.

Notes: If your view is set to first person then the only thing you'll be able to see of your character is his/her arms. Just hit the 'view change' key (default R) to switch to third person and you'll be able to see your character.

ToggleMapMarkers 1 (TMM 1)

This will mark every location on your map as found and available for fast travel, as well as updating your "Places found" to reflect it.

Other applications: TMM 0 will unmark every location on your map, including cities.

Notes: It won't mark any Oblivion Gate locations that haven't appeared yet. If you do this when you start the game you won't get any Oblivion Gate locations (except the one at Kvatch), and you'll have to type it again once you get to the point in the main quest when Oblivion Gates start appearing.

ToggleMenus (TM)

Remove the HUD (health, magicka, and fatigue bars, compass, etc.). Good to use before taking a screenshot.

Notes: Type TM again to put the HUD back.

ToggleAI (TAI)

Completely disables the AI of all NPCs and creatures. This stops them from moving, talking, fighting, etc. Useful for getting through tough or dangerous places.

Other applications: By clicking an NPC or creature and typing the command it will disable the AI for that character only.

Notes: Type TAI again will turn the AI back on.

ToggleCombatAI (TCAI)

This is similar to TAI, except that it only disables the combat AI. NPCs and creatures will still wander and talk as usual, but no matter what you do to them they will not fight (though you'll still get arrested for assaults and murders).

Other applications: By clicking an NPC or creature and typing the command it will disable the combat AI for that character only.

Notes: Type TCAI again to turn the combat AI back on.

ToggleDetection (TDetect)

This disables the detection AI of all NPCs and creatures. Guards will still follow you if you have a bounty and you can engage in conversations, but when around enemies you can walk around as if you had a 100% Chameleon enchantment on - none of them will ever catch you.

Other applications: By clicking an NPC or creature and typing the command it will disable the detection AI for that character only.

Notes: Type TDetect again to turn the detection AI back on.

ToggleGrass (TG)

Quite simple: it toggles the grass on and off. Great for when that blasted tall grass is hiding a nice Daedric sword from you.

Other applications: Useful for Performance Enhancement when you're playing on a low-end machine.

Notes: Type once to toggle the grass off, type again to toggle the grass on.

ToggleTrees (TT)

Simple: it toggles the trees on and off. Makes it easier to travel around forests, and helps you to see things in the distance when there are a lot of trees in the way.

Notes: Type once to toggle the trees off, type again to toggle the trees on.

Other Commands

AdvancePCSkill SkillName # (AdvSkill SkillName #)

Will add the specified number to the specified skill and count towards your level if it's a major skill.

Example: AdvSkill Blade 100; adds 100 to the player's Blade skill.

Notes: If the number you add to the specified skill would increase the skill beyond 255 then it will loop the skill back to 0 before increasing it further. Inputting a negative number will almost certainly crash the game, so don't try it. Also, when modifying a skill with a name containing multiple words, such as Hand to Hand, omit the spaces (i.e. HandToHand).

AdvancePCLevel (AdvLevel)

Levels you up once and displays the level-up screen so you can increase your attributes. This isn't a substitute for resting as it doesn't set the number of major-skill-levels required to level-up back to 0, but it doesn't leave them as they were, either. It will add 10 to the number of major-skill-levels required to level-up so that you have to make up for the free level. For example, if you needed 4 more major-skill-levels to level-up, then used this command, you now need 14 major-skill-levels before you can start leveling normally again.

MoveToQuestTarget (MoveToQT)

This will move you to the target of your currently active quest. Whether it's a location, NPC, creature, etc. doesn't matter, you'll end up wherever your compass was pointing. However, if the quest updates when you get to that point or do something there, then you'll have to use the command again to go to the next quest target.

Notes: It is possible to get stuck inside walls and doors with this command. If this happens you can use the TCL command to get out of there.

CenterOnCell BaseID (CoC BaseID)

(Only works with cell IDs.)

Teleports you to the center of the specified cell. An alternative to fast-travel, as it's instant, but you need to know the ID of the place you're heading to. This is also the only way to get into most of the test cells.

Example: CoC ICMarketDistrictAFightingChance; teleports the player to A Fighting Chance.

Links: Each Place page provides all of the console codes for that location.

Notes: CoC TestingHall will take you to a room filled with doors leading to dozens of test cells and is a great place to check out.

CompleteAllQuestStages (CAQS)

Will complete every quest in the game, including a few test quests that aren't available. Not much purpose to this, other than if you want to see what every quest in the game is and how many there are.

PlayerSpellBook (PSB)

Will give you every spell in the game, including many test spells, any spells added by mods, and some spells run by scripts that were deleted (they do nothing now).

Notes: This will add some interesting spells, such as Wabbajack's effect, Sanguine Rose's effect, and Bound Mythic Dawn Armor.


Forces a save of your current configuration in your ini-file just in case the game doesn't remember them after quitting. Useful if this is caused by mods.

Save Name 1

Makes a save game with the specified name. The name has to all be one word or enclosed in quotation marks.

Example: Save Oblivion 1; makes a save named Oblivion.

Other applications: This is used in a method of finding almost any NPC, creature, or item in the game which is explained below.

Notes: Using this method of saving creates a text file that contains the in-game IDs of almost every NPC, creature, and item in it.

SetPCFame # and SetPCInfamy #

Sets your character's fame and infamy to the specified number, respectively.

Example: SetPCFame 1000; sets the player's fame to 1000.

ShowQuestTargets (SQT)

Shows the ID and current stage of your active quest. Not much use to you on its own, but it can be applied when forcing a quest to update.

Other applications: The information this supplies can be used in SetStage QuestID Stage commands, explained below.

ResetHealth ("Player.ResetHealth")

Acts like a full heal. Useful when you're about to die, or an ally is, and you don't have any spells or potions to heal with. Will only work with later updates.

ShowEnchantment and ShowSpellmaking

These will pull up the Enchanting and Spellmaking windows, respectively. This allows you to enchant equipment and make spells no matter where you are, and regardless of if you even have access to any altars.


Similar to the above except that it will close the Oblivion Gate that you're currently inside. Could be handy if you get stuck somewhere inside an Oblivion Gate and can't find your way out or don't feel like going back. It will close the gate and set you back outside of it.


This is used to enable your controls during those cinematics when they're disabled. Occasionally the game will glitch and not enable your controls again - instead of reloading, put in this command and carry on.

SetWeather BaseID (SW BaseID)

(Only works with weather IDs.)

Changes the current weather to the specified weather.

Example: SW 38EF0; changes the weather to cloudy.

Other applications: By putting a 1 at the end of the command (SW WeatherID 1) you can make the selected weather permanent. To reset the weather so that it changes again, type ReleaseWeatherOverride.

Notes: Here are the weather IDs:

 Paradise - 370CE
 Clear - 38EEE
 Cloudy - 38EF0
 Default - 15E
 Fog - 38EEF
 Overcast - 38EEC
 Rain - 38EF2
 Snow - 38EED
 Thunderstorm - 38EF1
 Oblivion sky - 836D5

Also, note that fast travelling may revert the weather back to normal. In the case that you want the weather to stay as it is everywhere you go you may want to use ForceWeather WeatherID (FW WeatherID) instead. It will immediately change the current weather to the specified weather, rather than have a transition phase, but it will be permanent until you release it with ReleaseWeatherOverride.

ModPCMiscStat StatNum #

This allows you to add to or subtract from your miscellaneous stats such as murders, assaults, items stolen, days in prison, etc. To add to it, use a positive number; to subtract from it, use a negative number.

Example: ModPCMiscStat 4 5000; adds 5000 to the player's 'Largest bounty' stat.

Note: This command has been disabled in the GOTY Edition.

StatNum Statistic
0 Days in prison
1 Days passed
2 Skill increases
3 Training sessions
4 Largest bounty
5 Creatures killed
6 People killed
7 Places discovered
8 Locks picked
9 Picks broken
10 Souls trapped
11 Ingredients eaten
StatNum Statistic
12 Potions made
13 Oblivion gates shut
14 Horses owned
15 Houses owned
16 Stores invested in
17 Books read
18 Skill books read
19 Artifacts found
20 Hours slept
21 Hours waited
22 Days as a vampire
StatNum Statistic
23 Last day as a vampire
24 People fed on
25 Jokes told
26 Diseases contracted
27 Nirnroots found
28 Items stolen
29 Items pickpocketed
30 Trespasses
31 Assaults
32 Murders
33 Horses stolen

Set MQ00.AllowGatesToReopen to #

Determines whether the random Oblivion Gates will have a chance of reopening every time you enter a cell containing one. Using 0 will not allow gates to reopen, while using 1 will.

Notes: No gates will respawn if the maximum number of open Oblivion Gates has been reached; before and after the main quest the maximum number of gates that can open is set to 0, and throughout the main quest the number is occasionally modified. Refer to the commands below to change this.

Set MQ00.MaxOpenGates to # and Set MQ00.RandomGateChance to #

The first one takes a number between 0 and 90 and sets how many of the possible random Oblivion Gates have a chance of opening; the second one takes a number between 0 and 100 and determines the chance of a random Oblivion Gate opening when you enter a cell containing one. By setting them both to their maximum values (90 for the first and 100 for the second) they combine to guarantee that all 90 possible random Oblivion Gates will spawn no matter what point you are at in the main quest, or even if you haven't started it yet. Conversely, by setting them both to 0 you will stop any more random Oblivion Gates from spawning.

Example: Set MQ00.MaxOpenGates to 60 and Set MQ00.RandomGateChance to 50; allows up to 60 random Oblivion Gates to spawn, with a 50% chance of doing so.

Notes: Certain points in the main quest will change these values so that you'll have to put them in again. These points are: when you take Martin to Weynon Priory (25 gates; 25% chance), when you bring Martin the Mysterium Xarxes (50 gates; 50% chance), when you finish Paradise (20 gates; 25% chance), and when you finish the main quest (0 gates; 0% chance).

SetStage BaseID StageNum

(Only works with quest IDs.)

This command will force a quest to update, which is extremely useful as a lot of times a quest will get bugged and stop you from advancing it for one of many reasons. There are a couple of ways to go about doing this. The first is to use the console command SQT to find your current quest's ID and what stage you're on. Most quests' stages increase by 10 for each part completed, so you can input the quest's ID and stage with this information. For example, if it gave you Dark01Knife for the quest ID and 20 for the quest stage, you'd put in the command SetStage Dark01Knife 30 to update it. The problem, however, is that in some cases the stages don't increase by 10, but instead by a larger or smaller number. That's where the second method comes in, which requires you find the quest's ID and the stage that you want it to update to.

Example: SetStage MQ02 20; forces the player's quest to update to the next part.

Links.: Lists of quests. (IDs can be found in a section at the bottom of each quest's page.)


  • It is not possible to undo this command. So, for example, if you type SetStage MQ03 20 by mistake (instead of MQ02), there is no way to reverse that command and make the game think that you have not started MQ03. In particular, SetStage MQ03 0 will have no effect. Overall, it is not possible to decrease a quest's stage. So even entering SetStage MQ03 10 would not change the quest stage (e.g., GetStage MQ03 would still return 20, not 10).
  • Internally, the game has flags that keep track of the status of each individual quest stage. So the command SetStage MQ03 20 does not set a "stage" variable to 20; it actually sets the "stagedone" variable for MQ03 stage 20 to true (or 1). The command GetStage MQ03 just figures out which is the highest numbered stage that has been flagged as done, and returns that number. There is no known way to directly alter the "stagedone" variables, which is why it is impossible to undo a setstage command.
  • Some game scripts are based upon the overall quest stage (i.e., the value returned by GetStage); other scripts are based upon whether or not specific stages have been done (i.e., the value returned by GetStageDone). Therefore, skipping ahead in a quest, for example by entering SetStage MQ03 100 can have unpredictable effects, because the individual stages of the quest are not marked as complete. Also, there are invariably many other scripts that are supposed to get executed as a quest progresses; skipping ahead in a quest will not cause any of the other scripts to be run. It may subsequently be impossible to ever reproduce the missing events using the console. Therefore indiscriminate use of this command can lead to permanently bugged games.

ShowRaceMenu, ShowBirthsignMenu, and ShowClassMenu

All three of these work in a similar way. The first will pull up the menu that lets you change your race, gender, name, and facial features, the second will let you change your birth sign, and the third will let you change your major attributes and skills. These things are touchy, though, so you need to follow these instructions on using them. First, type in the command but do not close the console window. Make the desired changes to your character, with the console window and race/class/birthsign menu open (do not hit 'Done'), then hit Esc and make a new save - load this new save. You can now close the console window, if it's still open, but at no time before now should you close it or it will revert all of your character's stats in that menu to their default. This method may not work reliably (or it may only work for the ShowRaceMenu command).Your stats will remain untouched as long as you keep the race menu and console open. Also, you need to navigate away from the first page of the menu before saving. Click 'race' and save from there. Load immediately without closing anything. Alternatively you can change your skills using the player.setav command, as long as you have installed the 1.1.511 patch.

Notes: Some people can't save from the menu; if this happens to you then you can make a save through the console with the command Save SaveName 1. Alternately, you can have the console active when you access the escape menu; the Save option should then be available. Also, if you use the ShowClassMenu command to alter your class name, your new class name may not be properly centered in its stat menu box. This effect is only cosmetic, but can be annoying.

SetDebugText # (SDT #)

First you will need to toggle the debug text on with ToggleDebugText (TDT). This can show a variety of different information, some useful and some not, depending on which value it's set to.

Example: SDT 6; displays combat information.

Links: A list of SDT values and the information they display.

Notes: Many of the debug texts will display other NPC's and creature's information if they're selected - just click one. To see your character's information again you can go into third-person and click him/her.

Vampirism and the Console

Becoming a Vampire Using the Console

In addition to the methods found in Vampirism Console Commands of Use section. You can use the following commands. This will work even if you've been previously cured of vampirism and are now immune to it. It's rather simple, really, just put in the two commands:

Set PCVampire to 1 
Player.SetAV Vampirism 25

Feeding or waiting 24 hours will activate your powers. You don't need the "vampire disease," Porphyric Hemophilia, beforehand, but be warned that if you wait you'll turn into a vampire at 50%, and thus take sun damage, so don't do it out in the sun. Using this process to become a vampire does not trigger any other changes normally associated with becoming a vampire (such as updating quest, factions, or disease status). Therefore you will only be able to cure yourself through the console.

Curing Vampirism Using the Console

There are two ways to go about this. The first, and simplest, is to give yourself the vampirism cure potion you'd normally get at the end of the vampirism cure quest, using the command Player.AddItem 977E4 1, and drink it. This may not work due to occasional glitches, which is where the second way comes in. You'll have to use this string of commands to forcibly remove the vampirism and all traces of it:

Set PCVampire to -1
Set vampire.hasdisease to -1
player.setav Vampirism 0
player.setfactionrank A319 -1
player.removespell 2C2A5
player.removespell 2C2A4
player.removespell 2C2A2
player.removespell 3DB3A
player.removespell 2C2B0
player.removespell 2C2AD
player.removespell 2C2AA
player.removespell 2C2A8
player.removespell 2C2B1
player.removespell 2C2AE
player.removespell 2C2AB
player.removespell 2C2A7
player.removespell 3BEDA
player.removespell 3BEDB
player.removespell 3BEDC
player.removespell 3BED9

Other Uses for the Console

The disposition penalty is based on the value of PCVampire. Therefore using Set PCVampire to 1 (or 0) will let you interact with NPCs again without removing your powers. You will need to set it back to it's previous value again to progress normally.

After acquiring vampirism you may force a vampire stage progression by using the following console command:

Set PCVampire to PCVampire+1

Then exiting the console. This will advance your powers to the next stage (+25%). Entering this command more than once without exiting the console will freeze your vampire progression. Trying to advance by using player.setav Vampirism x will break your vampire. Note that Setting PCVampire to a value greater than 4 will freeze your vampire progression at your current stage.

You may add vampire abilities and weaknesses by using player.addspell <FormID>. Here is a table of the appropriate FormIDs and associated effects.

InternalName (FormID) Vampirism
to Fire
Resist Normal
Sunlight Damage
Ability Gained (FormID) Stat Boost FormID Skill Boost FormID Stat/Skill Boost Value
Vampirism25 (0003DB3A) 25% 20 % 5 % 0 Hunter's Sight (0003BEDA) 0002C2A8 0002C2A7 +5
Vampirism50 (0002C2A2 50% 30 % 10 % 1 Vampire's Seduction (0003BED9) 0002C2AA 0002C2AB +10
Vampirism75 (0002C2A4) 75% 40 % 15 % 4 Reign of Terror (0003BEDC) 0002C2AD 0002C2AE +15
Vampirism100 (0002C2A5) 100% 50 % 20 % 8 Embrace of Shadows (0003BEDC) 0002C2B0 0002C2B1 +20

For more information on vampires and vampirism, check out the vampirism page.

Using Batch Files With the bat Command

Oblivion provides a simple batch file mechanism so you can customize your game play quickly and without repeatedly typing console commands.

Example: bat mybatchfile; runs all of the console commands in the file mybatchfile.

To use the feature you:

  • Create a text file that contains a list of console commands (one per line).
  • Place the file in your Oblivion installation directory.
  • Start the game.
  • Bring up the console.
  • Type bat followed by the name of your batch file, for example bat mybatchfile.

Oblivion batch files are lists of console commands that are run one after the other. They have no loops, tests, or other logic and execution doesn't stop if there's a problem with one of the commands. You can create any number of batch files, each with its own purpose.

The following tutorial shows how to create two batch files you might find useful: one that equips battle gear (armor) and the other that equips street clothes. In the process, it shows you how to use both standard, in-game items and custom-enchanted items that you've made with either sigil stones or the enchanting altar.

Before you start, you may want to create a couple of full saves. If you work all the way through the tutorial, you'll use up a sigil stone or a filled soul gem so you might want to have a saved game you can go back to.

For the first part of the tutorial, your character will need the following in his or her inventory:

  • Fur Boots
  • Gold Trimmed Shoes

For the second part of the tutorial, your character will need:

  • A sigil stone (any kind), or
  • A filled soul gem, access to an Enchanting Altar at the Arcane University, and enough gold to pay for the resulting enchantment

If you don't have one or more of the above items and don't feel like hunting around in the game for them we can work around the problem, but it will involve using the console to add items to your inventory.

Part 1: Create Two Simple Batch Files

For the first part of the tutorial, let's create our two batch files and test them.

Use a text editor to create two new text files in your Oblivion installation directory (for example, C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion):

The file war.txt will equip your character with Fur Boots, and the file peace.txt will equip your character with Gold Trimmed Shoes.
Note: Throughout this tutorial we'll use batch files with the Windows .txt extension. This makes it easier to double-click the filename in Windows and open the file in a text editor. However, Oblivion doesn't care if the file has a .txt extension so you can create the files without the filename extension if you wish.

Place the following line in war.txt:

   player.equipitem 24767
24767 is the Object ID of Fur Boots.

Place the following line in peace.txt:

   player.equipitem 1C888
1C888 is the Object ID of Gold Trimmed Shoes.

Save your changes.

Start Oblivion and load a saved game.

Bring up the console (press tilde).

Optional: If your character does not have Fur Boots in his or her inventory, and you don't want to bother trying to find some, type the following:

  player.additem 24767 1

Optional: If your character does not have Gold Trimmed Shoes in his or her inventory, and you don't want to bother trying to find some, type the following:

   player.additem 1C888 1

Try out the first batch file. Type:

   bat war.txt
You should see the message "Fur Boots was equipped on the player" and your character should now be wearing fur boots.

To use the other batch file, type:

   bat peace.txt
You should see the message "Gold Trimmed Shoes was equipped on the player" and your character should now be wearing gold-trimmed shoes.
If you see the error message "The file filename.txt could not be opened", check to be sure you have the correct spelling of your batch file (including the .txt extension) and that the file is in your Oblivion installation directory.

That's it. You now have two functioning batch files. In the next part of this tutorial, we'll modify one of these files to use a custom-enchanted item.

Part 2: Using Custom Object IDs

In Part 1, we created batch files to equip items that are a standard part of the game: Fur Boots (Object ID 24767) and Gold Trimmed Shoes (Object ID 1C888). You can find the Object IDs for all in-game items on the Oblivion:Items page, including both magical and non-magical items.

However, what if you'd enchanted your Fur Boots using a sigil stone or an Enchanting Altar? How would you find the Object ID of a custom-enchanted item? Those Object IDs are created individually for custom-enchanted items as you play the game. It turns out there's a straightforward way to find all the Object IDs for all of the custom-enchanted items you've ever created in the game.

For the second part of the tutorial, let's build on what we did earlier, but instead of equipping our character with a standard set of Fur Boots, let's custom-enchant those boots and modify the war.txt batch file to equip them.

Start Oblivion and load a saved game. (If you're still running Oblivion after working through the earlier tutorial example above, that's fine.)


  • Get a sigil stone, or
  • Take a filled soul gem to an Arcane University Enchanting Altar.
If you don't have a spare sigil stone, for the purposes of this tutorial you can add one with player.additem 4206B 1. (This is a Descendent sigil stone that enchants a worn item with light for 15ft.)

Enchant the Fur Boots we used in the first part of this tutorial, using either a sigil stone or Enchanting Altar. The exact enchantment doesn't matter, but for this tutorial you should name your enchanted boots:

      Test Fur Boots

When you've finished enchanting the boots, press "~" to bring up the console.

Use the console save command to save the game with an additional text file that will list all of your custom inventory items:

      save testsave 1
Note: Depending upon how much data needs to be saved, the speed of your computer, and the number of games you've already saved, this may take a moment or two. Don't worry if the console seems unresponsive for a few seconds.
Your game is now saved as testsave.ess. The additional option, "1", creates a file called testsave.ess.txt which lists, among many other things, the names and Object IDs of every custom item you've created in the game.

Quit Oblivion.

Open the text version of the saved game (e.g., testsave.ess.txt) using a text editor.

First, you'll notice that the *.ess.txt file is big. Very big. But, it's organized by categories that have five-letter code names (such as ARMOs for armor, CLOTs for clothing, and so forth). The categories we're most interested in at this point are:
  • ARMOs - This section lists all of the pieces of custom-enchanted armor you've made. Your newly-created Test Fur Boots will be in this section.
  • CLOTs - This section lists all of the pieces of custom-enchanted clothing and jewelry (rings, necklaces, and amulets) you've made.
  • WEAPs - This lists all of the custom-enchanted weapons you've made.
These categories appear towards the bottom of the file in the order listed above.
Note: The *.ess.txt file does not list any in-game weapons and armor, only custom-enchanted weapons and armor.

Search for your Test Fur Boots. You'll see an entry for them in the ARMOs category and it will look similar to the following:

   FF0EF145   340 00000000  0 Test Fur Boots        -
In this example, the Object ID of the "Test Fur Boots" is FF0EF145, but be aware the Object ID for the boots in your game will be different. This Object ID is what we'll use to equip the boots in our batch file war.txt.

In the batch file war.txt that you created in the first part of the tutorial, replace the Object ID of the fur boots (24767) with the Object ID of your custom-enchanted Test Fur Boots.

For example, you would change this:
  player.equipitem 24767
. . . to this:
  player.equipitem FF0EF145
Remember: The Object ID for your specific pair of Test Fur Boots will be different from the example above. Use the Object ID you find in your testsave.ess.txt file.

Save the file war.txt.

Start Oblivion and load the save game testsave.

Test your updated war.txt batch file by bringing up the console and typing:

      bat war.txt
You see the message "Test Fur Boots was equipped on the player" and your character is now be wearing the custom-enchanted boots.

Of course, this is a lot of work to simply equip a pair of boots. Where the batch file starts to pay off is if you want to switch between several different outfits. Use the procedures shown above to add additional Object IDs for both in-game items and custom-enchanted items to your batch files.

Guidelines for Using Commands in Batch Files

Most Oblivion console commands can be run from a batch file. For example:

  • Toggle commands work in batch files. These include showing and hiding NPC conversation subtitles (ShowSubtitle), turning on and off grass display (TG), enabling and disabling god mode (TGM), and so forth.
  • Targeted commands work fine, as long as you specify the target. For example, you can use Player.Additem f 1000 in a batch file to add 1000 gold to your inventory. If you want to give the Adoring Fan 1000 gold, use AED41.Additem F 1000 (AED41 being the Reference ID of the Adoring Fan).
  • If you do not have OBSE installed and you use a RefID to prefix a targeted command, the RefID prefix must be enclosed within quotes in order for the command to work. e.g. "AED41".Additem F 1000
  • PRID (PrintReferenceID) displays the item, NPC.
  • Miscellaneous commands, such as AdvLevel, CompleteQuest, FOV, FW, and SW(to name a few) can all be run from batch files.
  • The BAT command itself cannot be run from within a batch file.

More Ideas for Batch Files

Batch files are particularly helpful for automating lengthy tasks, such as ridding oneself of vampirism. See Curing Vampirism Using the Console for a list of those commands. You can copy the commands listed on that page into a batch file called, for example, cureme.txt and run that if you need to rid yourself of vampirism.

Note:Batch files have the extension bat, not txt. So when you load a batch file in Oblivion, type bat yourfile.bat

See Also

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