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Morrowind:Unique Weapons

< Items(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Anora's Club)

Unique items are specifically defined as those which there is only one of, but which use the same appearance as other generic items. This is opposed to Artifacts, which are defined as anything with a unique appearance.

  • Spd. specifies how fast the weapon swings with higher values indicating a faster weapon.
  • Dmg. Ratio gives the damage per time for the weapon with higher values indicating a more powerful item. Ratios are given for the base weapon and any magic-based damage the weapon may have. This is calculated by multiplying the highest damage value by the weapon's speed. Weapons which do magical damage on strike have an additional value given, which is the average damage of the enchantment.
  • Charge/Cost=Uses indicates how many uses on average you can get before needing to recharge the weapon (or wait for it to charge on its own). Note that the Cost varies depending on your Enchant skill, so your results may vary.

Axe 1-Hand

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Spd. Rch. Damage Dmg.
Enchantment Charge/

Conoon Chodala's Axe

Glass War Axe 14.4 640 12,000 1.25 1.0 C: 1-33
S: 1-18
T: 1-5

Cast When Used
  Fortify Attack 10 pts for 30 secs on Self

75/15 = 5
Given by the ghost of Conoon Chodala‎ in the Cavern of the Incarnate.

Karpal's Friend
Karpal's Friend

Chitin War Axe 16.0 640 190 1.25 1.0 C: 1-15
S: 1-8
T: 1-6

Cast When Strikes
  Damage Fatigue 20 pts for 3 secs on Touch

120/12 = 10
Found in the Telvanni Vault in Vivec.

War Axe of Airan Ammu

Glass War Axe 14.4 640 14,500 1.25 1.0 C: 1-33
S: 1-18
T: 1-5

Cast When Used
  Fortify Strength 15-30 pts for 15 secs on Self

85/17 = 5
Carried by Ulath-Pal in the Erabenimsun Camp, who you'll have to kill to be named Erabenimsun Nerevarine. You may have to give it to Han-Ammu to persuade him to become the new Ashkhan and name you Nerevarine.

Wind of Ahaz
Wind of Ahaz

Chitin War Axe 12.0 640 380 1.25 1.0 C: 1-11
S: 1-8
T: 1-4

Cast When Strikes
  Chameleon 5% for 10 sec on Self
  Blind 10% for 10 secs on Touch

80/8 = 10
Carried by Ahaz in the Erabenimsun Camp, who you'll have to kill to be named Erabenimsun Nerevarine.

Axe 2-Hand

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Spd. Rch. Damage Dmg.
Enchantment Charge/


Steel Battle Axe 30.0 1,800 1,630 1.0 1.0 C: 1-36
S: 1-27
T: 1-4
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
  Shock Damage 1-25 pts on Touch

50/5 = 10
Hlormar Wine-Sot, a half-naked barbarian on the road northwest of Caldera, would like your help retrieving this axe from a witch. Unfortunately, you'll have to kill him to keep it.

Dwemer Pneuma-Trap
dwarven axe_soultrap

Dwarven Battle Axe 25.0 3,000 1,000 1.0 1.0 C: 1-36
S: 1-34
T: 1-16

Cast When Strikes
  Soultrap for 30 secs on Touch

30/3 = 10
Found at The Razor Hole in Balmora. Another one is available with the Tribunal expansion.


Nordic Battle Axe 25.0 1,400 120 1.0 1.0 C: 1-30
S: 1-30
T: 1-4

Cast When Used
  Shock Damage 1-25 pts on Target

35/7 = 5
Found in Tukushapal, Sepulcher.


Nordic Battle Axe 35.0 1,400 2,200 1.0 1.0 C: 1-35
S: 1-35
T: 1-5

Cast When Used
  Restore Fatigue 20-40 pts for 10 secs on Self
  Fortify Axe 25-100 pts for 10 secs on Self

230/46 = 5
Another half-naked barbarian on the road southeast of Vos by the name of Botrir will ask you to help him get his axe back. Unfortunately, like his compatriot, you'll have to kill him to keep it.

Blunt 1-Hand

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Spd. Rch. Damage Dmg.
Enchantment Charge/

Ane Teria's Mace

Dwarven Mace 15.0 3,000 360 1.3 1.0 C: 3-17
S: 3-17
T: 1-2

Cast When Strikes
  Damage Speed 5-12 pts on Touch
  Damage Agility 5-12 pts on Touch

70/7 = 10
Given by the ghost of Ane Teria in the Cavern of the Incarnate.

Anora's Club

Daedric Club 36.0 1,600 10,000 1.5 1.0 C: 10-12
S: 4-8
T: 6-8
18.0 none 120
Not seen in-game.


Dwarven Mace 50.0 4,000 50,000 1.3 1.0 C: 10-45
S: 10-35
T: 6-10

Cast When Strikes
  Burden 10 pts on Self
  Absorb Luck 10 pts on Touch
Demoralize Humanoid 10 pts on Touch
Rally Humanoid 10 pts on Touch
  Absorb Speechcraft 10 pts on Touch
  Damage Personality 10 pts on Touch

0/10 = 0
Carried by Lord Cluttermonkey, found in the Used Clutter Warehouse. Since this is a test-cell, it can never be seen in-game. This also explains the rather bizarre enchantments on the weapon, and the fact that it lacks a charge, so it can't really do anything anyway. Turning on God mode however will allow it to work as the game gives enchanted weapons unlimited charge, even when they would be unusable without god mode active.

Light of Day

Iron Mace 15.0 1,200 2,500 1.3 1.0 C: 5-30
S: 5-30
T: 1-2

Cast When Strikes
  Fire Damage 4-20 pts on Target
  Shield 20 pts for 5 secs on Self
  Resist Magicka 30 pts for 5 secs on Self
  Drain Magicka 100 pts for 1 sec on Self

500/5 = 100
Carried by Ano Vando, who can be found in Ald'ruhn during The Vampire Hunter quest. Note that this mace is specially scripted so as to quickly kill any vampire who attempts to wield it. So you'll have to wait until after you're cured to use it.

Blunt 2-Hand

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Spd. Rch. Damage Dmg.
Enchantment Charge/

Ancestral Wisdom Staff

Steel Staff 8.0 300 7,000 1.75 1.8 C: 2-7
S: 3-7
T: 1-5

Cast When Used
  Summon Ancestral Ghost for 100 secs on Self
  Fortify Conjuration 10 pts for 100 secs on Self

425/85 = 5
You will be given this staff by Endryn Llethan in the Vivec High Fane Temple as a reward for eliminating a foul cult in Ihinipalit, in the Underworks of the St. Delyn Canton of Vivec.


Iron Warhammer 32.0 2,000 50 1.0 1.5 C: 1-28
S: 1-24
T: 1-2
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
  Fire Damage 1-4 pts on Touch

10/1 = 10
Found on the corpse of Arlowe, an unfortunate victim of a pair of Mabrigashes at the Ashamanu Camp on Azura's Coast [13,5].

Hellfire Staff

Ebony Staff 16.0 900 9,500 1.75 1.5 C: 2-16
S: 3-16
T: 1-10
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
Weakness to Fire 0-10 pts for 10 secs on Touch
  Fire Damage 4-15 pts in 5 ft on Touch

200/16 = 12
Carried by Mavon Drenim, who can be found in the Telvanni Tower in Vivec.

Herder's Crook

Silver Staff 6.4 270 860 1.75 1.5 C: 2-7
S: 3-7
T: 1-5
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
  Paralyze for 5 secs on Touch
  Damage Health 3-7 pts for 5 secs on Touch

80/40 = 2
Not seen in-game.

Maryon's Staff

Ebony Staff 16.0 900 4,300 1.75 1.8 C: 2-16
S: 3-16
T: 1-10
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
  Shock Damage 3-7 pts on Touch
  Frost Damage 3-7 pts on Touch
  Fire Damage 3-7 pts on Touch

40/4 = 10
Appears to be an identical copy of Felen's Ebony Staff. This seems likely given the name - Felen Maryon is supposed to be the owner of the other staff. This staff is not involved in any quests, however. It can be found in the Telvanni Vault in Vivec.

Silver Staff

Silver Staff 6.4 270 350 1.75 1.5 C: 2-7
S: 3-7
T: 1-5

Cast When Strikes
  Fortify Blunt Weapon 10 pts for 5 secs on Self
  Blind 5-75% for 5 secs on Self

250/25 = 10
This staff's real name is Staff of the Silver Dawn, though it appears as Silver Staff in the game.

Arara Uvulas in the Telvanni Council House in Sadrith Mora will ask you to find and return this peculiar staff.


Silver Staff of Hunger
silver staff of hunger

Silver Staff 6.4 270 350 1.75 1.5 C: 2-7
S: 3-7
T: 1-5

Cast When Strikes
  Soultrap for 30 secs on Touch

30/3 = 10
Given by Master Aryon as a reward for the Odirniran quest for House Telvanni.

Staff of Llevule

Wooden Staff 8.0 270 160 1.75 1.8 C: 2-6
S: 3-6
T: 1-5

Cast When Strikes
  Damage Endurance 5-8 pts on Touch
  Damage Strength 5-8 pts on Touch

50/5 = 10
Not seen in-game.

Trebonius' Staff

Steel Staff 16.0 900 10,000 1.75 1.8 C: 2-16
S: 3-16
T: 1-10
50.0 w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
Weakness to Fire 7-15% in 5 ft for 6 secs on Touch
Weakness to Shock 7-15% in 5 ft for 6 secs on Touch
  Fire Damage 7-15 pts in 5 ft on Touch
  Shock Damage 7-15 pts in 5 ft on Touch

6,500/65 = 100
Carried by none other than Arch-Mage Trebonius Artorius in the Vivec Mages Guild, Foreign Quarter Plaza. It can be obtained as part of the Kill the Telvanni Councilors quest, or when you kill Trebonius to become the Arch-Mage.

Veloth's Judgement
daedric warhammer_ttgd

Daedric Warhammer 96.0 8,000 30,000 1.0 1.5 C: 1-70
S: 1-60
T: 1-4
77.0 w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
  Fire Damage 4-10 pts for 10 secs on Touch
  Drain Agility 25 pts for 10 secs on Touch
  Absorb Fatigue 5 pts for 10 secs on Touch

400/40 = 10

Long Blade 2-Hand

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Spd. Rch. Damage Dmg.
Enchantment Charge/


Silver Claymore 21.6 1,260 3,200 1.25 1.0 C: 1-27
S: 1-23
T: 1-16

Constant Effect
  Blind 20% on Self
  Drain Heavy Armor 20 pts on Self
  Drain Medium Armor 20 pts on Self
  Drain Light Armor 20 pts on Self
  Drain Unarmored 20 pts on Self
  Fortify Attack 20 pts on Self

Found in the stronghold of Kogoruhn (northeast of Maar Gan), Hall of Maki on a dead warrior (warrior dead 00) (east side in one of the cells). Prior to patch 1.10, this weapon had a bug (Damage Skill effects instead of Drain) that would result in a permanent decrease of one's armor skills.

glass claymore_magebane

Glass Claymore 16.2 840 32,000 1.25 1.0 C: 1-45
S: 1-39
T: 1-27

Cast When Used
  Resist Magicka 20-40% for 10 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
Found in the Urshilaku Burial Caverns (southeast of the Urshilaku Camp) in the Laterus Burial section (held by a mummy near the top of the central pillar).

Sword of Agustas

Nordic Claymore 25.0 3,000 450 1.25 1.0 C: 1-30
S: 1-25
T: 1-18

Cast When Strikes
  Drain Agility 1-10 pts for 1 sec on Touch
  Drain Agility 1-10 pts for 1 sec on Touch

10/1 = 10
Found on a corpse in Arenim Ancestral Tomb.

Temreki, Shackler of Souls

Iron Claymore 27.0 1,400 4,500 1.25 1.0 C: 1-27
S: 1-23
T: 1-16

Cast When Strikes
  Absorb Strength 0-20 pts for 10 secs on Touch
  Absorb Endurance 0-20 pts for 10 secs on Touch
  Soultrap for 10 secs on Touch

210/21 = 10
Carried by Larrius Varro in the Moonmoth Legion Fort barracks.

You'll receive a writ for Larrius Varro from the Morag Tong after you've been named Grandmaster of the guild.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Damage Enchantment Charge/

Azura's Star

Azura's Star 4.0 1,200 1 1-5 none 100
This is the throwing star version of Azura's Star, but it is not found in-game.

Bonebiter Bow of Sul-Senipul

Chitin Short Bow 2.0 600 105 1-20

Cast When Used
  Damage Agility 20 pts on Target

60/12 = 5
After you Meet Sul-Matuul during the Main Quest, he'll ask you to find this bow in the Urshilaku Burial Caverns before you are named Clanfriend of the Urshilaku Tribe.

Dart of Judgment [sic]

Iron Arrow 0.1 10 500 1-3

Cast When Strikes
  Poison 1-11 pts for 10 secs on Self
  Poison 1-11 pts for 10 secs on Self
  Poison 1-11 pts for 10 secs on Self
  Poison 1-11 pts for 10 secs on Self
  Paralyze for 1 sec on Self
  Paralyze for 1 sec on Self
  Paralyze for 1 sec on Self
  Paralyze for 1 sec on Self

5/1 = 5
This version of the Dart of Judgment is an arrow, which explains why Aengoth refers to them as arrows when he asks you to retrieve them. However, the darts and not the arrows are what actually appear in-game. It's possible this was changed at the last minute and the dialogue was not updated to match.

Shortbow of Sanguine Sureflight
shortbow of sanguine sureflight

Short Bow 4.0 500 80 1-15

Cast When Used
  Fortify Marksman 7 pts for 30 secs on Self

55/11 = 5
Found in Tel Aruhn, Tower Living Quarters.

Short Blade

Item Base Item Weight Health Value Spd. Rch. Damage Dmg.
Enchantment Charge/

Black Hands Dagger
daedric dagger_mtas

Daedric Dagger 9.0 1,000 15,000 2.5 1.0 C: 9-20
S: 9-20
T: 9-20
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
  Absorb Health 10-25 pts for 30 secs on Touch
  Blind 10-50% for 30 secs on Touch

2,550/255 = 10
This dagger is obtained as a reward for a Morag Tong quest from Eno Hlaalu in Vivec. See the Execute Severia Magia quest for more information. Because of the Absorb Health enchantment, no other weapon causes more damage per attack than the Black Hands Dagger.

Dagger of Judgement
Dagger of Judgement

Chitin Dagger 1.5 400 6 2.5 1.0 C: 3-3
S: 3-3
T: 3-3

Cast When Strikes
  Damage Endurance 5-8 pts on Touch
  Damage Strength 5-8 pts on Touch

50/5 = 10
This interesting dagger can be found in the Andrano Ancestral Tomb, next to the skull of Llevule Andrano, which you need to get some information from the informant gra-Muzgob.

Ebony Shortsword

Ebony Shortsword 16.0 1,200 5,000 2.5 1.0 C: 10-20
S: 10-20
T: 12-22
50 none 80
Not present in game. It is identical in appearance to Mehrunes' Razor, despite being labelled an Ebony Shortsword. It's possible this was an earlier option, replaced with A Rusty Dagger.

Flawed Dwemer Jinksword

Dwarven Shortsword 8.0 1,000 350 2.0 1.0 C: 12-25
S: 12-25
T: 11-16

Cast When Strikes
  Paralyze for 15 secs on Touch
  Paralyze for 15 secs on Self

1,000/60 = 16
Received as a reward for the Blood for Mistress Dratha quest. While it might not seem very useful, if you are a vampire, you are immune to Paralysis, so this is a very nice alternative to standard Jinkblades (It lasts 5 seconds longer, and gives you 6 more uses on average without recharging).


Chitin Shortsword 4.0 500 260 2.0 1.0 C: 3-4
S: 3-4
T: 4-5
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
  Poison 3-8 pts on Touch
Weakness to Poison 10 pts for 2 secs on Touch

40/4 = 10
Carried by Ranabi, one of the war-loving members of the Erabenimsun Tribe at their camp in the Molag Amur region. You'll need to kill him during the Erabenimsun Nerevarine quest.


Ebony Shortsword 16.0 900 10,000 2.0 1.0 C: 10-14
S: 10-14
T: 12-17

Cast When Used
  Fortify Sneak 5 pts for 30 secs on Self
  Chameleon 10-30 pts for 30 secs on Self

190/38 = 5
Carried by Delvam Andarys, a Necromancer in Mawia. You'll be asked to kill him during the Necromancer in Mawia quest for the Tribunal Temple.

Soul Drinker
daedric dagger_soultrap

Daedric Dagger 9.0 700 11,000 2.5 1.0 C: 8-12
S: 8-12
T: 8-12

Cast When Strikes
  Soultrap for 30 secs on Touch

30/3 = 10
Obtained as a reward for a Mages Guild quest from Ranis Athrys in the Balmora guild. See the Catch a Spy quest for more information.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Spd. Rch. Damage Dmg.
Enchantment Charge/

Airan-Ahhe's Spirit Spear

Chitin Spear 7.0 500 13 1.0 1.8 C: 1-2
S: 1-2
T: 5-13

Cast When Used
  Fortify Spear 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
  Restore Fatigue 10 pts for 30 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
You'll receive this enchanted spear from Kurapli in the Urshilaku Camp after avenging the death of her husband. See the Kurapli Seeks Justice quest for more information.

Bthuangth's Harvester
dwarven halberd_soultrap

Dwarven Halberd 22.0 1,000 900 1.0 1.8 C: 1-18
S: 1-14
T: 5-29

Cast When Strikes
  Soultrap for 30 secs on Touch

30/3 = 10
Inside Dandera Selaro's house in Ald'ruhn.

Ebony Spear
ebony spear_hrce_unique

Ebony Spear 28.0 900 10,000 1.0 1.8 C: 2-8
S: 2-8
T: 5-32
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
  Damage Health 10 pts for 1 sec on Touch
  Drain Agility 10 pts for 1 sec on Touch

420/14 = 30
Given to you by Theldyn Virith in the outpost at Ald Velothi after you kill Gordol.

Erud-Dan's Spear

Chitin Spear 7.0 150 13 1.0 1.8 C: 1-2
S: 1-2
T: 5-13
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
  Poison 5-11 pts on Touch

40/4 = 10
Given by the ghost of Erur-Dan in the Cavern of the Incarnate (The display name is obviously a typo on the part of the developers).


Silver Spear 11.2 700 800 1.0 1.8 C: 1-4
S: 1-4
T: 5-23

Constant Effect
  Spell Absorption 20 pts
  Drain Personality 5 pts

Found in the Telvanni Vault in Vivec. The guards do not mind if you take it.


Dwarven Spear 14.0 625 850 1.0 1.8 C: 3-6
S: 3-6
T: 6-22

Constant Effect
  Fortify Spear 10 pts on Self
  Night Eye 15 pts on Self

This nice enchanted spear can be found resting on a wall next to a lava pool in the ruins of Nchurdamz, which you may visit during a Fighters Guild quest. See the Battle at Nchurdamz quest for more information.


Dwarven Halberd 24.0 1,000 600 1.0 1.8 C: 3-17
S: 1-13
T: 5-28
w/ spell

Cast When Strikes
  Shock Damage 15-25 pts on Touch
  Lightning Shield 50 pts for 5 secs on Self

450/45 = 10
Carried by Brilnosu Llarys on the roof of Hlormaren.