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The various pages listed here provide information on all of the items available in Morrowind. Items added by the expansions are detailed on separate articles for Bloodmoon and Tribunal.

Finding Items

In addition to simply browsing through the articles listed here, there are other possible options for finding information on specific items:


If you know the exact name of the specific item you want to find, type its name (exactly as spelled in-game) into the "search" box at the left-hand side of the page and click on the "Go" button, or press the Enter key on your keyboard.


Within the category Morrowind-Items are many subcategories listing nearly every item in the game by function. If you don't know the exact spelling of a specific item, browsing through one of the categories may help you to find it.

Armor and Weapons


  • Armor articles, organized according to armor enchantment and rarity. Every piece of armor in the game is listed on one of these articles.
    • Base Armor — The standard, unenchanted armor, from which most other armor is derived.
      • Armor, by Body Area — The base same armor, but sorted according to armor type, instead of armor weight and governing skill.
    • Generic Magic Armor — Common magical armor, generally found in random locations.
      • Magic Apparel by Effect — Generic magic armor and clothing, but sorted according to magical enchantment instead of armor type.
    • Special Magic Armor — Magical armor with unusual enchantments that may be harder to find.
    • Unique Armor — One-of-a-kind armor which uses generic graphics.
    • Armor Artifacts — Truly legendary armor, unique in both appearance and effects.
    • Quest Items — Items, including armor, which are needed to complete a specific quest but are not particularly useful otherwise.
  • Armor added by official plug-ins:
  • Base armor is also organized according to Materials and Styles. These articles include locations of rare armor and links to related enchanted armor.


  • Weapon articles, organized according to weapon enchantment and rarity. Every weapon in the game is listed on one of these articles.
    • Base Weapons — The standard, unenchanted weapons, from which most other weapons are derived.
    • Generic Magic Weapons — Common magical weapons, generally found in random locations.
    • Special Magic Weapons — Magical weapons with unusual enchantments that may be harder to find.
    • Unique Weapons — One-of-a-kind weapons which use generic graphics.
    • Weapon Artifacts — Truly legendary weapons, unique in both appearance and effects.
    • Quest Items — Items, including weapons, which are needed to complete a specific quest but are not particularly useful otherwise.
  • Base weapons are also organized according to type and governing skill:
    • Axes — All weapons governed by the Axe skill: axes, war axes, and battle axes.
    • Blunt Weapons — All weapons governed by the Blunt Weapon skill: clubs, maces, warhammers, and staves.
    • Bows and Arrows — One set of weapons governed by the Marksman skill: short bows, long bows, and their ammunition.
    • Crossbows and Bolts — One set of weapons governed by the Marksman skill: crossbows and their ammunition.
    • Long Blades — All weapons governed by the Long Blade skill: longswords, broadswords, katanas, sabers, claymores, and dai-katanas.
    • Short Blades — All weapons governed by the Short Blade skill: daggers, shortswords, tantos, wakizashis.
    • Spears — All weapons governed by the Spear skill: spears and halberds.
    • Throwing Weapons — One set of weapons governed by the Marksman skill: darts, throwing knives, and throwing stars.
  • Base weapons are also organized according to Materials and Styles. These articles include locations of rare weapons and links to related enchanted weapons.

Materials and Styles

These articles provide descriptions of the various materials and styles used for creating armor and weapons. Full details of all base armor and weapons are provided on these articles, along with locations of rare items and links to related, enchanted items.

  • Bonemold — Composed of softened shells hardened by resin, used for a few weapons and medium armor.
  • Chitin — Laminated insect shell design, used for a few weapons and light armor.
  • Daedric — Expensive and highly refined form of ebony, used for many weapons and heavy armor.
  • Dreugh — Made out of Dreugh shells and wax, used for a few weapons and medium armor.
  • Dwemer/Dwarven — Very rare metal used exclusively by the Dwemer, used for Dwarven weapons and heavy Dwemer armor.
  • Ebony — Very rare high quality black glass, used for many weapons and heavy armor.
  • Glass — Created from rare metals and volcanic glass, used for weapons and light armor.
  • Imperial — Styles used by the Imperial Legion, including several styles of heavy armor (e.g., Imperial Steel Armor, Imperial Templar Armor), some medium armor (e.g., Imperial Chain Armor), a few pieces of light armor and a few weapons.
  • Indoril — Ornate medium armor.
  • Iron — Cheapest of the metals, used for many weapons and heavy armor.
  • Netch Leather — High quality leather armor unique to Morrowind, used for light armor only.
  • Nordic — Styles used by Nordic warriors, including lightweight Nordic Fur Armor, several pieces of medium and heavy armor, and a few weapons.
  • Orcish — Light Plate Steel worn over cloth armor, used for a few weapons and medium armor.
  • Silver — Rare metal used mostly against were-creatures, used for weapons and a few pieces of armor.
  • Steel — Slightly better than Iron, used for many weapons and heavy armor.
  • Other Materials — A few individual weapons and pieces of armor made of common materials such as cloth, leather, and wood.


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