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Morrowind:Netch Leather (style)

< Items: Materials and Styles
Netch Leather Armor
(Boiled on right)

Netch Leather is a unique Dunmer light armor design with much higher craftsmanship than the typical Imperial Armor of the west. The armor, because it is more comfortable and affordable than other armors, is typically used by Morrowind nomads. Netch Leather is produced from the hides of Netch, which can be found floating above their pastures in the Ascadian Isles region.

This hide may be used straight, or boiled to produce a more durable variety. Only the Helm and Cuirass come in boiled variety. These are tougher than standard Netch Leather Armor and provide marginally more protection.

Netch Leather is not suitable for making weapons.


Name ID Weight Health Value Rating Enchant
Base Netch Leather Armor (Light Armor)
Totals 50 550 137 46.1
Netch leather armor, male
Netch leather armor, female (default)
Netch leather armor, female (with LeFemm Armor plug-in)
  Netch Leather Helm netch_leather_helm 3.0 50 15 5 7.5
  Netch Leather Cuirass netch_leather_cuirass 12.0 150 35 5 6
  Netch Leather Left Pauldron
Netch Leather Right Pauldron
4.0 50 12 5 1
  Netch Leather Left Gauntlet
Netch Leather Right Gauntlet
3.0 25 7 5 6
  Netch Leather Greaves netch_leather_greaves 7.0 50 22 5 1
  Netch Leather Boots netch_leather_boots 8.0 50 10 5 2.6
  Netch Leather Shield netch_leather_shield 6.0 100 17 5 15
Boiled Netch Leather Armor
  Boiled Netch Leather Helm netch_leather_boiled_helm 3.0 70 17 7 7.5
Boiled Netch leather armor, male
Boiled Netch leather armor, female
  Boiled Netch Leather Cuirass netch_leather_boiled_cuirass 12.0 210 37 7 6
Other Items
  Netch Leather Tower Shield netch_leather_towershield 9.0 100 25 5 22.5

Special Armor Items

Netch Leather Boots
Netch Leather Left Gauntlet
Netch Leather Right Gauntlet
Netch Leather Tower Shield
Boiled Netch Leather Cuirass