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Morrowind:Heavy Armor

< Skills
Skill: Heavy Armor
Heavy Armor
Governing Attribute:
Hit By Opponent: +1.0

The Heavy Armor skill is used to move and defend while wearing massive and rigid armors like iron, steel, silver, Dwemer, ebony, and Daedric armor. To use any style of armor effectively, the wearer must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use.

Character Creation

The following races receive bonuses to their Heavy Armor skill:

The following classes have Heavy Armor as a Major skill:

The following classes have Heavy Armor as a Minor skill:


The Master Trainer of Heavy Armor is Seanwen at the Arena Fighters Training in Vivec. Other trainers of note are:

See Heavy Armor Trainers for the complete list.


The following books will increase your Heavy Armor skill:


The following factions include Heavy Armor as one of their favored skills:


  • While Heavy Armor is undoubtedly the best protection you can get - a full suit of Daedric at maxed skill giving you a whopping 266 Armor Rating, almost double that of Medium (145), and about 100 points more than Light (168), it does suffer from a few drawbacks. First of all, as the name implies, it is heavy. That full Daedric suit will load you down with 354lbs. Just to carry your armor, let alone a weapon and a stash full of loot. This will also slow down your movement rate considerably. Also, Daedric armor is by far the rarest and hardest to find armor in the game. With both Tribunal and Bloodmoon installed, there is exactly one of each piece of the set to be found in the whole game, no more than two of them anywhere near each other. Without the expansions, the only way to get a full set is to do one of two things: either kill a very important and essential character in the game, which can ruin your Main Quest if not done properly (or destroy his armor and pickpocket it which is much harder and takes much longer); or cheat. All said and done, if you want the best protection available, be prepared to sacrifice mobility and carrying capacity. Also note that Heavy Boots negatively affect your ability to stay in Sneak Mode.
  • The highest-rated heavy armor stats in the game can be achieved with the following armor combination:


Heavy Armor is defined by the following weight values. The links provide access to categories that list all of the available heavy armor items of each type.

Armor Type Weight
Boots >18.0
Cuirass >27.0
Greaves, Shield >13.5
Bracer, Gauntlet, Helmet >4.5
Pauldron >9.0

There are seven styles of Heavy Armor that provide fairly complete armor sets; three other styles include a few pieces of armor.

Armor Style Rating Weight Health Value
Complete Sets
Iron Armor 10 117 3150 266
Steel Armor 15 118 1650 558
Imperial Steel Armor 18 114 1760 618
Imperial Templar Armor
(Using Imperial Shield)
18 117 1940 658
Dwemer Armor 20 118 2200 3990
Ebony Armor 60 236 6600 133000
Daedric Armor 80 354 8650 257000
Partial Sets
Nordic Iron Armor
(Helmet, Cuirass)
Nordic Trollbone Armor
(Helmet, Cuirass, Shield)
Imperial Silver Armor
(Helmet, Cuirass)