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Morrowind:Kill Gordol

< Quests: House Redoran / West Gash
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Kill this Daedra worshipper in the shrine of Ashalmawia.
Quest Giver: Theldyn Virith at Ald Velothi
Location(s): Ald Velothi, Ashalmawia
Prerequisite Quest: Shishi Report
Reward: Enchanted Ebony Spear
Disposition: +10 (Theldyn Virith)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Redoran)
ID: HR_CultElimination
Required Rank: House Brother

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Speak to Theldyn Virith for duties.
  2. Travel to Ashalmawia and kill Gordol for his crimes.
  3. Return to Theldyn Virith.

Detailed Walkthrough


Once you've reached the rank of House Brother, Theldyn Virith in the outpost at Ald Velothi will ask you to kill the Daedra worshipper Gordol for crimes against the people of Ald Velothi. Gordol can be found in the Shrine of Ashalmawia which is just east of Ald Velothi.

The Execution of Gordol

Once you arrive in Ashalmawia, fight off the other Daedra worshippers and proceed to the Sunken Vaults, where you will encounter Gordol. He can be a tough fight, as he is wearing full ebony armor (without the helm), carries a Daedric war axe, and has quite a few spells, including Burden spells and Summon Greater Bonewalker.

After he's dead, report back to Theldyn in Ald Velothi.


Quest Stages

These Codes can be used along with the Journal Console Command and Quest ID given within the chart to update the quest to a certain point.

{{ Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|!|Kill Gordol|HR_CultElimination}}

{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=10|2=|3=Theldyn Virith asked me to kill Gordol in Ashalmawia, the Daedric ruin just east of Ald Velothi. }}{{Predefinição:FULLPAGENAME0/Line|1=100|2=yes|3=Theldyn Virith thanked me for killing Gordol. }}

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