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Sai, God of Luck

Sai is the God of Luck. Those familiar with him call him by his nickname, Lucky. He was born a mortal and had the talent to spread luck to others, but not to himself. He became a soldier, but he was killed in his first battle just as it was won. Ebonarm appeared to him, and offered him immortality if he agreed to spread his luck around. He said the gods were overworked seeing to events, and thought that Sai's inborn talent would balance things out. He readily agreed, and he was told that he could keep his body for a time before it began to fade.

He became a wanderer and tinker by trade, roaming the world with his grey wolf Grellan. It was then that he met an unlucky woman named Josea in Skyrim, whom he married and had a child with - "a beautiful baby girl with silver hair, but eyes of cornflower blue". He brought prosperity to the region, which resulted in the Snow Elves being driven from Skyrim and the Nords taking over large parts of Morrowind and High Rock.

His visits to Josea became less and less frequent, until one night she eavesdropped on him arguing with several people. These were avatars of Mara, Ebonarm and other minor gods. He was told that he could no longer stay with his family, as the luck he had given to the area was having dire consequences. He was tasked to set things right again, and his body was to be taken from him. He could only visit his wife once a year, and only in spirit. He begged Mara for a body, and she allowed him to take the form of a wolf occasionally.

When the gods had left, Josea confronted him. He told her of his true origins and explained the situation. He kissed their children goodbye and told her that she would feel his presence once a year. It took Sai one hundred and fifty years to set things right, and he needed a lot of help. Nords still hold him in high regard which is why they prefer not to kill wolves unless necessary.

In King Edward, a character known as the Slave of Moraelyn was a descendant of Sai. He revealed to Edward that he feels Sai's presence once a year, and his grandmother used to leave a bit of food and a bowl of milk out on winter nights 'for the Wolf'.

Excessive worship of Sai causes the disease known as Sai's Affliction. Sufferers of the disease have been abandoned by Sai, and long for the god's presence. They are driven to incessant gambling, seeking proof of the god's favor. This usually leaves the victim in poverty or debt.

Reliquaries dedicated to Sai can be found throughout the Iliac Bay region.


Sanguine is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is hedonistic revelry, debauchery, and passionate indulgences of darker natures. Fittingly, he often appears on the seals and signs of brothels and whorehouses. Sanguine is depicted as a portly man with a dremora-like head with horns, always with a bottle in his hand or a whore under his thumb. He is thought to control thousands of realms. He is known to be allied with Vaermina, while his enemies are Ebonarm and the Benevolence of Mara. His summoning day is Heart's Day.

For more information, see the main lore article.

Satakal, The Worldskin, Yokudan God of Everything

Satakal, the Worldskin, is the Yokudan god of everything, and a fusion of the concepts of Anu and Padomay (Satak and Akel), or the habitable universe resulting of their interaction, also called the Aurbis or 'The Gray Maybe'. Driven by hunger to eat one world to begin another, Satakal has much in common with the Nordic Alduin. In Yokudan mythology, Satakal has done (and still does) this many times over, a cycle which prompted the birth of spirits that could survive the transition, notably Ruptga, the first who learned how to do so. These spirits ultimately became the Yokudan pantheon. Satakal is a popular god of the Alik'r nomads. Redguard creation myth holds that they are doomed to mortality because they are very far away from the real world of Satakal, and the safe haven of the Far Shores is too far away for them to jump from the mortal world.


A menor das duas luas de Nirn, Secunda, ou Jone, é reconhecida como um dos espíritos atendentes do plano mortal e, como tal, é tanto temporal como sujeita aos limites da mortalidade. Secunda, que existe como um plano separado, há muito tempo pereceu; foi a morte de Secunda que levou os mortais a perceber que a mesma tem textura e tamanho limitado, assim como imperfeições de cor, as quais são os resultados de sua decadência de seu revestimento anterior em branco puro.

Embora considerada por várias culturas como um espírito assistente de um dos planeta deus, um deus menor ou deus estrangeiro, Secunda não é exibida dentro de planetários Dwemer, nem mesmo detém uma posição no panteão Imperial. Na cultura Khajiiti, andar o Caminho de Jone é um passo necessário ao Campeão Lunar que deseja se tornar Juba.

Sep, The Snake

Yokudan version of Lorkhan. Tall Papa wanted help regulating the spirit trade, so he created Sep, also called the "Second Serpent", from the detritus of past skins. Sep could not think straight due to intense hunger, and Tall Papa sometimes had to reach down his throat and save spirits Sep had erroneously eaten. Sep eventually got tired of helping Tall Papa. Eventually driven crazy by the hunger of Satakal, Sep convinced some of the gods to help him make an easier alternative to the Walkabout, the process of sliding between worldskins to escape the hunger of Satakal which was pioneered by Tall Papa. Tall Papa, of course, knew better, and just shook his head as they formed a ball from past skins to live on. Sep's skin-ball became the mortal world, and the spirits who followed Sep became trapped there to live out their lives as mortals, and they had to resort to procreation to have any form of survival. Sep was punished by Tall Papa for his transgressions, but his hunger lives on as a void in the stars, a 'non-space' that tries to upset mortal entry into the Far Shores. Tall Papa is said to have squashed the Second Serpent with a big stick. While the rest of the new world was allowed to strive back to godhood, Sep could only slink around in a dead skin, or swim about in the sky, a hungry void that jealously tried to eat the stars.


Seth is a dark god worshipped all across Tamriel. The Brotherhood of Seth runs temples in many major cities. Before its destruction, Gideon, a city in Black Marsh known for its evil vibe, was supposedly owned by the followers of Seth. During the Imperial Simulacrum, one of the members of the Brotherhood of Seth in Camlorn, High Rock learned of Jagar Tharn's plot, and stole the brotherhood's map of the entrance to the Crypt of Hearts in a maddened attempt to restore the true Emperor by recovering a piece of the Staff of Chaos hidden there. With the aid of the brotherhood, the Eternal Champion recovered the map from the Mines of Khuras and was directed to the Crypt of Hearts.

Shagrath, God of Spiders

An obscure god, whose High Priestess once threatened all of Valenwood with an army of spiders.

Sheogorath, The Mad God

Sheogorath é o Príncipe Daedrico da Loucura, o Quarto Canto da Casa dos Problemas, Lorde do Nunca-Lá e Soberano das Ilhas Calafrosas.[nb 1] Diz-se que suas motivações são desconhecíveis. É muitas vezes chamado de Estrela Louca, o Lorde Louco, o Doido, e o Deus Louco, entre outros. His realm, best known as the Shivering Isles, has also been called the Madhouse. It's believed that those who go there lose their sanity forever.[nb 2] Of course, only the Mad God himself may decide who has the privilege to enter. The Golden Saints, or Aureals, and Dark Seducers, or Mazken, are his servants. The Mad God typically manifests on Nirn as a seemingly harmless, well-dressed man often carrying a cane, a guise so prevalent it has actually been coined "Gentleman With a Cane". Worship of Sheogorath is widespread in Tamriel, but historically, he has been especially revered in Morrowind and Elsweyr.

For more information, see the main lore article.

Sheor, Bad Man

In Bretony, the Bad Man is the source of all strife. He seems to have started as the god of crop failure, but most modern theologians agree that he is a demonized version of the Nordic Shor, born during the dark years after the fall of Saarthal.

Shezarr, God of Man

Shezarr is a Cyrodilic version of Lorkhan whose importance suffered when Akatosh came to the fore of Nibenay religion. Shezarr was the spirit behind all human undertaking, especially against Aldmeri aggression. He is sometimes associated with the founding of the first Cyrodilic battlemages. In the present age of racial tolerance, Shezarr is all but forgotten. He is admittedly a thinly-disguised version of Shor, and even in the Colovian West of Cyrodiil, they recognize Shezarr by the name of Shor. One of the thousands of cults in the Imperial City was dedicated to worship of him.

Shor, God of the Underworld

Shor é a versão Nórdica de Lorkhan. Ele se aliou aos homens após a criação do mundo. Deuses estrangeiros, (por exemplo, os élficos) conspiraram contra ele para derrota-lo, o condenando ao "submundo". Mitos Atmoranos o retratam como um rei guerreiro sanguinário que liderou os Nords à vitória contra os opressores Aldmeri. Antes de sua condenação, Shor, às vezes também chamado de Deus das Crianças, foi líder dos deuses. Acredita-se que Shor pode ser encontrado em Sovngarde, uma utopia de Aetherius que ele construiu e é aberta na pós vida para todos os Nords que provem seu valor ou morram corajosamente em batalha. Embora morto, antigas lendas Nórdicas falam sobre o fantasma de Shor sendo "cantado" de volta ao mundo em ocasiões importantes da história Nórdica.


Sithis (ou Padomay) é uma representação do estado primordial do caos. Também é o patrão da Irmandade Sombria, que recebe uma persona masculina e é dito ser o marido da Mãe Noite. Sithis é descrito como uma força igual mas oposta a Anuiel. Apesar de a Irmandade Sombria antropomorfizar Sithis como um 'Pai', eles o reconhecem como não sendo um Daedra nem um Aedra, e não vive em nenhum plano de Oblivion. Sithis tem um lugar em quase todos os 'mitos' da criação de Tamriel, sob muitos nomes diferentes. Na tradição Rubraguarda ele é referido como 'Akel', uma fome incessante que governa Satak (Anuiel), a Primeira Serpente, para devorar a si mesmo eternamente. Quando a Primeira Serpente finalmente come o próprio coração, ela morre, mas renasce como Satakal (Aurbis, O Talvez Cinza); uma nova Cobra, na qual 'coisas' (Aedra e Daedra) poderiam conhecer a si mesmas. Apesar de as rendições diferirem sobre Sithis ou Anuiel ter existido primeiro, muitos sugerem que apesar de Anuiel ter sido largamente responsável por trazer os Aedra para a existência finita, Sithis é responsável por Lorkhan ter passado a existir, e portanto toda a criação mortal. Muita lore também sugere que os Daedra são feitos 'do sangue de Sithis', o que é suportado pelo papel deles como portadores da mudança.

Para mais informação, veja o artigo principal.

Sotha Sil, Mystery of Morrowind

Sotha Sil, or Seht, wizard-mystic god of the Dunmer, is the least known of the divine Tribunal. He is known as the Father of Mysteries, Magus, Magician, Sorcerer, Tinkerer, Clockwork God, the Light of Knowledge, and the Inspiration of Craft and Sorcery. Sil appears as 'si' in Almsivi. He is said to be reshaping the world from his hidden Clockwork City. Once the last survivor of a minor Dunmer House, Sotha Sil became a great wizard in life and later discovered how to use Kagrenac's Tools on the Heart of Lorkhan to steal its divine powers and become a god. He is an architect of time and a binder of Oblivion.

For more information, see Sotha Sil.

Stendarr, God of Mercy

Stendarr has been called the God of Mercy, Charity, and Well-Earned Luck, as well as the God of Justice. A member of the Eight Divines/Nine Divines, his origins are traced back to Stuhn, God of Ransom, Shield-thane of Shor, but he evolved into a deity of compassion or, sometimes, righteous rule by might and merciful forbearance. Stendarr is the inspiration of magistrates and rulers, the patron of the Imperial Legion, and the comfort of the law-abiding citizen. He is said to have accompanied Tiber Septim in his later years. In early Altmeri legends, Stendarr is the apologist of Man. He is popular among Imperials, Altmer, Bosmer, and Bretons. He is also called "Stendarr the Steadfast", and the deity who "suffers Men to read".

Stuhn, God of Ransom

Nordic precursor to Stendarr, brother of Tsun. Shield-thane of Shor, Stuhn was a warrior god that fought against the Aldmeri pantheon. He showed Men how to take, and the benefits of taking, prisoners of war.

Syrabane, Warlock's God

An Aldmeri god-ancestor of magic, Syrabane aided Bendu Olo in the Fall of the Sload. Through judicious use of his magical ring, Syrabane saved many from the scourge of the Thrassian Plague. It is said that the ring remains under the command of "Archmage" Syrabane. He is also called the Apprentices' God, for he was a favorite of the younger members of the Mages Guild. A grand statue of him is said to stand on a coastal cliff of Artaeum, which he allegedly posed for in-person. He eventually became revered as a god as Altmeri society developed. A Snow Elf temple was dedicated to his worship.
