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Lore:Nomes Bosmer

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Nomes AltmerNomes ArgonianosNomes BosmerNomes BretõesNomes DunmerNomes ImperiaisNomes KhajiitNomes NórdicosNomes ÓrquicosNomes Rubraguarda




Dinastia Remana
Dinastia Septim
Dinastia Mede
Guerras e Conflitos


Idioma Argoniano
Alfabeto Daédrico
Alfabeto Dracônico
Idioma Dracônico
Alfabeto Dwemer
Idioma Dwemer
Alfabeto Antigo
Idiomas Ehlnofex
Alfabeto Falmer
Alfabeto da Escrita Mágica
Idioma Órquico Antigo
Alfabeto Rúnico



This is a list of all the known Bosmer names, compiled from the games.

Male Bosmer Names

Arena and Daggerfall

  • Given names for male Bosmers in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of twelve prefixes and one of twelve suffixes.
  • The 12 prefixes for male Bosmer names are: An, Ara, Ar, Co, Elis, Karo, Lego, Li, Pali, Ria, Sil, Ta
  • The 12 suffixes for male Bosmer names are: cher, dell, driel, gan, gorn, las, man, nis, nor, rim, tan, van

Therefore, all of the male Bosmer names in Arena and Daggerfall are:

Ancher, Andell, Andriel, Angan, Angorn, Anlas, Anman, Annis, Annor, Anrim, Antan, Anvan,
Aracher, Aradell, Aradriel, Aragan, Aragorn, Aralas, Araman, Aranis, Aranor, Ararim, Aratan, Aravan,
Archer, Ardell, Ardriel, Argan, Argorn, Arlas, Arman, Arnis, Arnor, Arrim, Artan, Arvan,
Cocher, Codell, Codriel, Cogan, Cogorn, Colas, Coman, Conis, Conor, Corim, Cotan, Covan,
Elischer, Elisdell, Elisdriel, Elisgan, Elisgorn, Elislas, Elisman, Elisnis, Elisnor, Elisrim, Elistan, Elisvan,
Karocher, Karodell, Karodriel, Karogan, Karogorn, Karolas, Karoman, Karonis, Karonor, Karorim, Karotan, Karovan,
Legocher, Legodell, Legodriel, Legogan, Legogorn, Legolas, Legoman, Legonis, Legonor, Legorim, Legotan, Legovan,
Licher, Lidell, Lidriel, Ligan, Ligorn, Lilas, Liman, Linis, Linor, Lirim, Litan, Livan,
Palicher, Palidell, Palidriel, Paligan, Paligorn, Palilas, Paliman, Palinis, Palinor, Palirim, Palitan, Palivan,
Riacher, Riadell, Riadriel, Riagan, Riagorn, Rialas, Riaman, Rianis, Rianor, Riarim, Riatan, Riavan,
Silcher, Sildell, Sildriel, Silgan, Silgorn, Sillas, Silman, Silnis, Silnor, Silrim, Siltan, Silvan,
Tacher, Tadell, Tadriel, Tagan, Tagorn, Talas, Taman, Tanis, Tanor, Tarim, Tatan, Tavan






Aengoth, Agarond, Allimir, Alveleg, Amring, Anglalos, Anruin, Arannir, Arathor, Baradras, Berengeval, Bolrin, Bragor, Brallion, Brithroth, Brolmir, Celegorn, Cingor, Clendil, Cun, Dangor, Denegor, Dirding, Dondir, Elberoth, Elegal, Eloroth, Endring, Engaer, Eradan, Erradan, Erval, Faldan, Fargoth, Faulgor, Fillin, Findulain, Foronir, Gaeldol, Gaenor, Galmir, Galthragoth, Gazalem, Gerrilgor, Glaum, Glonagoth, Godros, Gorchalas, Hingor, Meldor, Menelras, Minedhel, Minglos, Monthadan, Morth, Nalion, Nedhelas, Nedhelorn, Pegasai, Peragon, Rithrannir, Tarhiel, Thoromlallor, Thoronor, Tuundir, Ulwaen, Ungeleb


Aengvir, Amragor, Anglor, Anguilon, Athragar, Athrelor, Baenlin, Baeralorn, Brellin, Brithaur, Brodras, Bolwing, Caenlin, Caenlorn, Cingaer, Cingor, Daenlin, Dervenin, Engorm, Enilroth, Eridor, Erthor, Fimmion, Fithragaer, Foroch, Gelephor, Glarthir, Gloorolros, Gundalas, Gwinas, Hagaer, Hundolin, Maenlorn, Maglir, Nedhelfin, Niraegaer, Nordinor, Rindir, Thadon, Thaurron, Thoronir, Thrangirfin, Thurindil, Ungolim, Urunil, Uungor, Uuras


Anoriath, Dervenin, Edorfin, Elrindir, Endrast, Enthir, Faendal, Gadnor, Gelebros, Girduin, Gwilin, Malborn, Niruin, Orchendor, Ronthil, Syndus, Thaer, Ungrien, Valindor


2x: Fingaenion (1, 2), Hurolas (1, 2), Mandolion (1, 2), Miruin (1, 2)
1x: Adamir, Aeradan, Aerchelas, Aering, Aerolor, Aglion, Agolas, Agular, Agwodir, Alander, Aldarnen, Aldor, Alphrennor, Alphrost, Altholmir, Amlion, Amreval, Andrilion, Angeron, Angilor, Anglas, Anglorn, Anthelion, Arengo, Arengur, Arenion, Arganar, Arthor, Athraedal, Athrahgor, Azareth, Baenelros, Balithil, Barothlas, Behelir, Bellulor, Bendralas, Benduin, Berdonion, Berithor, Berthor, Bodring, Bolelos, Bolion, Bolwagon, Borcholim, Borchon, Borelril, Borwiian, Bredragon, Bredros, Breduin, Brellin, Brelor, Brengor, Brenor, Briminor, Brimlirdor, Brimlor, Brinthir, Burrfoot, Caenlilmith, Caentholrin, Caerllelfin, Caerllin, Calabenn, Calthindor, Cantadir, Canthion, Cathras, Celelruin, Celonron, Cendalor, Cenirond, Cingunor, Ciradir, Cirithor, Cirnean, Cirodros, Cirthile, Cirtor, Clenalgor, Clenegor, Cunendor, Daenilroth, Dalodir, Dalrelvir, Dalrithor, Danrithri, Dardalmoth, Dardir, Dathangil, Dennoroth, Denrin, Deregor, Deros, Derveglor, Dindom, Diranor, Dirchanor, Dirdelas, Dolilas, Dollarthor, Domillas, Donallir, Doradrin, Doralon, Doranar, Dordanion, Dorinlas, Dorodir, Dorondor, Drauginor, Draugorin, Drauldolim, Draulduin, Drilalfin, Drimrin, Drinlin, Drinroth, Edalor, Edhelas, Edheldor, Edhelfin, Edhelorn, Edhelruin, Edhelvir, Edthas, Edundor, Egannor, Egarfin, Egelnor, Egelrin, Egenor, Egenthor, Eghanar, Egidnor, Egidrin, Egilas, Eginir, Eginthoril, Eglabenn, Egolor, Egranor, Eguroth, Elaldor, Elanir, Elebor, Elethir, Elethlin, Elilor, Elolir, Elonthor, Elseer, Elthras, Enaring, Enathorn, Enathras, Endring, Endrothir, Enethrin, Engaenir, Engiroth, Englor, Engor, Enoring, Entelator, Enthilin, Enthonor, Enthoras, Eraegaer, Eralgor, Eralorn, Eranas, Erengor, Erimroth, Eringor, Eronthor, Erthaenir, Erthalmoth, Erthas, Erthonor, Erthor, Erunor, Ervalir, Esladir, Ethlinor, Ethruin, Faeldal, Faengongorn, Faenir, Faenlidor, Faenthundor, Faerelos, Faerin, Falahawn, Falthalorn, Falelros, Famronion, Fangaril, Fangilmir, Faradan, Faralos, Farandor, Fardel, Farthagal, Farthalem, Faulbor, Faulor, Faurchon, Faurinar, Fealote, Feladir, Fengrin, Fenteladir, Ferlion, Filalmoth, Filbolrel, Fildir, Filingaer, Filmian, Findun, Finedrin, Fingor, Finlas, Finonas, Fintholor, Finvir, Firaelion, Firagaer, Fireluin, Firolbor, Firolmoth, Fironthor, Firras, Firthaedal, Firuin, Fithrolon, Foldor, Folilas, Fonalor, Fongidor, Fongoth, Fordan, Forinor, Forongon, Forthor, Fradion, Gadinas, Gael, Gaenengeval, Gaenennor, Gaerthgorn, Gaerthidrin, Gaerthir, Galalron, Galandir, Galbor, Galdilin, Galithor, Galolion, Galriel, Galthonor, Gandalor, Gandonion, Gazunil, Gelabenn, Gelin, Gelthior, Glalor, Glathor, Glathras, Glaugluin, Glauloroth, Glaurilas, Glaurolin, Glinthinar, Glirion, Gloldor, Glolmir, Glolor, Glongor, Glonnir, Glooring, Gloron, Gluin, Godadras, Golor, Gonlas, Goralgor, Gorinir, Gorulbor, Gothrongor, Grohanar, Gwaegalir, Gwael, Gwaerinbor, Gwannas, Gwannor, Gwanolrin, Gwarolgor, Gwilandor, Gwilgoth, Gwilir, Gwilon, Gwinadras, Gwindebros, Gwindir, Gwinengur, Gwingeval, Gwinir, Gwinor, Gwiras, Hadendor, Hadnilion, Hadran, Hadras, Hagaelion, Halalin, Halelmathras, Halindor, Halion, Halordil, Halridor, Halronion, Haraenion, Haras, Hareglor, Harin, Haron, Hartmin, Hednor, Hegaer, Helmir, Helondanbor, Heluin, Henandan, Hengolir, Henilien, Henodras, Heralbor, Hingaron, Hunindir, Hurdalas, Hurthinnor, Icarian, Idreloth, Ilring, Ilthring, Indaenir, Indaryn, Indelor, Indiir, Indinor, Indinroth, Indolor, Indralir, Indrelor, Indring, Inluin, Irielis, Ithanarth, Ithgagon, Iulidul, Kerninn, Ladrelas, Laelrion, Lagrethor, Lanelor, Lataryon, Ledronor, Legodir, Lemring, Lemrongorn, Lenahawn, Lengaer, Lenonion, Lenor, Lenoril, Lenranas, Lerangor, Lereluin, Lestadir, Lilthidrin, Lindowel, Lonor, Lorchon, Lorfolas, Lowindor, Madruin, Maendir, Maenrin, Maenthanaras, Maeroth, Magaelion, Malgawn, Malgorin, Malgoth, Malinor, Malionar, Malthagros, Malthor, Malvir, Manalmir, Mandir, Mandor, Manenlir, Mangaer, Mangeth, Mangonas, Manilbor, Manroth, Manthir, Marantar, Marilrin, Maruin, Mathal, Mathragor, Melas, Meleras, Melinfel, Mendros, Menorfin, Menthorn, Merethrin, Methring, Milgangor, Milion, Milmilin, Milwalin, Minan, Minangor, Mingalion, Mingonor, Mingor, Minthelir, Mirchanas, Mirilir, Modorin, Modradil, Mollorn, Monennor, Mongon, Mongor, Mongoth, Monvaras, Morthelos, Naglanor, Nagledrin, Nalbor, Nalguin, Nalthenlir, Nanthenas, Nedaegaer, Nednor, Nedras, Nedrin, Nedtharond, Nedthion, Negaelion, Nelgorn, Nellor, Nendaer, Nendilir, Nerellanvir, Nergor, Neronnir, Nethrin, Niden, Nidras, Nilaendril, Nildedrin, Nindir, Ninglenel, Ninglos, Ningor, Nirolos, Nironor, Nirthindor, Nirthongoth, Nondor, Nongiruin, Norvir, Nothilgor, Nothirvir, Nothrelras, Nothrolion, Obenion, Obentor, Odreth, Odrethin, Ogarendir, Olahanar, Olarion, Ongalion, Onglor, Onglorn, Oranron, Orchelor, Orchelos, Orchenas, Orcholin, Ording, Orenthel, Orthalon, Orthanron, Orthelos, Orthenir, Orthonor, Orthoron, Ostarion, Parenonas, Pegolas, Pegolos, Peras, Perinor, Raen, Raendor, Ragalvir, Ralalorn, Ralondel, Ramsi, Ranedor, Raniluin, Rathilmith, Regring, Rendarion, Rethrin, Rilding, Rilion, Rininion, Rinlir, Rodaegaer, Rodring, Rolalmoth, Rolding, Rolindor, Rolion, Rollin, Rolon, Rondor, Rondrin, Ronolin, Rothondothrin, Rothraenion, Salahanar, Salalin, Saldaer, Saldir, Salgaer, Sandaenion, Sanonor, Sarmionor, Sarolion, Saromir, Shaguniel, Tessorthon, Thiingelien, Tholdaegal, Tholdegil, Tholerthorn, Thollebros, Thollunil, Thololin, Tholor, Tholralem, Thongonor, Thonoras, Thorianion, Thorinor, Thragaer, Thragnor, Thranor, Tralor, Trilion, Tuunnir, Uldwin, Ulphroth, Ulthorn, Ulwemir, Ulwithor, Ungaedal, Ungenor, Uranyon, Uwedrin, Vanendil



Out-of-Game Books

Draeg, Fenton, Thorongil


Alendis, Basth, Haymon, Mankar, Orben, Vanirion

Female Bosmer Names

Arena and Daggerfall

  • Given names for female Bosmer in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of eleven prefixes and one of ten suffixes.
  • The 11 prefixes for female Bosmer names are: Cas, Cyl, Des, Lare, Lego, Lilis, Min, Phy, Rilli, Si, U
  • The 10 suffixes for female Bosmer names are: dra, fina, gina, landra, lerva, na, nia, sa, sandra, thia

Therefore, all of the female Bosmer names in Arena and Daggerfall are:

Casdra, Casfina, Casgina, Caslandra, Caslerva, Casna, Casnia, Cassa, Cassandra, Casthia,
Cyldra, Cylfina, Cylgina, Cyllandra, Cyllerva, Cylna, Cylnia, Cylsa, Cylsandra, Cylthia,
Desdra, Desfina, Desgina, Deslandra, Deslerva, Desna, Desnia, Dessa, Dessandra, Desthia,
Laredra, Larefina, Laregina, Larelandra, Larelerva, Larena, Larenia, Laresa, Laresandra, Larethia,
Legodra, Legofina, Legogina, Legolandra, Legolerva, Legona, Legonia, Legosa, Legosandra, Legothia,
Lilisdra, Lilisfina, Lilisgina, Lilislandra, Lilislerva, Lilisna, Lilisnia, Lilissa, Lilissandra, Lilisthia,
Mindra, Minfina, Mingina, Minlandra, Minlerva, Minna, Minnia, Minsa, Minsandra, Minthia,
Phydra, Phyfina, Phygina, Phylandra, Phylerva, Phyna, Phynia, Physa, Physandra, Phythia,
Rillidra, Rillifina, Rilligina, Rillilandra, Rillilerva, Rillina, Rillinia, Rillisa, Rillisandra, Rillithia,
Sidra, Sifina, Sigina, Silandra, Silerva, Sina, Sinia, Sisa, Sisandra, Sithia,
Udra, Ufina, Ugina, Ulandra, Ulerva, Una, Unia, Usa, Usandra, Uthia


Selene, Ulandra/Vlandra






Aerin, Aglaril, Anrel, Aradraen, Arangaer, Aranwen, Ardhil, Aredhel, Bauril, Baurin, Belwen, Berwen, Borwen, Celegil, Cirwedh, Cuunel, Distel, Dondreth, Dothiel, Dothruviel, Eindel, Elegnan, Elphiron, Emelin, Eraldil, Estinan, Falion, Fara, Filbeneth, Galbedir, Galdiir, Gelduin, Gildan, Giningil, Glathel, Hyna, Iingail, Indrel, Irwaen, Kirsty, Liette, Lorchel, Mara, Menelin, Milbereth, Nael, Natesse, Nathien, Nilioniel, Nona, Penglithil, Radras, Samia, Thaeril


Adanrel, Angrond, Alawen, Althel, Andragil, Anedhel, Boroneth, Bothiel, Carwen, Ciindil, Dagail, Dairihill, Degil, Dennilwen, Dredhwen, Elragail, Elsynia, Faurinthil, Ganredhel, Githriian, Hasathil, Huurwen, Idrolian, Laenafil, Laralthir, Mandil, Methredhel, Naarifin, Nilawen, Parwen, Syl, Telaendril, Thaedil, Thalfin, Thamriel, Thiirchel, Uurwen


Anuriel, Ardwen, Beleval, Brelas, Galathil, Nimphaneth, Nimriel, Nivenor, Wylandriah


2x: Baham (1, 2), Dagla (1, 2), Fara (1, 2), Iinel (1, 2), Iirwaen (1, 2), Laenril (1, 2), Radreth (1, 2), Riian (1, 2)
1x: Adagwen, Adandora, Aeranir, Aerchith, Aerledirre, Aerwaen, Agafos, Agilruin, Alandis, Alangil, Alareth, Aldeth, Aleanneth, Althoth, Althuviel, Amariel, Amrael, Amridil, Andoriel, Andrathel, Anenya, Anerel, Anganrith, Angeniel, Anglith, Angranel, Angrel, Angren, Angrineth, Aniel, Annagail, Annarth, Anredith, Annathiel, Anriel, Aradhel, Araneth, Arathel, Arithiel, Arthwiien, Athemel, Atheval, Athirion, Athuviel, Balia, Belane, Belwanril, Benieth, Berisse, Betedir, Birwaen, Bondileth, Boriel, Borogilmith, Borwaeneth, Bothiel, Bowenas, Bredrel, Brelinith, Brelondith, Brendil, Calendir, Calenethel, Calithil, Canda, Candariel, Candion, Caraleth, Caralith, Caranith, Cariel, Cayliss, Celanarth, Celaranith, Celorien, Celwen, Cenrathil, Cerwaenor, Cerweriell, Cerwil, Ciinderel, Ciindewal, Ciirenas, Ciireriath, Ciirillie, Cirithiel, Coradri, Cwynoniel, Cygwen, Cygwenn, Dailalleth, Dailinir, Dailinthil, Dailirwen, Dailithil, Dairaegal, Dalaneth, Dandra, Darahawn, Daraneth, Dayagwen, Degail, Denninel, Dessidela, Dinwenel, Dirwendel, Doldoniel, Dolian, Dolirdor, Dollian, Dolwinora, Dondrinir, Dondrothel, Doneth, Donganiel, Dongenan, Donglanel, Donnaelain, Donnenir, Donniel, Donriel, Doralin, Doralineth, Dorathil, Dorendir, Doriel, Dothriel, Drauginas, Dredhedil, Earnaana, Edherien, Efreghar, Egilrineth, Eiola, Einnel, Einrel, Einriel, Elanas, Elandora, Elayel, Elengil, Elerdel, Elethien, Elirwen, Elphaniel, Elphinia, Elphiniel, Elphirion, Elriniel, Elruin, Elsaril, Elsenia, Elsonia, Emalith, Emanir, Emolwen, Emoneth, Emuin, Endoriell, Endregail, Endrith, Endriwen, Enduinas, Eneriell, Engail, Englornith, Enielin, Eniras, Enlorien, Enruvie, Eralian, Eralin, Eraneth, Eranwen, Erathrin, Erelruin, Erilthil, Erinel, Ernethel, Ernethiel, Erwin, Essaneth, Essilion, Essonarth, Estelin, Estilion, Ethrel, Eveli, Faedre, Faedridil, Faenir, Faldethil, Faldiniel, Falphirion, Fanadis, Fanayell, Fandir, Fangil, Faraniel, Farenlith, Fariel, Faruin, Farwen, Farwilwen, Fauridil, Fauril, Faurwin, Fayadess, Fayagwen, Fayilien, Felariel, Fiabess, Filberel, Filedh, Filenarth, Filoneth, Finde, Findredil, Fingil, Fingrathel, Finnethil, Finnorieth, Finoriell, Firalboreth, Firanarth, Firathil, Firchel, Firiliril, Firion, Fironel, Firuin, Firwin, Fisalie, Flanneth, Floriele, Frenidela, Frenith, Gaette, Gaireth, Galathril, Galbenel, Galdini, Galereth, Galerond, Galesse, Galthel, Gananith, Gandalith, Gannel, Ganniel, Ganrenan, Ganwen, Garaengrin, Garel, Garamiel, Garanel, Gariel, Garimmir, Garion, Garniel, Garwiril, Garwiruin, Gathiel, Gathion, Gathraenor, Gathwen, Geldaeniel, Geldirel, Gelthedh, Gelthiras, Gelur, Genboril, Gendinora, Genriel, Genthel, Geoffrise, Gerethel, Gerinien, Gerwen, Gerweruin, Gethawen, Gilbonel, Gilinora, Gilradil, Gilraen, Gilriian, Gindothel, Ginereth, Giniel, Girnalin, Girnileth, Girninan, Girriian, Githiril, Githriian, Glaras, Glardel, Glarin, Glendora, Glenora, Glooredel, Gloraneth, Glordil, Glothorien, Gluineth, Gosellaneth, Grildoriel, Guilenarth, Guileval, Guilion, Gwaerarth, Gwaering, Gwendis, Gwenieth, Gwenuinas, Halsinan, Hangaerin, Hanriian, Hanthaerin, Hariell, Harmolith, Harowen, Hasiwen, Henoreth, Henriel, Henrinora, Heragaeth, Herdor, Honorata, Huundel, Huunel, Huurel, Hynendirre, Iannianith, Ianwaen, Idradriel, Idronel, Idrothiel, Iirdel, Iirdilin, Iirond, Imriel, Indanas, Indel, Indithil, Indrenan, Indraseth, Ingrarthel, Inril, Irdan, Irwiraen, Kaale, Kashia, Kathariel, Kirstar, Kirstenreth, Kuna, Laen, Laeneval, Laeranir, Laerinir, Laerion, Laniriel, Lanwaen, Lara, Laranieth, Larasel, Larchelas, Larweneth, Lathriel, Lianedirre, Lianorien, Lienanarth, Lienenarth, Liennas, Lilaneth, Lionora, Little Leaf, Lobelathel, Lorading, Lorregil, Lorthodaer, Lorwen, Lothiel, Maelin, Malaniel, Malareth, Malesse, Malfinir, Malioneth, Mandilin, Mariel, Marineth, Marinora, Megail, Mehlin, Melbethil, Meldaril, Melledh, Mellieth, Melothil, Melrethel, Menaelion, Mendil, Mendredhil, Mengaer, Meninel, Mennel, Menninia, Mennir, Menwirchel, Miliril, Millenith, Minaelion, Mindirin, Miniel, Minonel, Minriel, Minrion, Mithen, Molamiel, Molenaniel, Moleras, Moneriel, Naarendras, Naeldil, Naerion, Naeronel, Naerorien, Nallion, Nallorwen, Namradis, Namriel, Nara, Naridir, Narinarth, Narinia, Narion, Natareth, Nelmir, Nielaenor, Nielas, Nien, Nienornith, Nienras, Nieth, Nilara, Nilbedel, Nilbethil, Nilenarth, Nilenir, Niliendras, Nilleth, Nilliel, Nilwen, Nimanir, Niminthil, Nimriell, Nimriian, Nindenel, Ninriledh, Ninwin, Niranda, Niraniel, Niriel, Nirihill, Niruin, Nistel, Nistyniel, Nithelin, Nithiel, Nitholeth, Nithriel, Nivrel, Nivriian, Nivrilin, Noldathil, Norraneth, Norriel, Norweras, Nothemril, Onglorien, Orabess, Oraneth, Orchelith, Oriadess, Orianel, Orwinora, Panreth, Parenel, Pariel, Parwaen, Parwinel, Peruin, Pishna, Ralaenglin, Ralai, Ralayell, Ralerdhil, Ralion, Ranais, Rangil, Ranneth, Ranniel, Rannonda, Rathril, Rayniir, Raynineth, Raynorien, Rendorien, Rialanith, Rilineth, Rinareth, Rindirre, Rithros, Rodaeril, Rothariel, Sanithil, Sariel, Sarion, Saronithel, Selene, Sellineth, Sendel, Sendranir, Serchel, Serwin, Sethel, Sirreth, Sunie, Syalleth, Teliwen, Tellanil, Thaedothiel, Thael, Thaelion, Thaeliwaen, Thaellin, Thaelril, Thaenaneth, Thaeniril, Thaenor, Thaeraen, Thaereledh, Thaerin, Thaesse, Thalienglas, Thaliwen, Thallioniel, Thalorel, Thalrinel, Thamenarth, Thaminiel, Thamraen, Thamrin, Thariel, Tharuin, Thiirion, Thiirril, Thralin, Thranarel, Thranileith, Ulladhel, Uunniel, Uunril, Uurdhel, Uurwaerion, Vendyne, Wendirre, Whisper, Yarmia, Zahimah, Zifri



Out-of-Game Books

Gosellaneth, Serenarth


Allena, Faniriel, Kaalys

Bosmer Family Names

Most Bosmer do not have family names, but there are a few exceptions.

Arena and Daggerfall

  • Surnames for Bosmers in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of twelve prefixes and one of twelve suffixes.
  • The 12 prefixes for Bosmer surnames are: Blue, Fern, Forest, Ivy, Moss, Night, Oak, Pine, River, Shady, Spring, Willow
  • The 12 suffixes for Bosmer surnames are: brook, dale, hollow, lake, pool, run, shade, sky, thorn, vale, wind, wood

Therefore, all of the Bosmer surnames in Arena and Daggerfall are:

Bluebrook, Bluedale, Bluehollow, Bluelake, Bluepool, Bluerun, Blueshade, Bluesky, Bluethorn, Bluevale, Bluewind, Bluewood,
Fernbrook, Ferndale, Fernhollow, Fernlake, Fernpool, Fernrun, Fernshade, Fernsky, Fernthorn, Fernvale, Fernwind, Fernwood,
Forestbrook, Forestdale, Foresthollow, Forestlake, Forestpool, Forestrun, Forestshade, Forestsky, Forestthorn, Forestvale, Forestwind, Forestwood,
Ivybrook, Ivydale, Ivyhollow, Ivylake, Ivypool, Ivyrun, Ivyshade, Ivysky, Ivythorn, Ivyvale, Ivywind, Ivywood,
Mossbrook, Mossdale, Mosshollow, Mosslake, Mosspool, Mossrun, Mossshade, Mosssky, Mossthorn, Mossvale, Mosswind, Mosswood,
Nightbrook, Nightdale, Nighthollow, Nightlake, Nightpool, Nightrun, Nightshade, Nightsky, Nightthorn, Nightvale, Nightwind, Nightwood,
Oakbrook, Oakdale, Oakhollow, Oaklake, Oakpool, Oakrun, Oakshade, Oaksky, Oakthorn, Oakvale, Oakwind, Oakwood,
Pinebrook, Pinedale, Pinehollow, Pinelake, Pinepool, Pinerun, Pineshade, Pinesky, Pinethorn, Pinevale, Pinewind, Pinewood,
Riverbrook, Riverdale, Riverhollow, Riverlake, Riverpool, Riverrun, Rivershade, Riversky, Riverthorn, Rivervale, Riverwind, Riverwood,
Shadybrook, Shadydale, Shadyhollow, Shadylake, Shadypool, Shadyrun, Shadyshade, Shadysky, Shadythorn, Shadyvale, Shadywind, Shadywood,
Springbrook, Springdale, Springhollow, Springlake, Springpool, Springrun, Springshade, Springsky, Springthorn, Springvale, Springwind, Springwood,
Willowbrook, Willowdale, Willowhollow, Willowlake, Willowpool, Willowrun, Willowshade, Willowsky, Willowthorn, Willowvale, Willowwind, Willowwood






  • Suffix Names:

2x: the Wanderer (1, 2)
1x: Arrow-Catcher, Beesinger, Birdsong, Blood-Letter, Branchbreaker, Callushands, Chatterbeak, Daintyfoot, Drurel, Ever-Festering, Flameheart, Food-Finder, Forestsmasher, Garnona, Green-Garters, Grubnose, Light-Tongued, Longshot, Many-Legs, Ramothran, Sharp-Arrow, Skeever-Face, Stickyfoot, the Banekin Handler, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, Thistlebreeches, Tree-Killer, Twig-Fingers, Two-Tongue, Vayn, Verminhair, Woodwalker


Camoran, Balfix, Benoch, Elmlock