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Menelras (menelras)
Home Town Tel Aruhn
Location Underground
Race Bosmer Gender Male
Level 4 Class Slave
Other Information
Health 55 Magicka 84
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Follower After being purchased

Menelras is a Bosmer slave found at the Slave Market in Tel Aruhn. The slave master Savile Imayn has a very low opinion of Bosmer, and considers them to be "truly the least of the elven races".

You can buy Menelras as a personal slave from Savile for a non-negotiable sum of 1000 gold. After purchasing him, he will act as a follower and aid you in fights. But since he is unarmed and unarmored except for his slave bracer, he is not of much use. The main reason to purchase him is to free him, which you will be able to do anywhere once you have purchased him (you will not be able to free him otherwise). Freeing him will help you win the respect of the Twin Lamps. He will stop following you once you free him.

Aside from his natural resistance to disease, and the ability to command animals, he knows no spells. He is wearing the typical slave bracer and common pants.