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Online:The Rift

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The Rift
(lore page)
Ebonheart Pact
Level 37–43
SilverSilver Veteran Rank5
GoldGold Veteran Rank10
Skyshards 16
Ebonheart Pact
Southeastern Skyrim
Skyrim's southernmost hold has a relatively temperate climate, thanks to northern mountains that block the frigid gales of the Sea of Ghosts, and warming volcanoes in the Velothi Mountains to the east. Its capital is Riften, on the shores of broad Lake Honrich.
The Rift

The Rift is the southeastern hold of Skyrim. Its capital is Riften, which is surrounded by rich autumnal forests. The local wildlife includes stags, bears and sabre cats.




Farms and Plantations

Groves and Marshes

Caves, Ruins and Mines

Battlefields, Cemeteries and Crypts


Group Bosses


Mundus Stones

Points of Interest


Unmarked Locations


Ebonheart Pact Story Quests

Stony Basin
Ragged Hills
Smokefrost Peaks

Stony Basin Side Quests

Ragged Hills Side Quests

Smokefrost Peaks Side Quests

Dungeon Quests


Clue Location
Braced against wind near the mine. Beside exit to Northwind Mine (map)
Be Shor to search all over the stone. Beside Fallstone Hall (map)
Nearly discovered by a mauled stablehand. Northwest of Mammoth Ridge/Southeast of Eldborg's Hideaway (map)
Cultists' prize near Ragged Hills. West of Abandoned Camp (map)
Scour the crags near Avancheznel [sic]. Just northwest of Avanchnzel with Bears (map)
South where worms swarm the barrow. South Tagrengrav, behind rocks in a crate. (map)
A prospect found. Left of Lost Prospect Sanctum (map)
Walk above the clouds. Must go through Forelhost, after dungeon, there is a stone gate uphill with two torches on each side, skyshard is beside it, (map)
Stay alert between Riften and Greenwall. Road from Riften to Greenwall, Building on right, skyshard is on the rocks on the left. (map)
Clank of gears and hiss of steam. Avanchnzel left after entering (map)
Guarded by bears in the hollow. Broken Helm Hollow, Large room, far right after entering. (map)
Deep in the roots of the tooth. Faldar's Tooth, small room turn right after entering. (map)
Where green grows in the fort's wall. Middle room with the hole in the floor (map)
Take a shrouded approach. Middle room, right side of Shroud Hearth Barrow. (map)
Tread carefully; don't break a leg. Snapleg Cave, room far right outside (map)
Protected by wraiths in a beast's den. Lion's Den, go through almost to the last camp, right before that camp go Northwest to skyshard in rocks with ice wraiths. (map)


A map of The Rift
