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Online:Trial of the Spirit

< Quests: The Rift / Side Quests
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ON-qico-Normal.png Follow Kyne's path of fire around Geirmund's Hall.
Zone: The Rift
Quest Giver: Widulf
Location(s): Geirmund's Hall
Concurrent Quest: Geirmund's Guardian
Reward: 263 Gold, Silver302 Gold, Gold(?) Gold
XP Gain: 3020 XP, Silver7600 VP, Gold(?) VP
Recommended Level: 40

Widulf, a priest of Kyne, proctors the Trial of Spirit. It apparently involves drinking a somewhat poisonous mead and then running around the island. Widulf assures me the poison will connect me with my inner spirit.

Quick Walkthrough

  1. Drink Widulf's mead.
  2. Follow the spirit fires around the island.
  3. Talk to Widulf.

Detailed Walkthrough

Quest Stages

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