To start this quest, talk to Hekvid upstairs in the Thane's Hall at Nimalten.
- "I was looking for Sergeant Aera, but the Thane tells me she was slain valiantly defending her from the Worm Cult."
- Do you need help?
- "I've just come from Pinepeak Caverns. The Worm Cult ambushed us. There are researchers there trapped in the caverns. I fear the worst!"
- I'll head there now to help.
You need to go northwest and talk to the researcher at Pinepeak Caverns. The researcher is an Argonian named Deekonus, who is standing in the road and staring off into the distance.
- "It wasn't so long ago that I had not even heard of the Worm Cult. Now these Worms are everywhere, killing people, destroying villages...This has to stop."
- I'm here to help.
- "We'll need it."