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Morrowind:Conjuration Spells

< Spells(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Spells/Bound Cuirass)

MW-icon-effect-Bound Battle Axe.jpg Bound Battle Axe

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Battle-Axe
60sec on Self
6 Diren Vendu Tel Mora, Tower Services Masalinie Merian Balmora, Guild of Mages
Solea Nuccusius Moonmoth Legion Fort, Prison Towers Urtiso Faryon Sadrith Mora, Urtiso Faryon: Sorcerer

MW-icon-effect-Bound Boots.jpg Bound Boots

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Boots
60sec on Self
6 Estirdalin Balmora, Guild of Mages Farena Arelas Tel Uvirith, Arelas' House
Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber Heem-La Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages
Nelso Salenim Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry

MW-icon-effect-Bound Cuirass.jpg Bound Cuirass

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Cuirass
60sec on Self
6 Erer Darothril Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub Nelso Salenim Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry
Solea Nuccusius Moonmoth Legion Fort, Prison Towers

MW-icon-effect-Bound Dagger.jpg Bound Dagger

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Dagger*
60sec on Self
6 Diren Vendu Tel Mora, Tower Services Estirdalin Balmora, Guild of Mages
Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber Heem-La Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages
Masalinie Merian Balmora, Guild of Mages Urtiso Faryon Sadrith Mora, Urtiso Faryon: Sorcerer

* You start with this spell if you have Conjuration as a major skill.

MW-icon-effect-Bound Gloves.jpg Bound Gauntlets

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Gauntlets
60sec on Self
6 Farena Arelas Tel Uvirith, Arelas' House Ferise Varo Vos, Varo Tradehouse Entrance
Heem-La Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages Medila Indaren Caldera, Guild of Mages

MW-icon-effect-Bound Helm.jpg Bound Helm

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Helm
60sec on Self
6 Estirdalin Balmora, Guild of Mages Farena Arelas Tel Uvirith, Arelas' House
Ferise Varo Vos, Varo Tradehouse Entrance Medila Indaren Caldera, Guild of Mages
Urtiso Faryon Sadrith Mora, Urtiso Faryon: Sorcerer

MW-icon-effect-Bound Longbow.jpg Bound Longbow

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Longbow
60sec on Self
6 Estirdalin Balmora, Guild of Mages Masalinie Merian Balmora, Guild of Mages

MW-icon-effect-Bound Longsword.jpg Bound Longsword

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Longsword
60sec on Self
6 Erer Darothril Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub Farena Arelas Tel Uvirith, Arelas' House
Masalinie Merian Balmora, Guild of Mages Solea Nuccusius Moonmoth Legion Fort, Prison Towers

MW-icon-effect-Bound Mace.jpg Bound Mace

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Mace
60sec on Self
6 Diren Vendu Tel Mora, Tower Services Erer Darothril Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
Masalinie Merian Balmora, Guild of Mages Medila Indaren Caldera, Guild of Mages

MW-icon-effect-Bound Shield.jpg Bound Shield

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Shield
60sec on Self
6 Erer Darothril Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber
Nelso Salenim Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry Solea Nuccusius Moonmoth Legion Fort, Prison Towers

MW-icon-effect-Bound Spear.jpg Bound Spear

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Bound Spear
60sec on Self
6 Diren Vendu Tel Mora, Tower Services Heem-La Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages
Masalinie Merian Balmora, Guild of Mages Medila Indaren Caldera, Guild of Mages

MW-icon-effect-Command Creature.jpg Command Creature

Spell Cost NPC Name Location
Command Creature
5 pts for 30 secs on Target
169 Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber

MW-icon-effect-Command Humanoid.jpg Command Humanoid

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Commanding Touch
5pts for 10sec on Touch
38 Estoril Ald'ruhn, The Rat In The Pot Nebia Amphia Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison
Command Humanoid
5pts for 30sec on Target
169 Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber

MW-icon-effect-Summon Ancestral Ghost.jpg Summon Ancestral Ghost

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Ancestral Ghost*
60sec on Self
21 Ferise Varo Vos, Varo Tradehouse Entrance Heem-La Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages
Malven Romori Vivec, Guild of Mages

* You start with this spell if Conjuration is a major skill.

MW-icon-effect-Summon Bonelord.jpg Summon Bonelord

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Bonelord
60sec on Self
75 Aldaril Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber
Salver Lleran Vivec, Telvanni Sorcerer Urtiso Faryon Sadrith Mora, Urtiso Faryon: Sorcerer

MW-icon-effect-Summon Lesser Bonewalker.jpg Summon Bonewalker

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Least Bonewalker
60sec on Self
39 Estoril Ald'ruhn, The Rat In The Pot Ferise Varo Vos, Varo Tradehouse Entrance
Heem-La Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages Marayn Dren Balmora, Guild of Mages
Masalinie Merian Balmora, Guild of Mages Malven Romori Vivec, Guild of Mages

MW-icon-effect-Summon Clannfear.jpg Summon Centurion Sphere

Spell Cost Location
Dwemer Animunculi
Summon Centurion Sphere for 120sec
75 From the book: Secrets of Dwemer Animunculi, found in Galom Daeus, Observatory

MW-icon-effect-Summon Clannfear.jpg Summon Clannfear

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Clannfear
60sec on Self
66 Aldaril Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber
Salver Lleran Vivec, Telvanni Sorcerer Urtiso Faryon Sadrith Mora, Urtiso Faryon: Sorcerer

MW-icon-effect-Summon Daedroth.jpg Summon Daedroth

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Daedroth
60sec on Self
96 Erer Darothril Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber
Salver Lleran Vivec, Telvanni Sorcerer

MW-icon-effect-Summon Dremora.jpg Summon Dremora

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Dremora
60sec on Self
84 Diren Vendu Tel Mora, Tower Services Erer Darothril Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber

MW-icon-effect-Summon Flame Atronach.jpg Summon Flame Atronach

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Flame Atronach
60sec on Self
69 Malven Romori Vivec, Guild of Mages Medila Indaren Caldera, Guild of Mages
Salver Lleran Vivec, Telvanni Sorcerer Solea Nuccusius Moonmoth Legion Fort, Prison Towers
Urtiso Faryon Sadrith Mora, Urtiso Faryon: Sorcerer

MW-icon-effect-Summon Frost Atronach.jpg Summon Frost Atronach

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Frost Atronach
60sec on Self
81 Aldaril Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Salver Lleran Vivec, Telvanni Sorcerer
Solea Nuccusius Moonmoth Legion Fort, Prison Towers Uleni Heleran Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall: Mage's Guild
Urtiso Faryon Sadrith Mora, Urtiso Faryon: Sorcerer

MW-icon-effect-Summon Golden Saint.jpg Summon Golden Saint

Spell Cost NPC Name Location
Summon Golden Saint
60 secs on Self
165 Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber

MW-icon-effect-Summon Greater Bonewalker.jpg Summon Greater Bonewalker

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Greater Bonewalker
60sec on Self
45 Uleni Heleran Wolverine Hall, Mages Guild Malven Romori Vivec, Guild of Mages

MW-icon-effect-Summon Hunger.jpg Summon Hunger

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Hunger
60sec on Self
87 Diren Vendu Tel Mora, Tower Services Erer Darothril Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber Salver Lleran Vivec, Telvanni Sorcerer
Solea Nuccusius Moonmoth Legion Fort, Prison Towers

MW-icon-effect-Summon Scamp.jpg Summon Scamp

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Scamp
60sec on Self
36 Leles Birian Ascadian Isles Region, [4,-8] Malven Romori Vivec, Guild of Mages
Medila Indaren Caldera, Guild of Mages Nebia Amphia Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison

MW-icon-effect-Summon Skeletal Minion.jpg Summon Skeletal Minion

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Skeletal Minion
60sec on Self
39 Estoril Ald'ruhn, The Rat In The Pot Ferise Varo Vos, Varo Tradehouse Entrance
Heem-La Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages Malven Romori Vivec, Guild of Mages
Marayn Dren Balmora, Guild of Mages Medila Indaren Caldera, Guild of Mages
Uleni Heleran Wolverine Hall, Mages Guild

MW-icon-effect-Summon Storm Atronach.jpg Summon Storm Atronach

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Summon Storm Atronach
60sec on Self
114 Diren Vendu Tel Mora, Tower Services Erer Darothril Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub
Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber Nelso Salenim Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Entry
Salver Lleran Vivec, Telvanni Sorcerer Solea Nuccusius Moonmoth Legion Fort, Prison Towers
Urtiso Faryon Sadrith Mora, Urtiso Faryon: Sorcerer

MW-icon-effect-Summon Winged Twilight.jpg Summon Winged Twilight

Spell Cost NPC Name Location
Summon Winged Twilight
60 secs on Self
156 Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber

MW-icon-effect-Turn Undead.jpg Turn Undead

Spell Cost NPC Name Location NPC Name Location
Holy Word
5pts for 60sec on Target
5 Folvys Andalor Ald'ruhn, Temple Threvul Serethi Sadrith Mora, Thervul Serethi: Healer
Turn Undead
50pts for 10sec on Touch
5 Arnand Liric Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Felen Maryon Tel Branora, Upper Tower: Therana's Chamber
Lloros Sarano Ald'ruhn, Temple Relms Gilvilo Vivec, Redoran Temple Shrine
Holy Touch
10pts for 60sec on Touch
6 Eldrilu Dalen Vos, Vos Chapel Mehra Drora Gnisis, Temple
Niras Farys Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Chambers
Saintly Touch
25pts for 60sec on Touch
15 Nilvyn Drothan Ghostgate, Temple
Saintly Word
25pts for 60sec on Target
23 Elynu Saren Suran, Suran Temple