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Morrowind:Lloros Sarano

< People / Merchants / Spell Merchants / Spellmakers
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Lloros Sarano (lloros sarano)
Home City Ald'ruhn
Store Ald'ruhn Temple
Race Dunmer Gender Male
Level 18 Class Priest Service
Other Spellmaking Spellmaker
Gold 300 Mercantile Novice (10)
Spells Conjuration SpellsDestruction SpellsMysticism SpellsRestoration Spells
Other Information
Health 111 Magicka 128
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) House Redoran Kinsman(Kinsman)
Lloros Sarano

Lloros Sarano is a Dunmer priest who can be found at the Ald'ruhn Temple. He is also a member of House Redoran, and will have several quests for you if you are also a member. Aside from that, he also provides the usual Priest services, selling books, potions, alchemy ingredients, and spells, along with custom spellmaking services. These services are available to anyone, regardless of faction membership (though he may refuse service if you have been expelled from House Redoran). Lloros keeps a constant supply of standard restorative potions, as well as the following ingredients: Ghoul Heart, Gravedust, Red Lichen, and Shalk Resin.

Related Quests

House Redoran


Lloros teaches the following spells:

Spell Name Cost Effects
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
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{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
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{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
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{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}
{{{name}}} {{{cost}}} {{{effect1}}}


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item Qty
Ghoul Heart -2
Gravedust -10
Red Lichen -5
Shalk Resin -5
random_de_cheapfood_01_nc 7
random_de_cheapfood_01_ne 9
random_food 1
Potions & Drinks
Bargain Restore Health -7
Cheap Disease Resistance 4
Cheap Potion of Fortify Health 4
Cheap Restore Fatigue 3,-3
Cheap Restore Health -10
Cheap Restore Magicka -2
Potion of Cure Common Disease 4
Potion of Cure Poison 4
Quality Restore Health -2
Standard Disease Resistance -2
Item Qty
Potions & Drinks (cont.)
Standard Restore Health Potion -5
Greef 1
Shein 3
Sujamma 1
random_potion_attribute_restore 3
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 8 1
36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 9 1
Ancestors and the Dunmer 3
Blasphemous Revenants 1
Fellowship of the Temple 2
Homilies of Blessed Almalexia 1
Lives of the Saints 5
Overview of Gods and Worship 2
The Anticipations 2
The Cantatas of Vivec 2
The Consolations of Prayer 5
The Pilgrim's Path 1


  • If you are a member of House Redoran and have not yet cleared Varvur Sarethi's name, Sarano will say he is concerned about the Ash Statue you showed him, even before you bring it to him.