• People • Travel • Notes • Maps • Quests • Around Wolverine Hall • |
Wolverine Hall (view on map) |
Alignment: Imperial |
Region: Azura's Coast |
Transport: |
Situated just south of Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall is an attempt on the part of the Imperials to project power in a region of Vvardenfell where they are relatively powerless. The Telvanni tolerate the presence of the fort mostly because nobody cares enough to knock it down. Wolverine Hall houses the services not permitted in the town itself, such as the Mages Guild, Fighters Guild and Imperial Cult shrine. These are concealed within the fort itself. Between the Hall and the town itself is Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub, a Nord-style building that is home to the local Thieves Guild.
To reach the services, exit the door on the left as you enter the shrine from outside. Follow the spiral stairway up to the mages or down to the fighters. It is easy to get lost in the fort.
The Cornerclub
Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub is a social gathering place for people of the shadier kind, just outside of the fort.
Big Helende is the boss of the local Thieves Guild. Erer Darothril is the master trainer of Illusion in the Cornerclub. Skink-in-Tree's-Shade is the Mage Steward and master trainer in Speechcraft, but only serves high-ranking Guild members. Hrundi is the Champion and quest giver in the Fighters Guild downstairs.
For a complete list, see People.
Getting there & around
- The easiest access to the rest of Morrowind is through the Guild Guide in the Mages Guild.
- Gals Arethi's boat, the Elf-Skerring at the harbor just beyond the Gateway Inn can ferry you to Tel Branora and Ebonheart in the south and Tel Mora and Dagon Fel in the north. The boat from Vos is one-way only.
- Access to the wizard towers of Tel Fyr and Tel Aruhn is by Water Walking, swimming or levitation only.
Places of Interest around Wolverine Hall
- Omaren Ancestral Tomb is located east of Wolverine Hall, on a small island. It connects to the Forgotten Vaults of Anudnabia, with a Daedric Face of Terror and the Skull Crusher.
- Unless you are a Telvanni retainer or kin, you're not supposed to sleep anywhere in Sadrith Mora except the Gateway, the official Telvanni hostel for outsider visitors. The Fighters Guild has beds for its members.
Aundae Clan
- Blood Ties: Find out what happened to the Ancient's son after she became a vampire.
Fighters Guild
- Battle at Nchurdamz: Aid a warrior in her vendetta against a daedroth in Nchurdamz.
- The Dissapla Mine: Rescue a healer from a Nix-Hound infested mine.
- Berwen's Stalker: Kill a corprus stalker in a shop in Tel Mora.
- Tenim's Bounty: Kill the outlaw Rels Tenim near Vos.
- Sujamma to Dunirai: Deliver a load of sujamma to Nelacar at the Dunirai Caverns.
- Sondaale: Rescue researcher Sondaale from Sixth House cultists and escort her through Telasero.
- Engaer's Bounty: Take care of the outlaw Engaer in Tel Naga.
- The Pudai Eggmine: Retrieve the Seven Eggs of Gold from a legendary eggmine on Sheogorad.
- Remove the Heads of the Thieves Guild: Wipe out the three top bosses in the Thieves Guild.
House Telvanni
- Staff of the Silver Dawn: Find this magical staff somewhere in Sadrith Mora.
Imperial Cult
- Pledge from Canctunian Ponius: Collect a 1000 gold pledge from the East Empire Company in Ebonheart.
Imperial Legion
- Lord's Mail: Retrieve the Lord's Mail and Chrysamere artifacts to receive a promotion.
Mages Guild
- Catch a Spy: Search for a Telvanni spy who has infiltrated the Guild.
- A Potion from Skink-in-Tree's-Shade: Fetch a potion from the Sadrith Mora Guild hall.
- Escort Tenyeminwe: Escort a scholar to the docks of Sadrith Mora.
- Vampires of Vvardenfell, Vol II: Find a rare vampire book, Vampires of Vvardenfell, Volume II.
- Meeting with a Wise Woman: Arrange a meeting with Skink-in-Tree's-Shade and an Ashlander Wise Woman.
- Kill Necromancer Telura Ulver: Take care of a former guild member that has turned to the dark art of Necromancy.
- A Wizard's Staff: Procure a Wizard's Staff required for the rank of Wizard.
- Soul of an Ash Ghoul: Capture the soul of an Ash Ghoul for Skink to study.
- Galur Rithari's Papers: Find a very rare book by Galur Rithari about vampirism cause and cure.
- Arch-Mage: Your final quest to replace Trebonius as the guildmaster of the Mages Guild.
Thieves Guild
- Potion Recipe: Help the local Mages Guild with their alchemy.
- The Grandmaster's Retort: Steal a rare Retort for some cash.
- Wizard For Hire: Hire a battlemage to protect the guild.
- Redoran Cookbook: Steal the Redoran cooking secrets.
- Felen's Ebony Staff: Steal a staff from a mean Telvanni.
- Hrundi's Lover: Persuade Hrundi in Sadrith Mora's Fighters Guild to join the Thieves Guild against the Camonna Tong.
- Gateway Ghost: Solve the case of this haunted inn in Sadrith Mora.