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Morrowind:Scrib Jelly

< Alchemy / Items: Ingredients
Value 10 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower
2nd Cure Poison Cure Poison
3rd Cure Blight Disease Cure Blight Disease
4th Restore Willpower Restore Willpower
# Samples 18
Creature Scrib % 60
Found Egg Mines, dry areas
Scrib Jelly

"Scribs are a larval form of the kwama. Crushed scribs produce a nutritious but sour-tasting gelatin with modest magical properties that the natives eat with gusto."

Scrib Jelly is acquired by killing scribs. It is highly valuable as it is one of the only two normal ingredients that can be used to make a Cure Blight Disease potion, the other being Ash Salts. Also, its lack of negative effects makes it easy to make other potions without the risk of side-effects. Synnolian Tunifus will ask you to find five samples during the Gathering Scrib Jelly quest for the Imperial Cult.

Charles the Plant

There is also a special version of Scrib Jelly known as Meteor Slime (ID: ingred_scrib_jelly_02). This does not have any relation to scribs, but it is identical in both appearance and effects. This can be found on Charles the Plant, an otherwise normal-looking house-plant found on top of a shelf inside Jobasha's Rare Books in Vivec's Foreign Quarter. The plant is owned by Jobasha, so don't let him or his Ordinator guard see you taking the meteor slime.

The following vendors carry a restocking supply of Scrib Jelly:

Loose samples can be found in the following locations:

Related Quests

Imperial Cult