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< Creatures(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Scrib)

Kwama Forager

Kwama Forager

The smallest (and weakest) variation of Kwama, the forager is a worm-like creature resembling the head of a Warrior or Queen. It scouts land and caves, searching for new colonies and prey. Though aggressive, the Forager is not particularly dangerous.

Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul
Kwama Forager
kwama forager
Kwama Cuttle 23
  • 1−3 pts melee
Kwama Forager
kwama forager_tb
Kwama Forager
kwama forager blighted
45 15

Kwama Queen

Kwama Queen

The largest of the Kwama which produces all of the nest's eggs. There is one Kwama Queen in every Egg Mine. They are too large to move and their needs are attended to by Kwama Workers. They are not aggressive unless provoked.

Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul
Kwama Queen
Kwama Queen
Large Kwama Eggs/
Small Kwama Eggs
Kwama Cuttle
  • 6−18 pts melee
Kwama Queen
Kwama Queen_HHEM
(Inanius Egg Mine)
  • 1−10 pts melee
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_mudan / kwama queen_mudan_c *
(Mudan-Mul Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_shurdan / kwama queen_shurdan_c *
(Shurdan-Raplay Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
Kwama Queen_Abaesen
(Abaesen-Pulu Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_madas
(Madas-Zebba Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_abanibi
(Ahanibi-Malmus Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_maesa
(Maesa-Shammus Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_akimaes
(Akimaes-Ilanipu Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_matus
(Matus-Akin Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_eluba
(Eluba-Addon Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_panabanit
(Panabanit-Nimawia Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_eretammus
(Eretammus-Sennammu Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_sarimisun
(Sarimisun-Assa Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_gnisis
(Gnisis Eggmine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_sinamusa
(Sinamusa Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_hairat
(Hairat-Vassamsi Egg Mine)
Kwama Queen
kwama queen_zalkin
(Zalkin-Sul Egg Mine)

* These two IDs with the _c suffix are just like the others, only cured of Ash-chancre. They are not located anywhere in the game, and no reference to them has been found, so it's not known if these are just leftovers from testing or if they are actually used somewhere.

Kwama Warrior

Kwama Warrior

Aggressive Kwama which protect the nest from invaders. These may be Kwama, but they can be extremely dangerous for low to mid level characters.

Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul
Kwama Warrior
kwama warrior
Kwama Cuttle 45
  • 3−9 pts melee
  • Kwama Poison - Poison 1−3pts for 40sec on Touch
Kwama Warrior
kwama warrior blighted
60 30
Blighted Kwama Warrior
kwama warrior shurdan
(Shurdan-Raplay Egg Mine)

Kwama Worker

Kwama Worker

The primary source of labor in Kwama colonies, digging tunnels and attending to the Queen and eggs. It is not aggressive unless provoked.

Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul
Kwama Worker
kwama worker
Large Kwama Eggs/
Small Kwama Eggs
Kwama Cuttle
  • 1−6 pts melee
Kwama Worker
kwama worker entrance
(Outside in front of most Egg Mines)
  • 2−6 pts melee
Diseased Kwama Worker
kwama worker diseased
Kwama Worker
kwama worker blighted



The larval form of the Kwama which is not very aggressive but can paralyze anything that attacks it. Their image is often depicted on banners, denoting that a tavern is nearby. Scribs are some of the creatures that may wake you when resting in the wilderness. Unlike most of those creatures, they won't attack but instead start wandering around the area listlessly.

Creature Drops Health Attacks Soul
Scrib Jelly 8
  • 1−2 pts melee
  • Paralysis - Paralyze for 6sec on Touch
Diseased Scrib
scrib diseased
  • 1−5 pts melee
Blighted Scrib
scrib blighted
30 20
Hive Scrib
dead_scrib / scrib_0hp / scrib_dead
  • none - (Already dead)