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< Factions(Redirecionado de Oblivion:Kastus Sintav Faction)

Kalthar Pet Faction

Presumably this faction was originally designed to stop Sparky from attacking other people in the Anvil Mages Guild before somebody realized the same effect could be obtained by using Aggression instead.

Editor Id KaltharPetFaction
FormId 00002676
Flags None
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Mages Guild +10
Kalthar Pet Faction +100

Kastus Sintav Faction

Gives ownership of Kastus Sintav's house to the people living there and makes them get on well with each other.

Editor Id KastusSintavFaction
FormId 00017602
Flags None
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Kastus Sintav Faction +5
Name Rank
Beran Sintav n/a
Kastus Sintav n/a
Vontan Sintav n/a

Kathutet's personal faction

Exists to allow a relationship with the Daedra monsters in the caves faction to prevent the creatures in that faction attacking Kathutet.

Editor Id MQ15KathutetFaction
FormId 000872ce
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Name Rank
Kathutet n/a

Knights of the Nine

This faction contains all the Knights of the Nine. It only appears after the Knights of the Nine official plug-in is installed.

Editor Id NDKnightsoftheNine
Form Id xx000cee
Flags None
Number Rank
0 Knight Errant
1 Knight Commander
2 Divine Crusader
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Knights of the Nine +50
Name Rank
Knight of the Nine Knight Errant
Sir Amiel Knight Commander
Sir Berich Knight Commander
Sir Caius Knight Commander
Sir Casimir Knight Commander
Name Rank
Sir Gregory Knight Commander
Sir Henrik Knight Commander
Sir Juncan Knight Commander
Sir Ralvas Knight Commander
Sir Torolf Knight Commander

Knights of the Thorn

This faction owns the Knights of the Thorn Headquarters outside Cheydinhal. The player is added to this faction if The Wayward Knight quest is completed successfully. Pumpkin's membership of this faction seems to be a mistake, since he is found in Rockmilk Cave, a bandit hideout.

Editor Id KnightsThornFaction
FormId 000335b0
Flags None
Number Rank
0 Honorary Knight
1 Knight-Errant
Name Rank
Bremman Senyan Knight-Errant
Farwil Indarys Knight-Errant
Jhared Strongblade Knight-Errant
Pumpkin Honorary Knight

Knights of the White Stallion

Members of this faction are able to enter the White Stallion Lodge outside Leyawiin. The player and Mazoga the Orc become members during the Knights of the White Stallion quest.

Editor Id KnightsWhiteStallion
FormId 000908c0
Flags None
Number Rank
0 Knight-Errant
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Knights of the White Stallion +20

Kurdan gro-Dragol's Faction of EEEEvil

Contains all of Kurdan gro-Dragol's henchmen. It seems to exist only to give them a relationship boost with Kurdan.

Editor Id MS08KurdanFaction
FormId 000cd329
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Number Rank
0 Class-A Jerk
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Kurdan gro-Dragol's Faction of EEEEvil +100
Name Rank
Kurdan gro-Dragol Class-A Jerk
Kurdan's Imperial Hunter Class-A Jerk
Kurdan's Nord Hunter Class-A Jerk
Kurdan's Orc Hunter Class-A Jerk
Ra'jhera the Keeneye Class-A Jerk

Kvatch citizens

This faction contains all the survivors from Kvatch and gives them a common set of dialogue options. Brother Martin is removed from the faction after the Weynon Priory quest is complete.

Editor Id KvatchFaction
FormId 0003b3f6
Flags HiddenFromPC
Name Rank
Athrelor n/a
Batul gra-Sharob n/a
Berich Inian n/a
Boldon n/a
Brother Martin n/a
Guilbert Selone n/a
Hirtel n/a
Ilav Dralgoner n/a
Ilend Vonius n/a
Name Rank
Jesan Rilian n/a
Lenka Valus n/a
Merandil n/a
Oleta n/a
Savlian Matius n/a
Sigrid n/a
Tavia n/a
Tierra n/a
Weedum-Ja n/a

Kvatch Creatures

Contains all the daedra and dremora found inside Kvatch and ensures that they have a suitably frosty relationship with the guards and the player.

Editor Id KvatchCreatures
FormId 00090ac0
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Player Faction -100
Kvatch Guards -100
Kvatch Creatures +100
Name Rank
Dremora Archer n/a
Dremora Churl n/a
Scamp n/a
Stunted Scamp n/a

Kvatch Guards

Gives the guards of Kvatch a common set of dialogue options and makes them hate the monsters they encounter.

Editor Id KvatchGuards
FormId 000224d7
Flags HiddenFromPC
Number Rank
0 Guard
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Imperial Legion +20
Player Faction +20
Kyn -100
Kvatch Creatures -100
Oblivion gate daedra -100
Kvatch Guards +50
Name Rank
Berich Inian Guard
Ilend Vonius Guard
Jesan Rilian Guard
Kvatch Soldier Guard
Merandil Guard
Savlian Matius Guard
Tierra Guard

Kvinchal Family

This faction gives the Kvinchal's ownership of their home in the Waterfront District of Imperial City.

Editor Id KvinchalFamily
FormId 000477e1
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Kvinchal Family +20
Name Rank
Bronsila Kvinchal n/a
Kastav Kvinchal n/a
Vlanarus Kvinchal n/a


This faction contains all the generic Dremora in the game plus the usual minor creatures that are too trivial for the Dremora to attack.

Intriguingly, the ranks and names are mismatched. For instance, a Dremora Kynval actually has the rank of Caitiff rather than the more logical Kynval.

Editor Id DremoraFaction
FormId 0003e9a6
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Number Rank
0 Churl
1 Caitiff
2 Kynval
3 Kynreeve
4 Kynmarcher
5 Markynaz
Related Faction Disposition Boost
CreatureFaction +20
Soldiers at Oblivion gates -100
Oblivion gate daedra +100
Kyn +100
Name Rank
Dremora Archer Churl
Dremora Caitiff Churl
Dremora Churl Churl
Dremora Feydnaz Kynmarcher
Dremora Hatred Keeper Markynaz
Dremora Kynmarcher Kynreeve
Dremora Kynreeve Kynval
Dremora Kynval Caitiff
Dremora Markynaz Kynmarcher
Name Rank
Dremora Scout Churl
Dremora Sigil Keeper Churl
Dremora Valkynaz Markynaz
Mud Crab Churl
Rat Churl
Siege Crawler Sentry Caitiff
Sigil Keeper Markynaz
Sigil Keeper Kynreeve
Slaughterfish Churl
