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Morrowind:Unique Armor

< Items(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Shadow Shield)

This is a list of all one-of-a kind, unique armor that use generic graphics.

  • Armor Rating values are given both as base values and Max values, which you will get if you have 100 points in the relevant armor skill.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Rating Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses

Boots of Blinding Speed
boots of blinding speed[unique]

Netch Leather Boots 8.0
50 500 5

Constant Effect
  Blind 100% on Self
  Fortify Speed 200 pts on Self

Found on Pemenie, originally in the West Gash region (along the road southwest from Buckmoth Legion Fort). You can escort her to Gnaar Mok to receive the boots as a reward.

Resist Magicka will resist the blinding effect upon equipping these boots.


Conoon Chodala's Boots

Heavy Leather Boots 8.0
500 100 50
(Max: 166)

Cast When Used
  Fortify Endurance 10 pts for 30 secs on Self
  Fortify Speed 10 pts for 30 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
Given by the ghost of Conoon Chodala in the Cavern of the Incarnate.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Rating Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses

Daedric Cuirass

Daedric Cuirass 90.0
2,400 70,000 80
(Max: 266)

Constant Effect
  Feather 50 pts on Self

Given by Therana as a reward for the Auriel's Bow quest.

Dreugh Cuirass

Dreugh Cuirass 27.0
1,200 5,250 40
(Max: 133)

Cast When Used
  Fortify Endurance 10 pts for 60 secs on Self

150/30 = 5
Received by donating a Dreugh Wax to the shrine in Koal Cave after defeating the Dreugh Warlord. Note that due to an oversight, it is possible to receive an unlimited number of these by donating more Dreugh Wax repeatedly. This was most likely not intentional.

This has been fixed in the Morrowind Patch Project version 1.6.4 http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=966509


Erur-Dan's Cuirass

Bonemold Cuirass 24.0
1,800 350 16
(Max: 53)

Cast When Used
  Restore Health 11 pts for 1 sec on Self
  Restore Fatigue 20 pts for 1 sec on Self

20/4 = 5
Given by the ghost of Erur-Dan in the Cavern of the Incarnate.

Mountain Spirit
Mountain Spirit

Gah-Julan Bonemold Cuirass 24.0
510 3,600 17
(Max: 56)

Constant Effect
  Shield 10 pts on Self

Worn by Ashu-Ahhe of the Erabenimsun Tribe. You'll need to kill him for the Erabenimsun Nerevarine quest.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Rating Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses

Gauntlets of Glory

Nordic Fur Gauntlets 1.5
25 1,100 5
(Max: 16)

Cast When Used
  Fortify Unarmored 10 pts for 120 secs on Self (left)
  Fortify Hand-to-hand 10 pts for 120 secs on Self (right)

300/60 = 5
Given by Lalatia Varian of the Imperial Cult as a reward for The Scroll of Fiercely Roasting quest.

Gauntlets of (the) Horny Fist

Netch Leather Gauntlet 1.0
50 40 10
(Max: 33)

Cast When Used
  Fortify Hand-to-hand 9 pts for 30 secs on Self

70/14 = 5
The left gauntlet is found in Tel Mora, Radras: Smith, but the right gauntlet is not found in the game. These gauntlets have the same name and enchantment as the Chitin versions. Both right gauntlets are called "Right Gauntlet of Horny Fist" and both left gauntlets are called "Left Gauntlet of the Horny Fist".


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Rating Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses

Daedric Greaves

Daedric Greaves 54.0
800 60,000 80
(Max: 266)

Constant Effect
  Feather 50 pts on Self

Given by Therana as a reward for the Auriel's Bow quest.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Rating Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses

Bloodworm Helm

Nordic Trollbone Helm 8.0
600 34,000 18
(Max: 60)

Cast When Used
  Turn Undead 20-30 pts in 20 ft for 30 secs on Target
  Summon Skeletal Minion for 30 secs

155/31 = 5
Worn by Crazy Batou, who can be found in the Maren Ancestral Tomb in the Molag Amur region. Killing Batou will trigger a warning that you have killed an essential NPC and will be unable to complete the Main Quest. This is not true, however, as he has no relevance to any quests in the game.

Gothren's Cephalopod Helm

Telvanni Cephalopod Helm 2.0
80 50 8
(Max: 26)

Cast When Used
  Bound Helm for 120 secs on Self
  Summon Dremora for 120 secs

900/180 = 5
Given as a reward for the Mission to Nchuleft quest.

Helm of Graff the White

Imperial Steel Helmet 5.0
160 70 16
(Max: 53)

Constant Effect
  Reflect 10% on Self

Given by Frald the White as a reward for the Saprius Entius quest. (The reason for the name change between the helm and the owner is because the helm belonged to Frald's father.)

Sarano Ebony Helm

Ebony Closed Helm 10.0
600 15,000 60
(Max: 200)
none 50
Carried by a hunger in Sarano Ancestral Tomb. The Fighters Guild will ask you to exterminate this Hunger during the Hunger in the Sarano Tomb quest.

The Icecap

Nordic Fur Helm 1.5
50 65 5
(Max: 16)

Constant Effect
Resist Frost 30% on Self

Given by Hisin Deep-Raed as a reward for curing him of paralysis.


Item Base Item Weight Health Value Rating Enchantment Charge/Cost
= Uses

Darksun Shield

Ebony Shield 30.0
1,200 17,000 60
(Max: 200)

Constant Effect
  Drain Magicka 100 pts on Self
  Reflect 20 pts on Self
  Restore Fatigue 10 pts on Self
  Night Eye 10 pts on Self

Used by the Vampire Hunter Ano Vando, who can be found in Ald'ruhn during the quest. It, and the Light of Day mace, probably shouldn't be used when you're a vampire, given it is scripted to rapidly kill any vampire who uses it. You'll have to wait until you're cured before you can use it safely.

Shadow Shield

Dwemer Shield 15.0
2,000 2,400 20
(Max: 66)

Cast When Used
  Invisibility for 20 secs on Self
  Restore Fatigue 5 pts for 20 secs on Self

125/25 = 5
Found in Kogoruhn, Bleeding Heart.

Shield of the Undaunted
shield of the undaunted

Chitin Shield 4.0
300 35 15
(Max: 50)

Cast When Used
  Restore Fatigue 10-30 for 1 sec on Self

5/1 = 5
Given by Urshamusa Rapli of the Ahemmusa Tribe as a reward for the Dreams of a White Guar quest.