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Morrowind:Seyda Neen

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Seyda Neen
(view on map)
Alignment: Imperial
Region: Bitter Coast

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

Silt Strider:


The port of Seyda Neen, Gateway to Morrowind, is a small village in the southern Bitter Coast region, bordering the Ascadian Isles. The Imperial Legion guards the seaport, but it is under the administration of House Hlaalu. Its native population is small, though it is a common stop for Imperial travelers going to and from Vvardenfell. The Grand Pharos is a unique lighthouse at the harbor mouth renowned for guiding mariners throughout the Inner Sea. Most visitors are processed through the Census and Excise Office, part of the Empire's Coastguard station at the harbor. Though no boats offer travel, Imperial cutters use the dock as a restocking point to control smugglers and pirates running the waters off the Bitter Coast. Silt striders provide convenient travel to Gnisis, Balmora, Vivec, and Suran. Wildlife in the surrounding area include cliff racers, scribs, rats, netch and slaughterfish. There are also dreugh not far off shore. For more information, see the lore article.

Seyda Neen is especially significant as the starting point, where you begin aboard a prison ship in the port and where the main quest is begun.

View overlooking most of Seyda Neen from the north with Census and Excise Office and Silt Strider Port in the background

Census and Excise Office and Warehouse

Socucius Ergalla is the chief agent in the Imperial Census and Excise Offices. In addition to helping select class and sign, Socucius will provide release papers and training. There is a bedroll that can be used if a safe resting spot is needed.

A key, which can be obtained from a shelf in the second building, grants access to the warehouse across the street which holds armor, weapons, sundries and valuable illegal goods. Training is offered by Adraria Vandacia upstairs in the warehouse.

Arrille's Tradehouse

Arrille's Tradehouse

Arrille's Tradehouse is owned by the sole merchant in Seyda Neen, Arrille. He offers a selection of weapons, armor, spells, potions, and scrolls. He will not trade with you if you have Moon Sugar or Skooma in your possession. The tavern upstairs functions as the social hub for the town. Raflod the Braggart offers training and Hrisskar Flat-Foot has an early opportunity to make money. Behind the counter, Elone will give detailed directions to Balmora and offers training, but only to members of the Blades.


Giving Fargoth his ring will boost the disposition of Arrille, thus fetching better prices. Look for Socucius Ergalla in the Census and Excise Office for official matters.

For a complete list, see the People in Seyda Neen article.

The Imperial Prison Ship

Getting There & Around

Transportation from Seyda Neen to other locations on the island is handled by Darvame Hleran, located at the silt strider on the northeastern edge of town. A short walk along the road east of town leads to Pelagiad, Balmora, Ebonheart, and into the Ascadian Isles. A trail northwest leads into the swamps of the Bitter Coast and Hla Oad.

There are no boats in Seyda Neen at all during gameplay, except when the Imperial Prison Ship drops you off here under the Emperor's orders. Also, with the Firemoth plug-in, a boat appears for transportation to the island and back, but it disappears after the related quest is completed.


  • Outside the lighthouse, an iron shardaxe lies inside a tree stump. Another stump close to the walkway holds a silver cup and some gold.
  • For detailed starting tips, see Starting out hints.

Places of Interest around Seyda Neen

  • Just north of the silt strider is Addamasartus, a smugglers' cave where you can test your combat abilities and acquire loot that can be sold for profit.
  • The useful Mentor's Ring can be found in the Samarys Ancestral Tomb nearby, to the northwest up the coast.
  • If you decide to walk to Balmora, there are a few things to explore on the way. See The Road to Balmora for details.


Main Quest


Fighters Guild

Thieves Guild

  • Land Deed: Save a woman's home by robbing the Vivec Library.


Official Plug-ins


Map Key