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Morrowind:People in Vivec Foreign

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This is a list of all people in Vivec, Foreign Quarter


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Adondasi Sadalvel Male&M Dunmer Caravaner 4 67 110 0 30 Outside [3,-9] Transport
Agrippina Herennia Female&F Imperial Clothier 9 83 126 100 30 Agrippina Herennia: Clothier Merchant
Alusaron Male&M Redguard Smith 16 179 84 100 30 Alusaron: Smith Blacksmith; Merchant
Andilu Drothan Female&F Dunmer Alchemist Service House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 8 62 144 100 30 Andilu Drothan: Alchemist Merchant
Ano Andaram Male&M Dunmer Shipmaster 3 49 104 0 30 Outside [4,-10] Transport
Aurane Frernis Female&F Breton Apothecary Service 13 80 184 100 30 Aurane Frernis: Apothecary Merchant
Baissa Female&F Khajiit Trader Service 6 70 96 50 30 Foreign Quarter Upper Waistworks Merchant
Bashag gro-Snagdu {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Guild of Fighters
Baurin Female&F Bosmer Scout Fighters Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 7 80 94 90 30 Guild of Fighters Trainer
Chalone {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Foreign Quarter Plaza
Craetia Jullalian Female&F Imperial Alchemist Service Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 10 75 158 100 30 Guild of Mages Merchant
Crazy-Legs Arantamo Male&M Dunmer Savant Service Thieves Guild Ringleader(Ringleader) 16 114 156 100 30 Simine Fralinie: Bookseller Trainer; Merchant
Devas Irano Male&M Dunmer Gondolier 4 59 86 0 30 Outside [3,-10] Transport
Domalen Male&M Redguard Commoner 2 61 62 0 30 Foreign Quarter Plaza
Drarel Andus Male&M Dunmer Thief Thieves Guild Bandit(Bandit) 10 86 108 0 100 Ralen Tilvur: Smith
Dreamer Prophet Female&F Dunmer Dreamer Sixth House 10 83 100 0 90 Foreign Quarter Underworks Has key to cell in Mamaea
Ethys Savil Male&M Dunmer Nightblade House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 3 49 84 0 60 Black Shalk Cornerclub
Favel Gobor M Dunmer Rogue House Hlaalu 0(Hireling) 1 40 80 0 60 Black Shalk Cornerclub
Favise Selaren {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Foreign Quarter Plaza
Felvos Droryn M Dunmer Bard 2 46 104 0 30 Black Shalk Cornerclub
Fevasa Saryon Female&F Dunmer Herder 4 60 84 30 30 Outside [3,-9] (North of city gate)
Flacassia Fauseius Female&F Imperial Guild Guide Mages Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 12 82 138 90 30 Guild of Mages Transport
Gentleman Jim Stacey Male&M Redguard Thief Thieves Guild Master Thief(Master Thief) 22 159 128 90 30 Simine Fralinie: Bookseller
Huleeya Male&M Argonian Assassin Service Morag Tong Thrall(Thrall) 8 72 120 0 30 Black Shalk Cornerclub Trainer; Merchant
Hylf the Harrier Male&M Nord Barbarian Fighters Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 9 121 72 0 30 Black Shalk Cornerclub Trainer
Idonea Munia Female&F Imperial Healer Service 6 59 92 100 30 Foreign Quarter Upper Waistworks Spell Merchant; Merchant
Janand Maulinie Female&F Breton Enchanter Service Mages Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 7 55 152 100 30 Guild of Mages Enchanter; Merchant
J'Rasha Male&M Khajiit Healer Service 6 54 92 100 30 J'Rasha: Healer Spell Merchant; Merchant
Jeanne Female&F Redguard Trader Service 9 99 86 90 30 Jeanne: Trader Merchant
Jobasha Male&M Khajiit Bookseller 14 99 142 100 30 Jobasha's Rare Books Merchant
Letreius Muco Male&M Imperial Healer Service 11 79 102 100 30 Foreign Quarter Canalworks Trainer; Merchant
Lorbumol gro-Aglakh Male&M Orc Smith Fighters Guild Champion(Champion) 19 199 88 90 30 Guild of Fighters Blacksmith; Merchant
Marcel Maurard Male&M Breton Acrobat 5 65 106 0 30 Foreign Quarter Lower Waistworks
Malven Romori Female&F Dunmer Mage Service Mages Guild Wizard(Wizard) 10 69 130 100 30 Guild of Mages Spellmaker; Spell Merchant
Miun-Gei Male&M Argonian Enchanter Service 19 110 198 100 30 Miun-Gei: Enchanter Enchanter; Merchant
Raig Male&M Redguard Master-at-Arms Fighters Guild Apprentice(Apprentice) 7 112 70 90 30 Guild of Fighters Trainer
Ralen Tilvur Male&M Dunmer Smith House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 8 107 92 100 30 Ralen Tilvur: Smith Blacksmith; Merchant
Raril Giral Male&M Dunmer Publican 6 66 116 100 30 Black Shalk Cornerclub Merchant
Rolasa Oren Female&F Dunmer Alchemist Service 7 59 138 100 30 Foreign Quarter Upper Waistworks Merchant
Seryn Othralen {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Foreign Quarter Lower Waistworks
Sevyni Saryon Female&F Dunmer Savant Service 7 65 122 100 30 Foreign Quarter Lower Waistworks Trainer; Merchant
Simine Fralinie Male&M Breton Bookseller 5 54 132 100 30 Simine Fralinie: Bookseller Merchant
Sirilonwe Female&F Altmer Nightblade Service Mages Guild Conjurer(Conjurer) 7 53 114 100 30 Guild of Mages Spell Merchant
Sjoring Hard-Heart Male&M Nord Drillmaster Fighters Guild Master(Master) 23 195 116 90 30 Guild of Fighters
Tarvyn Faren Male&M Dunmer Trader House Hlaalu Oathman(Oathman) 12 106 116 0 30 Outside [3,-9] (North of city gate) Merchant
Tiram Gadar Male&M Dunmer Nightblade 7 63 94 90 30 Guild of Mages
Trebonius Artorius Male&M Imperial Battlemage Mages Guild Arch-Mage(Arch-Mage) 23 149 196 90 30 Guild of Mages
Tsrazami Female&F Khajiit Assassin 14 104 136 0 20 Foreign Quarter Plaza
Urven Davor M Dunmer Enforcer House Hlaalu 1(Retainer) 4 54 86 0 60 Black Shalk Cornerclub