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< Services(Redirecionado de Morrowind:Savant Service)

Para the Savant class, veja Savant (class).

Savants are people who possess a wide variety of knowledge on many diverse topics. In their own words:

I am a savant. I am a man/woman of wide learning and cosmopolitan tastes, a well-traveled man/woman, educated, refined in manner, able to converse on various topics with authority, and a man/woman ever ready to defend his/her honor, and the honor of my companions. In short, you see before you a gentleman/gentlewoman. I can discourse upon history, speechcraft, language, and customs. And, for a fee, I offer training that will permit you to share a few of my many virtues.*

* Note that while they all claim to offer training, only about half of them actually do.

During several quests, you may be directed to speak with a Savant in order to obtain more information. The Dunmer Savants in particular are among the most knowledgeable. Among the general information they can provide is:

  • The locations of every city and town in Vvardenfell, as well as some of the other more major locations. They will mark them on your map if you ask about them.
  • Information about all the Regions in Vvardenfell.
  • Information about all the Provinces in Tamriel.
  • Information about all the joinable Factions in the game.
  • Information about all the Skills in the game.
  • Information about all the Races in the game.
  • Various other bits of information about Morrowind lore.

Among the more useful of their information is advice on the following topics:

  • Boots of the Apostle
The place-name reference in the Oracle's prophecy is obvious. An ancient Dunmer stronghold called Berandas lies south of the village of Gnisis in the West Gash region. I would also not be surprised to find that the reference to "wings of twilight" designates the guardians of the treasure you seek. Winged twilights are Daedric servants of the Daedra Lord Azura, one of the Anticipations worshiped [sic] in the Tribunal Temple.
  • cure skooma addict
I have not heard that there is a cure for skooma addiction. The Khajiit themselves say there is no cure, and they should know. But there is a book I have heard of, 'Confessions of a Dunmer Skooma-Eater,' which claims to be a memoir of a Dunmer woman who overcame her addiction to skooma. This book praises skooma, and says that skooma addicts are not necessarily foolish or evil. Dunmer won't carry such a book. Try Vivec, Jobasha's Rare Books, in the Foreign Quarter.
  • Halls of the Dead
That might be any Dunmer ancestral tomb. The ancient Dunmer word for ancestral tomb is 'cardruhn'. 'Ruhn' translates as 'home' or 'hearth-hall'. 'Card' means 'undeparted kin-wardens'. The sense is very close to your phrase 'Halls of the Dead'.
  • Ring of the Wind
Perhaps I can help you with the Oracle's riddle. Nammu, or 'no-name,' is a cavern in the wildlands of Sunna Guradan. Its east-facing entrance is west-north-west from the Daedric ruin Yansirramus. At the heart of the cavern is a great high chamber, flooded, with a central spire rising from the water. The water around the bottom of the spire might be the ring of water in darkness from the Oracle's vision.

Some Savants also offer services - generally buying and selling a small selection of Books and offering training, generally in Mercantile, Speechcraft, and either Athletics or Short Blade.


  • Asking a savant about "law in Morrowind" displays two paragraphs of information each with a "continue" link, but clicking the link on the second paragraph causes the same text to be re-displayed. This means there is no way to end the conversation without using the console.

See Also

List of Savants

Andilo Thelas Dunmer Gnaar Mok House Hlaalu Retainer
Andre Maul Breton Dagon Fel, Andre Maul's Tower
Bedraflod Nord Ebonheart, Skyrim Mission Imperial Legion Trooper
Berela Andrano Dunmer Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level House Redoran Lawman Mercantile (54)
Speechcraft (54)
Short Blade (50)
buys books
Crazy-Legs Arantamo Dunmer Vivec, Simine Fralinie: Bookseller Thieves Guild Ringleader Mercantile (58)
Speechcraft (58)
Short Blade (52)
buys books
Edras Oril Dunmer Ascadian Isles Region, [3,-4] See The Scholars and the Mating Kagouti quest
Elms Llervu Dunmer Vivec, Redoran Waistworks House Redoran Kinsman Mercantile (51)
Speechcraft (51)
Athletics (49)
Elo Arethan Dunmer Vivec, Hlaalu Waistworks House Hlaalu Retainer Mercantile (44)
Speechcraft (44)
Athletics (41)
buys books
Eraldil Bosmer Vivec, Hlaalu Waistworks
Falvel Arenim Dunmer Balmora, Hlaalu Council House House Hlaalu Retainer Mercantile (44)
Speechcraft (44)
Athletics (41)
buys books
Guldrise Dralor Dunmer Dren Plantation, Verethi and Dralor Thieves Guild Bandit Mercantile (58)
Speechcraft (58)
Short Blade (52)
buys books, may be hostile
Hlodala Savel Dunmer Rethan Manor House Hlaalu House Cousin Mercantile (59)
Speechcraft (59)
Short Blade (54)
buys books, hostile to non-Hlaalu
Ienas Sarandas Dunmer Ald'ruhn, Ienas Sarandas' House See Ienas Sarandas Quest.
Iulus Truptor Imperial Ebonheart, Imperial Chapels Imperial Cult Initiate Mercantile (57)
Speechcraft (57)
Athletics (38)
gives several quests for cult, buys books
Ladia Flarugrius Imperial Pelagiad, Halway Tavern Thieves Guild Footpad Mercantile (54)
Speechcraft (54)
Athletics (36)
buys books
Llaalam Dredil Dunmer Ebonheart, Grand Council Chambers Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor
Llevas Fels Dunmer Sadrith Mora, Nevrila Areloth's House Camonna Tong Thug Mercantile (47)
Speechcraft (47)
Athletics (43)
buys books
Mivanu Andrelo Dunmer Ald'ruhn, Goras Andrelo's House House Redoran Lawman
Mivanu Retheran Dunmer Ald'ruhn, Redoran Council Hall House Redoran Lawman Mercantile (52)
Speechcraft (52)
Athletics (46)
buys books
Nothasea Beni Dunmer Nallit hostile
Okan-Shei Argonian Ebonheart, East Empire Company Hall
Phane Rielle Breton Balmora, South Wall Cornerclub Thieves Guild Wet Ear
Raviso Andalas Dunmer Molag Mar, Redoran Stronghold
Rissinia Redguard Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub Thieves Guild Wet Ear Mercantile (44)
Speechcraft (44)
Athletics (41)
buys books
Rothis Nethan Dunmer Vivec, The Flowers of Gold
Sarnir the Clerk Nord Dagon Fel, The End of the World
Segunivus Mantedius Imperial Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Imperial Cult Initiate Mercantile (57)
Speechcraft (57)
Athletics (38)
buys books
Sevyni Saryon Dunmer Vivec, Foreign Quarter Lower Waistworks Mercantile (44)
Speechcraft (44)
Athletics (41)
buys books
Sodrara Andalas Dunmer Gnaar Mok, Nadene Rotheran's Shack Camonna Tong Thug Mercantile (47)
Speechcraft (47)
Athletics (43)
buys books, may be hostile
Sovor Trandel Dunmer Balmora, Council Club Camonna Tong Tough Mercantile (47)
Speechcraft (47)
Athletics (43)
See the Larrius Varro Tells a Little Story quest,
buys books
Thoronor Bosmer Ascadian Isles Region, [2,-4] See The Scholars and the Mating Kagouti quest
Tongue-Toad Argonian Ald'ruhn, The Rat In The Pot Thieves Guild Wet Ear Athletics (52)
Alchemy (42)
Unarmored (42)
See the Silence Tongue-Toad quest, buys books
Traldrisa Tervayn Dunmer Vivec, No Name Club Camonna Tong Tough Athletics (44)
Mercantile (44)
Speechcraft (44)
buys books
Tuvene Arethan Dunmer Ebonheart, Imperial Commission Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor
Velms Sadryon Dunmer Vivec, Library of Vivec Tribunal Temple Novice