Argonianos (em sua língua nativa de Jel eles são chamados de Saxhleel, ou Povo da Raiz) são os nativos reptilianos de Pântano Negro, um vasto pantanal no sudeste de Tamriel. As outras raças preferem chamá-los de “lagartos” ou “Povo Lagarto”, especialmente quando querem ser desdenhosos. Eles são conhecidos como os principais especialistas em guerrilha por todo Coração Estrelado, uma reputação dada por defenderem suas fronteiras de inimigos durante incontáveis séculos. Argonianos tem uma expectativa de vida similar a dos humanos. De acordo com o estudioso da Primeira Era Brendan, o Persistente: “os Argonianos, ao longo da história Tamriélica, talvez tenham sido os mais incompreendidos, difamados e injuriados de todas as raças sencientes. Porém, aqueles que tiveram um tempo para experimentar a cultura Argoniana obtiveram uma maior apreciação por esse nobre e lindo povo”. Entretanto, deve notar-se que ele desapareceu na sua expedição final nos pântanos profundos da terra natal deles.
For more information, see the main lore article.
Base Attributes
Skill Bonuses
In-Game DescriptionAt home in water and on land, the Argonians of Black Marsh are well-suited to the treacherous swamps of their homeland, with natural immunities protecting them from disease and poison. The female life-phase is highly intelligent, and gifted in the magical arts. The more aggressive male phase has the traits of the hunter: stealth, speed, and agility. Argonians are reserved with strangers, yet fiercely loyal to those they accept as friends. Like the Khajiit, Argonians are limited to some headgear and no footwear. Specials
Ideal Character
With skills in combat and magic, they are well rounded characters. The lack of the ability to wear full armor as a beast race prevents Argonians from being overwhelming warriors, knights or crusaders. This, combined with the lack of magicka-increasing abilities, would make them just about the worst battlemages; however, the female Argonians can make an amazing battlemage with the correct class and birthsign (Ex. Lady with 10 Extra Willpower and Agility). Argonians males can however make the finest nightblades and excel as scouts and witchhunters, with males being more adept at thievery. Females being more adept casters more suitably go out of the lines of stealth. Going all-out mage, sorcerer or pilgrim with females will work too, but necessitates a birthsign that increases magicka, and males can make decent thieves, rogues and assassins.