Endurance is the governing Attribute for Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, and Spear. It affects:
- How much maximum Health you have. Each time you level up, your Endurance is divided by 10 and this value is added to your current maximum.
- Only your base endurance is used to calculate your additional health on level up. For example, if you have 50 base Endurance and +20 from a Fortify Endurance effect, your total Endurance will be 70; however, you will get only an additional 5 health when you level up. Note that increases to endurance do not retroactively increase hit points, so it is advisable to maximize endurance as soon as possible.
- If you increase your Endurance when you level up, your new Endurance is used to calculate your additional health.
- Note that the value is not rounded down, 45 endurance will add 4.5 health on level up. (the health pool on the other hand is rounded down, adding only 4 health on this level up, but 5 health on the next one)
- How much maximum Fatigue you have.
Character Creation
The starting values for Endurance vary by race and gender:
Race | M | F | Race | M | F | |
Altmer | 40 | 30 | Imperial | 40 | 40 | |
Argonian | 30 | 30 | Khajiit | 30 | 40 | |
Bosmer | 30 | 30 | Nord | 50 | 40 | |
Breton | 30 | 30 | Orc | 50 | 50 | |
Dunmer | 40 | 30 | Redguard | 50 | 50 |
The following classes receive a +10 Bonus to Endurance:
- Considering the fact that bonus Endurance only affects your maximum Fatigue, enchanting items with this effect is rather useless, as a Fortify Fatigue enchantment will do the same thing for half the cost.
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