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< People / Merchants
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Jeanne (jeanne)
Home City Vivec, Foreign Quarter
Store Jeanne: Trader (See map)
Race Redguard Gender Female
Level 9 Class Trader Service
Gold 300 Mercantile Journeyman (38)
Other Information
Health 99 Magicka 86
Alarm 90 Fight 30

Jeanne is a Redguard trader who has a shop in the western canalworks of Vivec's Foreign Quarter, where she buys and sells all manner of goods. A rival merchant, Balen Andrano, would like to cause trouble for the competition, and has devised a rather unique method of doing so. Play them against each other, and you can earn some useful rewards.

Related Quests


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in italics are equipped, and can be purchased if you sell her something better first. (If there is more than one, you may be able to purchase the others.)
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item Qty
Bonemold Boots 1
Bonemold Cuirass 1
Bonemold Helm 1
Bonemold Shield 1,-1
Bonemold Tower Shield -1
Chitin Shield 1,-1
Chitin Tower Shield -1
Imperial Shield -1
Iron Shield 1,-1
Iron Tower Shield -1
Netch Leather Cuirass 1
Netch Leather Shield -1
Netch Leather Tower Shield -1
Nordic Leather Shield -1
Nordic Trollbone Shield -1
Steel Shield 1,-1
Steel Tower Shield -1
random_armor_iron -2
random_armor_netch_leather -3
random_armor_steel -1
Common Amulet 2
Common Pants 1
Item Qty
Clothing (cont.)
Common Shirt 1
Common Shirt 3
Common Shoes 1
Common Skirt 2
Expensive Pants 1
Expensive Ring 1
Expensive Shirt 1
random_de_shoes_common -4
random_de_pants -3
random_de_shirt -3
Chitin Arrow -500
Chitin War Axe -1
Iron Battle Axe -1
Iron War Axe -1
Nordic Battle Axe -1
Silver War Axe -1
Steel Axe -1
Steel Battle Axe -1
Steel Shortsword 1
Steel War Axe -1
random_loot_special_marksman 20
random_iron_weapon -3
Item Qty
random_ingredient 35
random_de_cheapfood_01_nc 14
random_de_cheapfood_01_ne 2
Potions & Drinks
Bargain Restore Fatigue -2
Bargain Restore Health -2
Cyrodiilic Brandy 2
Greef 2
Mazte 3
Spoiled Cure Disease Potion 2
random_potion_attribute_restore 1
random_potion_bad 3
Glass Lantern 1
Torch -3
Lesser Soul Gem 2
Common Soul Gem 2
Basket 1
Blue Clay Pot 1
Blue Glass Pot 1
Bottle 2
Bowl 2
Ceramic Bowl 1
Item Qty
Misc (cont.)
Clay Pot 1
Cup 2
Decorative Bowl 1
Fork 1
Goblet 1
Green Glass 2
Green Pot 1
Jug 1
Knife 1
Large Redware Bowl 2
Peach Glass Bowl 1
Pillow 1
Pitcher 1
Plate 1
Redware Bowl 2
Spoon 1
Vase 1
Yellow Glass 4
Yellow Glass Bowl 1
random_loot_special 1
random_pos 6
random_com_kitchenware -4