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Mabrigash Tribe

The Mabrigash Tribe is an Ashlander tribe that lives in the Vale of the Ghost Snake, in the Deshaan region of mainland Morrowind. The tribe is predominantly female, and worships an entity known as the Ghost Snake. Members of the tribe are required to follow the Coiled Path as a coming of age ritual, by walking through the treacherous swamps of the Vale while avoiding the giant snakes and the angry ghosts of those who failed. Unlike other Ashlander tribes, they are led by a Farseer rather than a wise woman. The Mabrigash were traditionally xenophobic and isolated, refusing contact with the outside world.

In 2E 582, a Hlaalu trading caravan attempted to make contact with the tribe to trade for snake skin. The Hlaalu envoy, Raston Vendil, managed to insult the entire tribe with his lack of etiquette and was taken prisoner. The Mabrigash implored the Ghost Snake for advice, but the spirit insisted that the choice was theirs: accept trade with the outside world, or remain isolated. It is unknown which path the tribe took, but the contact with the traders had irreversibly changed them.

By 3E 427, the term mabrigash had come to define a renegade wise woman who had forsaken tradition to master the dark arts and become a witch-warrior. They were known to obtain their power by charming a man and draining him of his vital essence, and could manifest their power as a ghost snake which would paralyze and drain their victims. These witch-warriors were common on the island of Vvardenfell, but it is unknown how they relate to the tribe of the Vale.

Mages Guild

The Mages Guild was a professional organization, once located throughout Tamriel, that was dedicated to the study and application of magicka and alchemy. Its charter from the Emperor specified that the guild must provide magic services to the public. Anyone could purchase potions, alchemical ingredients, magical items, and a selection of standard spells from the guild. However, training, goods, and services were cheaper for members, and the guild stewards were sometimes able to provide members with work. Furthermore, exclusive services such as spellmaking and enchanting, deemed potentially dangerous to the public at large, were only made available to higher-ranked guild members in good standing.

Maran Knights

The Maran Knights represent the military strength of Mara, who represents love and peace. She and Her Benevolence recognize that, as hypocritical as it sounds, military strength is often needed to beget this peace. They are a controversial knightly order. Some clerics within the Temple would prefer that the knights disband, but they are in the minority, and most citizens respect the knight's skill and loyalty.

Mercenary Guild

The Mercenary Guild is a small guild led by Vychamp, its self-styled leader. The guild had considerable sway over the Mages Guild some time before the Warp in the West, and mages who wished to rise in rank needed to pledge fealty to Vychamp.


Montalion is one of the vampire bloodlines of the Iliac Bay area.


The Moot is a board of representatives, one from each Hold in Skyrim, which is convened upon the death of the High King of Skyrim to choose the successor from any qualified members of the royal family.

In 1E 369, the Skyrim War of Succession began after the death of King Borgas. Imperial historians attribute the war to the Moot's failure to appoint "the obvious and capable" Jarl Hanse of Winterhold. The war, which lasted over 50 years and shrunk Skyrim's empire considerably, ended with the Pact of Chieftains, who dictated that the Moot only be convened when the High King died without direct heirs. The Moot served in this limited role well, and was only called upon three times until at least the late Second Era.

By the late Third Era the Moot still gathered to recognize the new High King, but more as a formality and theatrics. This was due to Skyrim's capital becoming the city most directly influenced by Imperial culture and politics, meaning the Jarl of Solitude typically served as High King without dispute. This was true up until the reign of High King Torygg in the early Fourth Era..

The Moot can reconvene during a living High King's reign if he breaks some taboo which makes the Jarls of Skyrim lose confidence in him, such as refusing a challenge made in the old traditions.

House Mora

Casa Mora era uma Casa menor dos Dunmer que não existe mais. Há rumores de que os membros da Casa possuiam ancestrais humanos, e estavam supostamente envolvidos em esconder o Cajado do Caos abaixo de Forte da Lamentação.

Morag Tong

The Morag Tong is an ancient guild of assassins headquartered in Morrowind, celebrating murder in the name of Mephala. They have been active since at least the First Era, and their targets have included multiple rulers of Tamriel, high-ranking Dunmer nobility, and countless others. The Morag Tong is unique in its sanctioned status under the Morrowind government to perform legal executions, bound under contracts called 'writs', although extralegal 'gray writs' are rumored to exist.

Mythic Dawn

Tapeçaria da Aurora Mítica

A Aurora Mítica foi um culto secreto que adorava o Príncipe da Destruição, Mehrunes Dagon, e levaram adiante um esquema de assassinato que levou à Crise do Oblívio e então o fim da Terceira Era. Imperador Uriel Septim VII e seus herdeiros foram assassinados como parte da tentativa de levar a uma invasão Daédrica em Tamriel. O líder da Aurora Mítica era Mankar Camoran, cujo filho Raven e filha Ruma weram seus tenentes chave; os três foram mortos em 3E 433 pelo Campeão de Cyrodiil. A Aurora Mítica teve muitos agentes adormecidos se posando como cidadãos por toda Tamriel, assim como um santuário à Mehrunes Dagon se escondia em uma caverna no Lago Arrius que servia como sua base. Após os restos da Aurora Mítica serem mortos, o artefato de Mehrunes Dagon, a Navalha de Mehrunes, foi quebrada em diversos pedaços. Tais pedaços foram escondidos por diversas famílias, mas foram propositalmente reunidos em Skyrim durante a Rebelião Tempesmanto. Um museu dedicado à Aurora Mítica foi aberto em Estrela D'alva em 4E 201.
