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Lore:Segunda Era

< História(Redirecionado de Lore:Second Era)
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Note: The Second Era of Tamriel is also commonly referred to as the Common Era, CE.

First Century

2E 1 — Beginning of the Second Era.
  • By decree of Potentate Versidue-Shaie, year one of the Second Era begins on the first of Morning Star. The marking of the new era commemorates the demise of the Reman Dynasty and Versidue-Shaie's official assumption of stewardship of the Second Empire.

Second Century

2E 120 — Baroness Viana the Pure becomes ruler of Lainlyn.
2E 148 — Baroness Viana the Pure dies.

Third Century

2E 227Tjurhane Fyrre, the great Ayleid sage, dies.
2E 230 — The first Mages Guild is formed.
2E 283 — Potentate Versidue-Shaie declares martial law at the Council of Bardmont.
  • Following the destruction of his fortress at Dawnstar, Versidue-Shaie convenes the Elder Council and declares martial law throughout Tamriel, warning the rebellious leaders of his vassal kingdoms to disband their private armies or face his wrath. This sparks 37 years of intense conflict, at the end of which Versidue-Shaie's Imperial legions stand victorious as the sole army in the land.

Fourth Century

2E 301 — The kingdom of Camlorn is founded.
2E 309 — The province of Elsweyr is founded.
  • Keirgo and Eshita, rulers of the minor kingdoms Anequina and Pellitine, marry. The kingdoms are combined to create the province of Elsweyr, sparking a great class war which almost results in outside intervention.
2E 320 — Dinieras-Ves "the Iron" founded The Syffim, the forerunner of the Fighters Guild.
  • Since Potentate Versidue-Shaie had destroyed all armies but his own, the Syffim were intended to act as a hired army to suppress brigandage in the provinces.
2E 321 — The Guild Act is approved.
2E 324 — Potentate Versidue-Shaie is murdered.
  • The Potentate is murdered in his palace, in what is today the Elsweyr kingdom of Senchal, by the Morag Tong.
2E 358 — Earliest known written record of the Dark Brotherhood
  • A note was found beneath the floorboards of an abandoned house in the Nordic village of Jallenheim. Depicting a war between two shadowy organizations, scholars speculate that this is a rare piece of evidence of the war between the Morag Tong and its hated offshoot, the Dark Brotherhood. The Brotherhood was probably in existence before this date, but its secrecy shrouds its true origins, though it was most likely formed by several ex-members of the Morag Tong.
2E 360 — Earliest known date of a person enlisting the services of the Dark Brotherhood
  • This reference was found in the journals of Queen Arlimahera of Hegathe.

Fifth Century

2E 401 — Prince Anton is crowned king
  • On 17 Hearthfire, prince Anton inherits the throne of his father.
2E 412 — Earliest mention of the name of the Dark Brotherhood.
  • This reference was found in the journals of the Blood Queen Arlimahera of Hegathe. "...with the help of the Night Mother and her Dark Brotherhood, the secret arsenal my family has employed since my grandfather's time." It can be surmised that the Dark Brotherhood was already well organized in 2E 360 if her grandfather truly used them.
2E 430 — Potentate Savirien-Chorak dies.
  • Savirien-Chorak and all of his heirs are murdered, ending the years of the Akaviri Potentate and the Second Empire of Cyrodiil. Some historians date this event to 2E 431.
  • Orsinium loses the status of an Imperial territory as a result of the death of the last Potentate and the dissolution of the Second Empire.
2E 431Skyrim splits into Eastern and Western kingdoms.
  • After High King Logrolf is assassinated, Jarl Svartr of Solitude challenges the legitimacy of Logrolf's heir, Freydis, and a Moot is convened. Although Freydis is accepted by the Crown of Verity and named High Queen in Windhelm, a partial Moot held in Solitude declares Svartr to be High King. From then on, Skyrim is divided into an Eastern kingdom, ruled by the successors of Freydis, and a Western kingdom, ruled by the successors of Svartr.
2E 435 — The Lamia Invasion
2E 450 — King Anton dies
  • On 11 Hearthfire, King Anton's forty nine year reign ends with his death. He is sealed in a tomb with the spirit of Magiul Shiana, his former Seneschal, serving as his guardian.
2E 486 — An Altmeri navy pursues a Maormeri fleet to Pyandonea.
  • After a fleet of Maormer ships is sighted off the coast of Alinor, King Hidellith orders his navy to give chase. The Altmer follow the Maormer through uncharted waters into an ambush near Pyandonea itself. Only one Altmeri ship survives to return to Alinor.

Sixth Century

2E 521Emeric is born.
2E 541 — The Reachmen invade High Rock.
  • Durcorach the Black Drake, Emperor of the Empire of Cyrodiil and progenitor of the Longhouse Emperors, invades the land of the Bretons, but is defeated by the kingdoms of High Rock and slain by Emeric. The kings of Daggerfall, Camlorn, Shornhelm, Evermore, and Wayrest sign the first Daggerfall Covenant after the victory.
2E 546Jorunn is born.
2E 555Ayrenn is born.
  • Ayrenn, the future Queen of Alinor and leader of the Aldmeri Dominion, is born on the 5th of Second Seed to King Hidellith and Kinlady Tuinden of Summerset Isle.
2E 560 — The Knahaten Flu spreads across Tamriel.
  • A strain of the Knahaten Flu hits the southern provinces of Tamriel causing many deaths. The Argonians were strangely immune to the flu which has led some to believe that they were responsible for it in some way. The flu continued until around 2E 603.
2E 563 — The Voyage of the Crimson Ship occurs.
  • A vessel filled with Kothringi tribesmen fleeing from the Knahaten Flu leaves Black Marsh on 9 First Seed. After spending over a year being turned away from port after port, it sets sail to the west and is never seen again.
2E 563 — Emeric is crowned King of Wayrest.
2E 567 — The Greater Daggerfall Covenant is formed.
2E 572 — The Akaviri invaders of Morrowind are defeated.
  • The Akaviri invaders are killed when the land mysteriously becomes flooded. Despite the extensive flooding, almost no Dunmer people are injured or killed. Legend has it that the god Vivec taught the Dunmeri to breathe water and flooded the island. Another version of the event states Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal landed in northeast Skyrim with an Akaviri army and proceeded to capture Windhelm. En route to Riften, Dir-Kamal learned it was protected by forces under Jorunn the Skald-King and Wulfharth the Ash-King, and bypassed that city in favor of attacking Mournhold. Dir-Kamal was then trapped between Jorunn's forces and a Dunmer army led by Almalexia; with the timely aid of a phalanx of Argonian troops, they drove the Akaviri invaders into the sea to drown.
2E 572 — Jorunn the Skald-King is crowned High King of Skyrim.
  • Having defeated the Akaviri invaders, Jorunn returns to Windhelm and is crowned High King of Skyrim in the throne room of the Palace of the Kings.
2E 572 — The Ebonheart Pact is formed.
2E 573 — Emperor Leovic of Cyrodiil is overthrown by Varen Aquilarios.
  • Leovic, the last of a dynasty of Reachmen known as the Longhouse Emperors, legalizes Daedra worship, immediately sparking a rebellion. Varen Aquilarios, the Duke of Chorrol, marshals the armies of the Colovian Estates against Leovic. After a long and bitter war, Varen kills Leovic in the Imperial Throne Room and proclaims himself emperor.
2E 577 — Emperor Varen Aquilarios leads the Five Companions on a quest to retrieve the Amulet of Kings.
  • Seeking to legitimize his rule, Varen and his allies Lyris Titanborn, Sai Sahan, Abnur Tharn, and Mannimarco embark on a quest for the lost Amulet of Kings, which Mannimarco asserts can be used in a ritual to persuade Akatosh to make Varen a Dragonborn. After two years of searching, the Five Companions finally recover the Amulet from Sancre Tor.
2E 579 — The Soulburst occurs.
  • Mannimarco betrays Varen Aquilarios during his attempt to use the Amulet of Kings to become Dragonborn, corrupting the ritual and breaking the ancient covenant with Akatosh that sealed Nirn from Oblivion. An explosion of arcane energy, the Soulburst, causes Varen to vanish, and its mystical aftershocks sweep across Nirn, causing mages to die or go mad, Daedra to appear in greater numbers, and the constellation of the Serpent to dominate the night sky. In the ensuing chaos, the Daedric Prince Molag Bal deploys Dark Anchors to begin pulling Nirn into his realm of Coldharbour to merge the two together, a process known as the Planemeld.
2E 579Clivia Tharn becomes Empress Regent following the disappearance of Varen Aquilarios.
  • In her husband's absence, Clivia Tharn assumes regency over the Imperial Throne. Clivia's reign reportedly ushers in a time of "madness, murder, and decay".
2E 580 — Ayrenn is crowned Queen of Alinor.
  • After disappearing in 2E 573, Ayrenn was assumed lost and her eldest brother Prince Naemon was named the next heir to the throne. When King Hidellith died and Naemon prepared to assume the throne, Ayrenn returned to Summerset Isle, asserted her prior claim, and was crowned.
2E 580 — The First Aldmeri Dominion is formed.
  • In need of allies following their own internal troubles, the provinces of Elsweyr and Valenwood petition Summerset for aid, and the nations join together to become the Aldmeri Dominion.
2E 582 — The Three Banners War begins.
  • The Aldmeri Dominion, Ebonheart Pact and Daggerfall Covenant clash to wrest control of the Ruby Throne from the Empire of Cyrodiil and defend themselves against the Imperials under Molag Bal's influence. The Dominion seeks to reestablish Elven dominance over Tamriel to protect it from the carelessness of the younger races. The Covenant intends to restore the Second Empire and return peace and stability to Tamriel. The Pact desires to defeat the Imperials in order to preserve the independence of their homelands.
2E 582 — The Five Companions are reformed.
2E 582 — Tamrielic invasion of Coldharbour.
  • The three alliance leaders meet on the island of Stirk in neutral territory to discuss a invasion of Coldharbour. After they fail to come to an agreement, they are attacked by the forces of Molag Bal, after which they give their blessings to the Mages and Fighters Guilds spearheading an assault into the Daedric realm. The combined forces of the Guilds charge into Coldharbour led by the Soulless One.
2E 582 — The Mortuum Vivicus is destroyed.
  • The Fighters Guild successfully destroys the Mortuum Vivicus with the help of their newest Champion.
2E 582 — The Mages Guild sanctuary of Eyevea returns to Tamriel.
2E 582 — Daedric plot in the Imperial City foiled.
  • During Molag Bal's occupation of the Imperial City, an unknown Dragonguard agent called the Drake of Blades, with the help of the Soulless One, stops Molag Bal's plot in the Imperial City to destroy the Sublime Brazier, the key to rekindling the dragonfires, by travelling to the Sublime Brazier in the Dragonfire Cathedral below the Imperial City and imbuing the Drake of Blades with Akatosh's divine power, so she can live forever as the immortal guardian of the Sublime Brazier, effectively foiling Molag Bal's plot.
2E 582 — The Planemeld ends.
  • The Soulless One, a person that was sacrificed to the Daedric prince Molag Bal, stops the Planemeld, ends Molag Bal's plan to merge Nirn and Coldharbour into one nightmarish hellscape, and reclaims their soul from the Daedric prince of enslavement and domination.

Seventh Century

2E 603 — Last documented case of the Knahaten Flu.
  • Even after the plague passed, non-Argonians tended to avoid Black Marsh out of fear.
2E 638 — The Mages Guild on Stros M'Kai gets fully chartered.

Eighth Century

2E 730 — Artaeum returns.
  • The island of Artaeum reappears, having vanished for 500 years. The Psijic Order returns with the island, but is no longer led by Iachesis.

Ninth Century

2E 812Rimmen secedes from Elsweyr.
  • Despite ostensibly becoming its own kingdom, Rimmen continues to pay tribute to the Mane of Elsweyr to ensure its independence.
2E 828 — Probable birth of Tiber Septim.
2E 830 — The Aldmeri Dominion is reformed.
2E 831Cyrus is born.
  • Cyrus the Restless, the famous Redguard mercenary, is born in the city of Sentinel.
2E 852 — The Tiber Wars begin.
  • Forces led by General Talos, later known as Tiber Septim, begin a series of conflicts that result in the unification of Tamriel under the Third Empire and mark the final years of the Second Era.
  • The stronghold of Sancre Tor is captured by Nord-Breton invaders. In the dead of winter, General Talos leads a daring assault against overwhelming odds, retakes the stronghold, and recovers the Amulet of Kings from the Tomb of Reman III below Sancre Tor.
2E 854Cuhlecain is assassinated.
  • The King of the Colovian Estates is assassinated by a High Rock nightblade, just before his coronation as the Emperor. The assassin also burns the Imperial Palace to the ground and attempts to kill General Talos, who is crowned in Cuchlecain's stead as Tiber Septim.
2E 862Thassad II dies.
  • The High King of Hammerfell, Thassad II, dies from natural causes, being considerably ill and old at the time of his death. After his death, the leader of the Forebears, Baron Volag, starts a revolution to reinstate the republic.
2E 864 — The Battle of Hunding Bay.
  • Crown Prince A'tor, son of Thassad II, heir to Hammerfell and leader of the Crowns, leads his forces in continual victory over the Forebears. Desperate, the Forbears ask Tiber Septim for help, who sends his forces led by Lord Admiral Amiel Richton, who destroys the Crown forces at the harbor of Stros M'Kai.
2E 864 — The first edition of the Pocket Guide to the Empire is published.
2E 864 — The Stros M'Kai Uprising.
  • The date of the Redguard rebellion on the island of Stros M'Kai off the coast of Hammerfell. The Restless League, led by siblings Cyrus and Iszara, destroys the Imperial fleet in the harbor of Stros M'Kai and defeats the small contingent of the Imperial Legion stationed on the island.
  • Lord Amiel Richton, Provisional Governor of Stros M'Kai, dies at the hands of Cyrus, wielding a sword enchanted with the soul of Crown Prince A'tor.
  • Baron Volag comes out of hiding and retakes the Forebear city of Sentinel. Following the two uprisings, Emperor Tiber Septim is forced to sign a peace treaty on terms more favorable to Hammerfell.
2E 865Symmachus is born.
  • Symmachus, future general of the Imperial Legion and husband to Queen Barenziah, is born.
2E 882Dagoth Ur reawakens.
  • Dagoth Ur and his Ash Vampires awaken underneath the Red Mountain, where they bind themselves to the Heart of Lorkhan. They ambush the Tribunes during their annual ritual bathing in the Heart's power, and drive them off.
2E 893Barenziah is born.
2E 896 — Tiber Septim conquers Tamriel.
  • Tiber Septim finishes conquering all the lands of Tamriel with the aid of the Dwarven artifact Numidium and the battlemage Zurin Arctus, finally uniting Tamriel in peace. The time of Tiber's reign was a just (even from serf to king) and glorious one, among the best of Tamriel's history.
  • The beginning of the Third Era is pronounced by Tiber Septim at the end of the year.

