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Skyrim:Alteration Spells

< Magic: Spells(Redirecionado de Skyrim:Detect Dead)

This page lists Spells in the school of Alteration.

SR-icon-book-SpellTomeAlteration.png Spell Name
Skill Level Tome
Magicka Base Cost Skill XP Description and Effect Details Where to Get
SR-icon-spell-Light.png Candlelight
Spell ID: 00043324
Tome ID: 0009e2a7
44 21 2.5 Creates a hovering light that lasts for 60 seconds:
SR-icon-spell-Alteration.png Oakflesh
Spell ID: 0005ad5c
Tome ID: 0009e2a8
44 103 103 Improves the caster's armor rating by 40 points for 60 seconds:
  • Armor - Oak, 40 pts for 60 secs
  • The Mage Armor perk increases the magnitude to 80 pts (rank 1), 100 pts (rank 2), or 120 pts (rank 3)
SR-icon-spell-Light.png Magelight
Spell ID: 00043323
Tome ID: 000a26e2
87 84 12 Ball of light that lasts 60 seconds and sticks where it strikes:
SR-icon-spell-Alteration.png Stoneflesh
Spell ID: 0005ad5d
Tome ID: 000a26e3
95 194 194 Improves the caster's armor rating by 60 points for 60 seconds:
  • Armor - Stone, 60 pts for 60 secs
  • The Mage Armor perk increases the magnitude to 120 pts (rank 1), 150 pts (rank 2), or 180 pts (rank 3)
75px Ash ShellDB
Spell ID: xx017731
Tome ID: xx0177ac
425 251 251 Targets that fail to resist are immobilized in hardened ash for 30 seconds:
  • Ash Shell, for 30 secs
SR-icon-spell-Detect Life.png Detect Life
Spell ID: 000211ee
Tome ID: 000a26e7
332 100/s 6.5/s per target Nearby living creatures, but not undead, machines or daedra, can be seen through walls:
SR-icon-spell-Alteration.png Ironflesh
Spell ID: 00051b16
Tome ID: 000a26e4
341 266 266 Improves the caster's armor rating by 80 points for 60 seconds:
  • Armor - Iron, 80 pts for 60 secs
  • The Mage Armor perk increases the magnitude to 160 pts (rank 1), 200 pts (rank 2), or 240 pts (rank 3)
SR-icon-spell-Telekinesis.png Telekinesis
Spell ID: 0001a4cc
Tome ID: 000a26e5
326 170/s 170/s Can pull an object to you from a distance. Add it to your inventory or throw it:
SR-icon-spell-Alteration.png Transmute
Spell ID: 00109111
Tome ID: 00109112
200 100 15 (scripted) Transmutes one piece of unrefined Iron ore to Silver, or Silver ore to Gold if the caster is carrying any:
SR-icon-spell-Alteration.png Waterbreathing
Spell ID: 0005d175
Tome ID: 000a26e6
340 222 222 Can breathe water for 60 seconds:
75px Ash RuneDB
Spell ID: xx0177af
Tome ID: xx0177b5
635 418 418 Cast on a nearby surface, it explodes when enemies are nearby, immobilizing them in hardened ash for 30 seconds:
  • Cast on ground
  • Ash Rune, 50 pts for 1 sec
SR-icon-spell-Detect Life.png Detect Dead
Spell ID: 000211ef
Tome ID: 000a26ea
600 148/s 9.25/s per target Nearby dead can be seen through walls:
SR-icon-spell-Alteration.png Ebonyflesh
Spell ID: 0005ad5e
Tome ID: 000a26e9
650 341 341 Improves the caster's armor rating by 100 points for 60 seconds:
  • Armor - Ebony, 100 pts for 60 secs
  • The Mage Armor perk increases the magnitude to 200 pts (rank 1), 250 pts (rank 2), or 300 pts (rank 3)
SR-icon-spell-Paralyze.png Paralyze
Spell ID: 0005ad5f
Tome ID: 000a26e8
685 450 450 Targets that fail to resist are paralyzed for 10 seconds:
SR-icon-spell-Alteration.png Dragonhide
Spell ID: 000cdb70
Tome ID: 000d2b4e
1389 837 837 Caster ignores 80% of all physical damage for 30 seconds:
SR-icon-spell-Paralyze.png Mass Paralysis
Spell ID: 000b62e6
Tome ID: 000dd646
1280 937 937 All targets in the area that fail to resist are paralyzed for 15 seconds:
SR-icon-spell-Illusion Dark.png Equilibrium
Spell ID: 000da746
Tome ID: 000f4997
N/A 250 1/s + 25 health/s 0.01/s Convert 25 points of health into magicka per second. Caster can be killed by this effect:
  • Not available for purchase
  • Can be found in Labyrinthian Chasm
  • Affected by difficulty, which means you will drain more than 25 health if you play on expert or master and less if you play on apprentice or novice, but always will get 25 magicka per second.

Spell Notes

  • The base cost for spells is the amount of magicka that would be necessary to cast the spell at 0 skill without any perks. The magicka cost at 100 skill is 41% less than the base cost; the cost can also be reduced via enchanted apparel and by unlocking various perks. See Spell Cost for the full magicka cost equation.
  • Skill level indicates which skill perk needs to be unlocked to decrease the spell's magicka cost. "N/A" is used for special spells whose cost is not affected by any perks.
  • The "Where to Get" column only lists guaranteed locations for obtaining the spell tomes. Most spell tomes are also available in random loot; see Spell Tome Locations for details.
  • For higher-level spell tomes to become available for purchase, your skill in the school must be high enough. Also, master-level spell tomes can only be acquired once that school's ritual spell quest has been completed.
  • All spell tomes have a weight of 1.
  • Skill XP can be modified by scripts and by the game engine itself under various circumstances. The exact XP you receive may vary from the numbers listed here.
  • Magicka cost and skill XP are rounded down, both in game and on this page. Because of this, you may find that you cannot cast a spell even though it appears you have exactly enough magicka to do so.