Cell owner ship for SESplitDementiaJzidzosHouse
Represents the owners of the demented J'zidzo's house in Split.
Information |
Editor Id |
SESplitDementiaJzidzosHouseFaction |
Form Id |
00041f5d |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Cell owner ship for SESplitDementiaJzidzosHouse
Represents the owners of the manic J'zidzo's house in Split. The full name of this faction is an error.
Information |
Editor Id |
SESplitManiaJzidzosHouseFaction |
Form Id |
00041f5e |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Choosy Beggar Faction
The owners and regulars at The Choosy Beggar inn, Bliss.
Information |
Editor Id |
SEChoosyBeggarFaction |
Form Id |
00078fdb |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC |
Citizen of New Sheoth
Residents of New Sheoth.
Information |
Editor Id |
SENewSheothFaction |
Form Id |
00013a69 |
Flags |
None |
Corpserot Arena Fans
This faction controls the behavior of some of the denizens of the prison of Dementia, Corpserot Passage.
Information |
Editor Id |
SECorpserotDancingGrummites |
Form Id |
0008e091 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Corpserot Prison Faction
This faction contains the denizens of the prison of Dementia, Corpserot Passage.
Information |
Editor Id |
SECorpserotFaction |
Form Id |
0005a8c6 |
Flags |
HiddenFromPC, Evil |
Court of Madness
This is the faction through which the player progresses as the main quest is completed.
Information |
Editor Id |
SECourtofMadnessFaction |
Form Id |
0006a7fc |
Flags |
None |
Ranks |
Number |
Male Rank |
Female Rank |
0 |
Tourist |
1 |
Aspirant |
2 |
Citizen |
3 |
Madman |
Madwoman |
4 |
Honored Madman |
Honored Madwoman |
5 |
Duke of Dementia |
Duchess of Dementia |
6 |
Duke of Mania |
Duchess of Mania |
7 |
Regent |
8 |
Defender of the Realm |
9 |
Madgod |
Crucible Citizen
All the residents of Crucible.
Information |
Editor Id |
SENewSheothCrucible |
Form Id |
00015580 |
Flags |
None |