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Countess | Arriana Valga | |
Console Location Code(s) | ||
ChorrolCastleGreatHall, ChorrolCastlePrivateQuarters, ChorrolCastlePrivateQuarters02, ChorrolCastleBarracks, ChorrolCastleDungeon, ChorrolCastleTowerBR, ChorrolCastleTowerFL, ChorrolCastleTowerFR, ChorrolCastleTowerBL, ChorrolCastleTowerBL2, ChorrolCastleTowerR1, ChorrolCastleTowerR2, ChorrolCastleWallTowerNE, ChorrolCastleWallTowerNW, ChorrolCastleWallTowerSE, ChorrolCastleWallTowerSW, ChorrolGateBRandBL | ||
Region | ||
Great Forest | ||
Location | ||
In the northeastern part of Chorrol |
Castle Chorrol is a castle in the northeastern part of Chorrol. It is the seat of the Countess of Chorrol, Countess Arriana Valga. Her daughter, Countess Alessia Caro of Leyawiin often visits her here.
The castle itself is made up of the Great Hall and the Private Quarters, with the North Tower, South Tower, East Tower, and West Tower surrounding these rooms, and the Arch Tower attached to the West Tower. The Barracks and Dungeon are housed in the southwest courtyard tower, and the Wall Tower North View and Wall Tower East View are on the northeast and southeast corners of the courtyard, respectively. The Northeast Wall Tower is on the city's wall directly north of the castle, and the Northwest Wall Tower is on the west side of the city's wall, west of the Chapel of Stendarr. The Southeast Wall Tower is directly south of the castle, and the Southwest Wall Tower is south of Jirolin Doran's house. The Gate Tower is two connected towers on either side of the main entrance from the Great Forest, on the south side of the city.
Castle Chorrol Great Hall
The entrance to Castle Chorrol Great Hall reveals a large, basically empty room with a large set of stairs at the opposite end. These stairs lead up to a short hallway. The door at the southwest end of the hall opens into a small bedroom with two single beds, one on the southwest wall and one on the northwest wall. The chest on the southeast corner holds only clutter.
The other doorway in the small hallway leads into the throne room. The throne sits on a raised dais in the northwest of the room, and two unlocked display cases behind it hold a wolf pelt and two bear pelts. A bookshelf in the north corner of the room holds a copy of Azura and the Box, a bottle of Cyrodilic brandy, and an alembic. Stairs on both the southwest and northeast walls lead up to a balcony on the northwest wall, with three doors that all lead to the private quarters. The display case on the northeast landing holds a copy of Mystery of Talara, v 5, while the display case on the southwest landing holds a varla stone.
The doorway in the east corner of the throne room reveals a large dining room. The table in the room seats eight and is set with eight strawberries, three tomatoes, two carrots, a loaf of bread, a cheese wedge, and a pumpkin.
Castle Chorrol Private Quarters
The doors into the Private Quarters from the Great Hall open into a long segmented hallway. From the easternmost Great Hall door, a long hallway runs from the northwest to the southeast. In the southeast end, a doorway leads to the East Tower, next to another door on the long wall beside it. This door reveals Orok gro-Ghoth's bedroom with his double bed on the northeast wall. The chest at the foot of it holds clutter and minor loot. The desk in the west corner also holds clutter as well as possibly a common book. The cupboard and chest of drawers in the east corner both contain clothing, and the chest on top of the chest of drawers holds gold as well as jewelry and/or a silver nugget.
In the opposite end of the hallway, the northwest, a door leads to the North Tower and another hallway intersects running northeast to southwest. At the northeast end, a door opens into Laythe Wavrick's bedroom. His double bed sits against the northeast wall. The chest of drawers in the east corner and the cupboard in the north corner hold clothing. The chest in this corner holds clutter, as does the desk in the south corner, along with possibly a common book.
Entry into the Private Quarters from the southernmost Great Hall door reveals a small room with two more doors adjacent to a hallway. The door on the wall to the left (southeast) leads to the South Tower. Opposite the entrance, the other doorway leads into Chanel's bedroom with a double bed on the southeast wall. The cupboard in the north corner and the chest of drawers in the east corner both contain clothing. The chest on the northwest wall contains clutter, as does the sack in the west corner and the sack on the table in the middle of the room. The barrel in the west corner is empty. On the table on the southwest wall a non-respawning lectern holds painting supplies; two paintbrushes, a palette, and a paintbrush jar.
The hallway outside the small entry room features a door to Arch Tower opposite the room and a door to the West Tower around the bend at the southwestern end of the hall. At the other end of the hallway, a door on the northwest wall leads to Orgnolf Hairy-Legs' tiny bedroom with a single bed and his chest which contains clothing and up to three drinks.
In the middle of this hallway, another door leads to Countess Arriana Valga's private quarters. This is actually a separate cell with a different console location code but the exact same name. The desk in the north corner holds a copy of Nerevar Moon and Star.
The stairs in the west corner lead into the Countess' bedroom with a double bed on the northwest wall; the table next to it hold a bottle of Surilie Brother Wine, a bottle of Tamika's West Weald Wine, and a small chest that can contain jewelry and/or a potion. On top of the desk in the north corner sits a Cure Poison potion and a Cure Disease potion as well as a sweetcake and a copy of Five Songs of King Wulfharth. A single bed sits in the east corner between a clutter chest and a food cupboard; a watermelon sits on the floor next to the cupboard. The bookshelves in the south corner hold a bottle of Cyrodilic brandy, a retort, and a clutter sack; another clutter sack sits on the floor between the bookshelves. The desk near the west corner holds clutter and/or a common book.
Castle Chorrol North Tower
The entrance level of the North Tower holds seven food barrels, six clutter sacks, and five clutter crates. The ladder in the northwest leads up to the second level. This level holds eight more clutter sacks and two more clutter crates as well as two clutter chests and five food sacks. The table on the east wall holds two gold pieces and two bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine.
Castle Chorrol South Tower
The lower level of the South Tower houses eight food barrels, four clutter crates, and five clutter sacks. On the south side of the room, next to the ladder to the upper level, three onions and two pumpkins lie on the floor in front of an overturned table. On the second level are two more clutter crates, two clutter chests, and nine clutter sacks as well as six food sacks. The table on the north wall holds two gold pieces as well as two bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine.
Castle Chorrol East Tower
The bottom level of the East Tower holds five food barrels, three clutter crates, nine clutter sacks, and a cupboard that can hold food and drinks. The ladder in the northeast side of the room leads to the upper level where there are two more clutter crates, two clutter chests, and nine clutter sacks as well as one food sack. On the table in the northwest part of the room are two gold pieces and two bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine.
Castle Chorrol West Tower

The entrance to the West Tower from the Private Quarters reveals a level with a door to the Arch Tower and a trap door that leads down. Seven clutter crates and a clutter chest can be found here. On the lower level, eleven clutter crates are stacked along the middle of the room. Eight clutter sacks can be found here along with a clutter chest. Standing on an easel here is a painting related to Canvas the Castle, and a bottle of cheap wine sits on the table next to it.
Castle Chorrol Arch Tower
The door from the West Tower leads into a short hallway with a small room at the end. Three clutter chests sit against the walls, as well as five clutter sacks and a food sack. The table on the east wall holds two bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine. The trap door on the northwest wall leads down to the lower levels where another door leads outside. Four clutter crates and five clutter sacks can be found in this room.
Castle Chorrol Barracks
The entrance to the barracks leads into a half-circle room, the straight wall facing the door. A set of stairs on the immediate left upon entering leads up to the second level. On the wall to the right, between the entrance door and the door to the dungeon a pumpkin sits on a table. On the table in the center are two apples, a carrot, a cheese wedge, a loaf of bread, and garlic. On the bookshelf behind the table is a cheese wheel, and the cupboard next to it contains more food; a clutter sack sits on top of it.
The southernmost door on the straight wall reveals Bittneld the Curse-Bringer's bedroom with a double bed in the north corner. The chest at the foot holds clutter as does the cupboard on the south wall and the sack on top of the chest of drawers in the west corner. The chest of drawers contains clothing, and the barrel and sack next to it hold food. The northernmost of the two doors reveals a small storage room with four crates, a chest, a sack, and a barrel that all contain clutter, as well as two more barrels that hold food. On the second level, six beds are arranged in the middle of the room with a clutter chest at the foot of five of them.
Castle Chorrol Dungeon
In the entrance to the dungeon, a table sits in the north corner; the sack sitting on it and the one beside it both contain clutter, as does the cupboard behind it and the crate in the south corner. The chest also in the south corner holds stolen goods. The door in the north corner leads into a sleeping quarters with two single beds on the northwest wall. The chests at the foot of each contain clutter; so does the crate on the southeast wall. The table in the east corner holds two pieces of mutton and a piece of beef.
The door in the west corner of the entrance room leads down a long hallway to two cells on the left and one on the right. The first on the left contains two bedrolls and a stool; the second contains a bedroll, a stool, and a cup. The cell on the right contains only a bedroll. Further down the hallway and around the corner a large storage room holds five clutter barrels, two clutter chests, six clutter crates, and three clutter sacks. A chest of drawers against the southeast wall contains clothing, and another sack in the north corner holds food. A covered bowl on the bookshelf on the southeast wall also contains clutter.
Castle Chorrol Wall Tower North View
The lower level of the Wall Tower North holds six clutter crates. The ladder on the north side of the room leads up to the second level, where two more clutter crates sit among two clutter chests and eight clutter sacks.
Castle Chorrol Wall Tower East View
The first level of the Wall Tower East holds two clutter crates and three dog kennels. On the east side of the room a ladder leads to the upper level where there are three more clutter crates along with nine sacks and a chest with the same contents.
Castle Chorrol Northeast Wall Tower
The entrance of the Northeast Wall Tower on the lower level holds six crates and seven sacks containing clutter. The ladder on the north side of the room leads up to the second level where five crates, two sacks, and a chest also contain more clutter.
Castle Chorrol Northwest Wall Tower
The lower level of the Northwest Wall Tower holds four food barrels as well as seven clutter sacks and two clutter crates. On the west side of the room a ladder leads up to the second level which holds five crates, two sacks, and a chest; all of them contain clutter.
Castle Chorrol Southeast Wall Tower
The first level in the Southeast Wall Tower contains seven sacks, five crates, and three barrels, all of which hold clutter. The ladder on the south side of the room leads to the upper level where there are three more clutter crates and two clutter chests. On top of the crate on the west side sits two loaves of bread and two cheese wedges.
Castle Chorrol Southwest Wall Tower
The entry level of the Southwest Wall Tower holds four clutter barrels, three clutter crates, three clutter sacks, and a clutter chest. The ladder on the south side leads up to the second level where five crates, three sacks, and a chest are stored, all containing clutter.
Chorrol Castle Gate Tower
The Gate Tower is actually two towers on either side of the southern gate that are connected on the upper level. The eastern tower's lower level holds two clutter crates, and it's upper level contains two crates, two chests, and two sacks all holding clutter. The table on the west side holds a loaf of bread and two bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine. The western tower's lower level contains a clutter crate and a clutter chest, while its upper level contains only a clutter chest and a table on the north side that holds two loaves of bread and a bottle of Surilie Brothers Wine. The doorway on the east side of the west tower and the west side of the east tower lead into an empty hallway that connects the two.
Related Quests
- Canvas the Castle: Someone has stolen a valuable painting from Castle Chorrol!
- Buying a house in Chorrol: A house for sale in Chorrol's Great Oak Place.
- Allies for Bruma: You are asked to bring in reinforcements for Bruma from the other towns.