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Lore:Flora F

< Flora(Redirecionado de Lore:Fly Amanita)


A Fennel Plant

Fennel has several clumps of tiny yellow flowers and finely dissected leaves. It is most common in the northern part of the Gold Coast Region of Cyrodiil.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Fennel Seeds

Fire Ferns

A Fire Fern

The Fire Fern is a perennial herb native to Morrowind. Their evergreen foliage and flowers are resistant to the conditions of high heat found in Vvardenfell. They grow primarily on Red Mountain, in Molag Amur, and on Azura's Coast.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Fire Petals

Flame Stalk

Flame Stalk Plants

Flame stalks are a semi-rare plant that grows primarily on the sides of Manias cave supports.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Flame Stalk



Flax have thin stems and many small leaves that flower with either a pale pink, yellow, or blue head. It can be found across Tamriel, although it grows widely in the West Weald region of Cyrodiil. It is mainly used in the production of linen, although its seeds can be of use to alchemists.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Flax Seeds, Raw Flax

Fly Amanita

Fly Amanita Mushrooms

Fly Amanitas are easily recognized mushrooms, distinguished by their white-spotted deep red caps. They grow in vast numbers in Cyrodiil's Great Forest and in many of the province's cities. They can also be found underground in Skyrim's caves.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Fly Amanita Cap, Fly Amanita


A Foxglove Plant

Foxglove flower on tall stems. They are easily noticed due to their light-purple tubular heads.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Foxglove Nectar

Fungus Stalk

A Clump of Fungus Stalk Plants

Fungus stalks are small tube-like biota found growing in the Dementia region of the Shivering Isles.

Found in:

Harvested Ingredient:

Fungus Stalk