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Heart Stone Deposits

  • 28 in total
Ores Location
2 Ashfallow Citadel, outside
3 Brodir Grove, near the boss chest
2 Hrodulf's House, outside
2 Coast WSW of Tel Mithryn
1 Kolbjorn Barrow, outside
1 West of Old Attius Farm, on a small island with a flag on top of it
3 Coldcinder Cave, near the treasure chest
2 Fort Frostmoth, in the spider den on the middle level
1 Tel Mithryn, exterior, behind the kitchen
2 Coast SE of Tel Mithryn
1 Highpoint Tower, exterior
1 Wreck of the Strident Squall, next to the ship's boarding ramp
1 WNW of Tel Mithryn, near the silt strider
2 446 ft NE of Fort Frostmoth
2 White Ridge Barrow, in a small mine to the left of the entrance to White Ridge Sanctum
2 Broken Tusk Mine, downstairs