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Great Bazaar People

Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Bedal Alen Male&M Dunmer Merchant House Hlaalu Kinsman(Kinsman) 12 113 136 0 30 Bookseller Does not actually buy/sell from you
Belwen Female&F Bosmer Clothier 40 232 200 100 30 Clothier Merchant
Catia Sosia Female&F Imperial Smith 40 332 142 0 30 Armory Blacksmith; Merchant
Daron Male&M Redguard Smith 30 271 106 0 30 Outside Blacksmith; Merchant
Drathas Reyas Male&M Dunmer Acrobat 10 102 94 0 30 Outside
Dravil Indrano Male&M Dunmer Assassin 25 168 168 0 30 Outside
Fonari Indaren Female&F Dunmer Apothecary Service 30 156 200 100 30 Outside Merchant
Fons Beren Male&M Dunmer Noble 30 212 172 0 30 Outside
Gureryne Selvilo Female&F Dunmer Savant 5 54 116 0 30 Outside
Jeanne Andre Female&F Breton Mage Service 40 178 200 0 30 Magic Shop Spells, Spellmaker
Jodhur Male&M Khajiit Commoner 10 93 100 0 30 Outside
Marena Gilnith Female&F Dunmer Commoner 20 153 122 0 30 Outside
Meralyn Othan Female&F Dunmer Commoner 10 93 100 0 30 Outside
Meryn Othralas Male&M Dunmer Savant 5 59 115 0 30 Outside
Nevama Sarobar Female&F Dunmer Commoner 15 123 110 0 30 Outside
Ovis Velas Male&M Dunmer Mage 1 40 100 0 30 Outside Appears only after starting The Summoner quest
Rerlas Mon Male&M Breton Merchant 15 128 164 0 30 Outside Sells pet companions
Roner Arano Male&M Dunmer Pawnbroker 25 162 176 0 30 Outside Merchant
Sanaso Sarothran Female&F Dunmer Bookseller 35 203 200 100 30 Bookseller Merchant
Suldreni Salandas Female&F Dunmer Noble 40 267 200 0 0 Outside
Sunel Hlas Male&M Dunmer Trader Service 35 250 288 0 30 Trader Merchant
'Ten-Tongues' Weerhat Male&M Argonian Pawnbroker 15 93 102 100 30 Pawnbroker Merchant
Ungeleb Male&M Bosmer Alchemist Service 40 184 200 0 30 Magic Shop Merchant

Godsreach People

Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Deldrise Andoren Female&F Dunmer Noble 20 148 140 50 30 Andoren Manor
Yagak gro-Gluk Male&M Orc Smith 45 364 130 0 30 Craftsmen's Hall
Elbert Nermarc Male&M Breton Enchanter Service 30 156 200 100 30 Craftsmen's Hall Enchanter, Merchant
Bols Indalen Male&M Dunmer Smith 15 165 102 90 30 Craftsmen's Hall Custom Armor, Repairs, Merchant
Detritus Caria Male&M Breton Noble 20 148 160 0 30 Craftsmen's Hall
Ilnori Faustus Male&M Imperial Crusader 10 110 100 0 30 Craftsmen's Hall
Trels Varis Male&M Dunmer Journalist 10 120 130 90 50 Secret Office
Sendel Tedas {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Secret Office
Feranos Hlando {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Secret Office
Veros Nerethi {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Secret Office
Ignatius Flaccus Male&M Imperial Enchanter 20 119 200 0 / 50 30 Ignatius Flaccus's House Second Alarm rating is after the Dwemer Warbots quest; Does not actually offer Enchanter services
Ravani Llethan Female&F Dunmer Healer 13 92 106 0 30 Llethan Manor Widow of the late King Llethan
Donus Serethi {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Llethan Manor
Anrel {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Llethan Manor
Tadera Andules Female&F Dunmer Noble 35 237 288 90 30 Sadri Manor
Alvan Llarys Male&M Dunmer Noble 30 212 172 90 30 Sadri Manor
Golena Sadri Female&F Dunmer Thief 40 232/300 200 90/0 30 Sadri Manor Second statistics are during The Thief quest.
Mitanne Limax Female&F Breton Commoner 25 177 152 0 30 The Winged Guar
Ra'Tesh Male&M Khajiit Trader Service 25 186 156 100 0 The Winged Guar Trader
Bakh gro-Sham Male&M Orc Agent 35 221 134 0 30 The Winged Guar Trainer
Hession Female&F Altmer Publican 40 235 200 100 30 The Winged Guar Merchant
Galms Seles Male&M Dunmer Commoner 20 158 122 0 30 The Winged Guar Runs a fixed shell game
Holmar Male&M Nord Barbarian 15 155 82 0 30 The Winged Guar
Denegor Male&M Bosmer Commoner 15 118 110 0 30 The Winged Guar
Therdon Male&M Redguard Commoner 10 108 80 0 30 The Winged Guar
Soscean Male&M Redguard Warrior 20 214 90 0 0 The Winged Guar
Geon Auline Male&M Breton Noble 25 177 176 0 30 Geon Auline's House
Arnsa Thendas Female&F Dunmer Noble 20 148 140 100 30 Thendas Manor
Olvyne Dobar Female&F Dunmer Rogue 30 233 126 90 50 Vacant Manor
Felvan Ienith Male&M Dunmer Rogue 30 228 126 90 50 Vacant Manor
Dovor Oren Male&M Dunmer Rogue 50 375 158 90 50 Vacant Manor
Gavis Velas Male&M Dunmer Mage 30 150 198 50 30 Velas Manor
Torasa Aram Female&F Dunmer Noble 30 207 172 100 30 Museum of Artifacts
Eno Romari Male&M Dunmer Priest 20 119 134 0 30 Outside
Salas Valor Male&M Dunmer Crusader 40 350 166 100 30 Outside
High-Pockets Male&M Bosmer Thief 10 76 108 0 30 Outside
Venasa Sarano Female&F Dunmer Commoner 5 63 88 0 30 Outside
Thrud Male&M Nord Barbarian 25 212 98 0 30 Outside Follows you during The Barbarian and the Book
Taren Andoren Male&M Dunmer Noble 19 147 138 0 30 Outside
Velyna Seran Female&F Dunmer Commoner 20 153 122 0 30 Outside
Elanande Female&F Altmer Battlemage 30 200 200 0 0 Outside

Royal Palace People

Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
King Hlaalu Helseth Male&M Dunmer King 35 400 154 0 30 Throne Room Essential; King of Morrowind
Karrod Male&M Redguard Warrior 50 634 122 90 30 Throne Room Essential
Ivulen Irano Male&M Dunmer Guard Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 39 166 90 30 Throne Room
Evo Othreloth {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Throne Room
Diradeni Farano Female&F Dunmer Guard Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 293 166 100 30 Throne Room
Drusus Gratus {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Throne Room
Tienius Delitian Male&M Imperial Guard Royal Guard Captain(Captain) 45 394 150 100 30 Throne Room
Calvus Horatius Male&M Imperial Warrior 10 250 94 0 30 Courtyard Possible Companion
Plitinius Mero Male&M Imperial Savant 40 233 200 0 30 Courtyard
Aleri Aren Female&F Dunmer Crusader Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 293 166 90 30 Guard's Quarters
Milvela Dralen {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Helseth's Chambers
Ervis Verano {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Helseth's Chambers
Crito Olcinius Male&M Imperial Priest Service Imperial Cult Disciple(Disciple) 35 182 176 0 30 Imperial Cult Services Merchant; Spells; Spellmaker
Laurina Maria Female&F Imperial Priest Service 30 161 162 0 30 Imperial Cult Services Spells; Spellmaker
Effe-Tei Male&M Argonian Mage 35 164 200 0 30 Reception Area Essential; Transport to Ebonheart
Barenziah Female&F Dunmer Queen Mother 70 630 300 0 30 Barenziah's Chambers Essential
Alusannah {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] Barenziah's Chambers

Temple Courtyard People

Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Gaenor Male&M Bosmer Pauper/Warrior 1/50 300/500 80/158 90/0 30/30 Temple Courtyard Second statistics occur during The Natural quest
Athelyn Malas Male&M Dunmer Commoner 25 187 132 0 30 Temple Courtyard
Forven Berano Male&M Dunmer Noble House Hlaalu House Brother(House Brother) 21 159 144 90 30 Temple Courtyard
Bels Uvenim Male&M Dunmer Noble 35 275 188 0 0 Temple Courtyard
Gee-Pop Varis Male&M Dunmer Gardener 3 64 84 0 30 Temple Courtyard
Goval Ralen Male&M Dunmer Commoner 20 158 122 0 30 Temple Courtyard
Mehra Helas Female&F Dunmer Healer Service Tribunal Temple Adept(Adept) 7 60 96 100 30 Temple Courtyard Merchant; Spells; Spellmaker
Shunari Eye-Fly Female&F Khajiit Thief 35 211 188 0 30 Temple Basement Only appears during the Crimson Plague quest
Nerile Andaren Female&F Dunmer Healer Service Tribunal Temple Curate(Curate) 35 169 154 100 30 Temple Hall of Ministry Merchant; Spells
Galsa Andrano Female&F Dunmer Healer Service Tribunal Temple Adept(Adept) 25 95 25 100 30 Temple Infirmary Merchant; Spells
Granny Varis Female&F Dunmer Caretaker 4 61 92 0 30 Temple Reception Area
Fedris Hler Male&M Dunmer Assassin 50 280 200 0 30 Temple Reception Area Essential
Urvel Dulni Male&M Dunmer Priest 5 56 92 0 30 Office of the Lord Archcanon
Gavas Drin Male&M Dunmer Priest Tribunal Temple Patriarch(Patriarch) 50 431 200 0 30 Office of the Lord Archcanon Essential
Hand Vonos Veri {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] High Chapel
Hand Sadas Mavandes {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] High Chapel
Hand Savor Hlan {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] High Chapel
Hand Drals Indobar {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] High Chapel
Hand Arnas Therethi {{ }} [[Morrowind:|{{{race}}}]] [[Morrowind:|{{{class}}}]] High Chapel

Other People


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