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Skyrim:Solitude Military Camp

< Places: Stormcloak Camps
SR-mapicon-Stormcloak Camp.png
Stormcloak Camp:
Solitude Military Camp
(view on map)
Stormcloak Soldiers
Console Location Code(s)
SolitudeAttackStart01, SolitudeAttackStart02, SolitudeAttackStart03
Just west of Katla's Farm
The Solitude Military Camp

Solitude Military Camp is a Stormcloak camp set up just a bit west of Katla's Farm for the attack on Solitude.

This camp only appears during the Battle for Solitude in the Stormcloaks quest line. It contains a few Stormcloak soldiers. It contains several small one-man tents, presumably for the soldiers to sleep in. However, there are no bedrolls or hay piles for them to actually sleep on. Several tree stumps are scattered around it; only two are wood chopping blocks. At what can be considered the middle of the camp is a table holding iron weapons, which are free to take, as well as a grindstone and an anvil. Down, to the west of there is the majority of the tents, a fireplace and one of the wood chopping blocks. Up the hill is a fireplace, a wood chopping block, two small tents and the one large tent, which holds absolutely nothing.

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