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< Factions(Redirecionado de Oblivion:Weynon Priory Citizen)


All the inhabitants of Water's Edge. This faction gives them a few lines of dialogue related to the village.

Editor Id WatersEdgeFaction
FormId 000327b9
Flags (none)
Name Rank
Biene Amelion n/a
Eduard Retiene n/a
Jolie Retiene n/a
Marie Alouette n/a


This faction contains the people living at Weebam Na's house in Leyawiin, and gives them access to the house and its contents.

Editor Id WeebamNaFaction
Form Id 00035978
Flags (none)
Name Rank
Bejeen n/a
Weebam-Na n/a

Wenderbek Cave tribe

The inhabitants of Wenderbek Cave, one of the seven goblin tribes of Cyrodiil. The relationships ensure a state of war exists with the other six.

Editor Id GoblinTribeC
FormId 0002fe36
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Derelict Mine tribe -100
Goblin Jim's tribe -100
Barren Mine tribe -100
Pundered Mine tribe -100
Timberscar Cave tribe -100
CreatureFaction +50
Cracked Wood Hollow tribe -100
Wenderbek Cave tribe +80
Name Rank
Skull Breaker Goblin n/a
Skull Breaker Goblin Berserker n/a
Skull Breaker Goblin Shaman n/a
Skull Breaker Goblin Skirmisher n/a
Skull Breaker Goblin War Chief n/a

West Weald Inn (Skingrad)

Although this faction owns the main floor and upstairs of the West Weald Inn in Skingrad, it doesn't contain any members to take advantage. Since Erina Jeranus never leaves the bar area, however, this isn't a major problem.

Editor Id WestWealdInn
FormId 0002a09f
Flags HiddenFromPC

Weynon Priory Citizen

Contains the inhabitants of Weynon Priory plus a few blades. The faction's relationships ensure a pitched battle between its members and the Mythic Dawn. At the end of the Deliver the Amulet quest, this faction gets a +15 boost with the Player Faction, and after the main quest is complete, the reaction between the Mythic Dawn and this one is set to 0, meaning their members will no longer attack each other on sight.

Editor Id WeynonPrioryFaction
FormId 0004e883
Flags HiddenFromPC
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Prey creatures +50
Mythic Dawn -100
Name Rank
Achille n/a
Baragon n/a
Brother Piner n/a
Eronor n/a
Ferrum n/a
Jauffre n/a
Prior Maborel n/a

Worm Anchorite Faction

This faction only contains the Worm Anchorite from the Necromancer's Moon quest. It ensures friendly relations between the anchorite and the other residents of Dark Fissure and prevents the player gaining a bounty by killing him.

Editor Id WormAnchoriteFaction
FormId 0000a951
Flags HiddenFromPC, Evil
Related Faction Disposition Boost
Necromancers +100
Necromancers Cult +100
Name Rank
Worm Anchorite n/a
