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< Places: Ayleid Ruins
Ayleid Ruin:
(view on map)
# of Zones 4
Azhklan Trolls
Important Treasure
2 boss-level Ayleid Coffers
Console Location Code(s)
VeyondExterior, Veyond, Veyond02, Veyond03, Veyond04
Short distance north of Leyawiin just east of the Yellow Road and just south of Blankenmarch

Veyond is a large Ayleid ruin northeast of Leyawiin containing trolls. It contains four zones: Veyond, Veyond Mathmalatu, Veyond Bangrara, and Veyond Gandrasel.


  • The ruin is occupied solely by Azhklan Trolls. These are leveled trolls; for any character higher than level four they will be stronger than standard trolls (at high levels much stronger). You find two of them outside near the entrance (located on the end of a really high stone wall) so you can measure yourself up against them before venturing inside.
  • Not to be mistaken with Veyond Cave.


Key to Maps
Map of Veyond, Exterior

Zone 1: Veyond


As soon as you enter, you will very likely be detected by a troll standing on a raised corridor just above you. It tends to jump down so be prepared for a fight. The upper corridor also hosts a minor loot chest and will provide a quick exit from the last zone via door E. Press on and you will find yourself in a corridor overlooking a large, two-leveled room. There is a troll nearby and you can backtrack towards the entrance to avoid detection by the other trolls below. This will allow you to snipe at them later from your elevated position. One is on the upper level and two on the lower. However, the lower area cannot be reached except for jumping down so the two trolls can be calmly picked off.

Once you are done continue until you are in the upper level and loot the two minor chests. If you take the corridor to the south you will find another chest, but it is advised to jump down to the lower level to reach the next zone (via door D) as you will have the chance to access three more minor loot chests (two in this zone, one in the next).



Doors and Gates:

Zone 2: Veyond Mathmalatu

Veyond Mathmalatu

Upon entering through door D take care as you will be immediately facing a troll. Once you've dispatched it, press on the plate on the ground (light blue dot on map) to open gate H. Alternatively, you can enter through door C: this will allow you to safely kill the troll with targeted attacks through the gate although it does mean you have to face an extra enemy in the previous zone. Either way, loot the minor chest and continue until you reach gates I and J. You can again take advantage of target attacks to kill the trolls without health damage, then open the gates with the buttons nearby.

You arrive in a corridor overlooking a grisly scene: two trolls lay in pools of blood with a leather shield and an iron shortsword nearby. Don't miss the boss chest (B) in the far southern corner of the corridor before heading through door F to Bangrara.



Doors and Gates:

  • There are three doors in/out of this zone
  • 1 Iron Gate (opened remotely) at H
  • 2 Iron Gates (opened remotely; closes after 4 secs) at I and J

Zone 3: Veyond Bangrara

Veyond Bangrara

Whatever killed the trolls in the previous zone kept at it, as witnessed by the dead and bloody troll you encounter as soon as you enter. Nearby are three minor loot chests, a leather helmet and a steel dagger. Press on and after dispatching a very much alive troll you arrive on the lower level of a large and rather interesting room. It is likely that you will be detected by the trolls on the upper level but they can't reach you so you will only have to deal with one on the lower level. Take your time to find the minor loot chest to your right when entering before making your way up to the higher level. Here is an interesting set of gates which hold back three baying trolls in a sort of obstacle course. Before you start grab the two Welkynd stones set in easily-accessible pedestals just in front of gate J.

When you open gate J by pressing the nearby button, all the gates will open and then close in stages. This means that you will be stuck between gates J and K while the closest troll will be in the area between gates K and L. The other two will occupy the positions previously held of the troll in front of them. At times however, it is possible for the trolls to get stuck in one area, thereby clustering, or even fall down. If all works out though you can simply wait being gate K and use target attacks to dispatch the trolls in turn. You can also use the falling blades trap at T to help you; they are activated by a press plate just inside gate K.

Once you've killed off all the trolls, make your way through the gates, taking care of the second set of falling blades (T) between gates N and O. Loot two minor chests and proceed to Gandrasel via door G.




  • 4 Falling Blade traps at locations T on map activated by pressure plates

Doors and Gates:

  • There are two doors in/out of this zone
  • 8 Iron Gates (opened remotely; closes after 4 secs) at H, I, J, K, L, M, N, and O

Zone 4: Veyond Gandrasel

Veyond Gandrasel

Upon entering from door G you arrive in a deserted room with two campfires and lots of blood. It is clear one or more adventurers are responsible for the troll killing but there are no further clues to their identities and it must be assumed the surviving trolls feasted on them. Press on until you arrive at a press plate. This activates the two gas traps at T, so either jump over it or wait until the gas dissipates. You can also use it to your advantage against the nearby troll. Continue up some stairs and be ready for a fight as you will likely be attacked by four trolls simultaneously. Your rewards are two minor loot chests and three Varla stones. After a few stairs you arrive in an area akin to a honeycomb. After a close-quarters fight with you two trolls, loot the boss chest (B) and make a quick exit via door E back to the first zone.




  • 2 Gas traps at locations T on map. They are activated by a pressure plate in front of the entrance to the chamber, which can be avoided by jumping over the plate.

Doors and Gates:

  • There are two doors in/out of this zone