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Oblivion:Redwort Flower

< Alchemy / Items: Ingredients
Value 4 Weight 0.1
Alchemy Effects
1st Resist Frost Resist Frost
2nd Cure Poison Cure Poison
3rd Damage Health Damage Health
4th Invisibility Invisibility
# Samples 3
Plant Domica Redwort  % 80
# Plants 261
Domica Redwort

The ingredient Redwort Flower comes from the plant "Domica Redwort". This flower can be hard to find. In the West Weald, it is widespread but with a low density. A few isolated clusters of the flower can be found in Blackwood and along the Panther River. If you are suspended from the Mages Guild for committing theft, your penance will be to collect 20 portions of Redwort Flower and 20 portions of Dragon's Tongue.


3 guaranteed samples can be found; the places with samples are:

It can also be found randomly in the inventories of alchemy vendors and in some loot chests.


The places with the highest concentrations of Domica Redwort plants are:

Locations of Redwort Flower plants