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Oblivion:Anvil Castle

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Anvil Castle
(view on map)
Countess Millona Umbranox
Count Corvus Umbranox[1]
Console Location Code(s)
AnvilCastleGreatHall, AnvilCastleBarracks, AnvilCastleBlacksmithQuarters, AnvilCastleDiningHallandServantQuarters, AnvilCastleDungeon, AnvilCastlePrivateQuarters, AnvilCastleRoyalQuarters
Gold Coast
South of Anvil
Anvil Castle

Anvil Castle is in the southern half of Anvil, on an island outside the city. It is the seat of the Countess of Anvil Millona Umbranox, whose husband, Corvus Umbranox, has been missing for at least ten years.

Castle Anvil is unique because of its many secret passageways that can be used to advance through the castle quickly. The castle is divided into Anvil Castle, Castle Barracks, Smithy, Dining Hall, Dungeon, Private Quarters, and Royal Quarters.

In addition, Smuggler's Cave has a secret passage leading into the castle; one exit is in the Dining Hall, and the other is in the Royal Quarters. The passage is locked, and the key can only be obtained if the Thieves Den plug-in is installed.

Anvil Castle

The Great Hall

The front door of Anvil Castle opens into a large reception room with two columns. The doorway in the west corner leads into a small room with two cupboards; the one with shelves contains silverware, and the one without contains drinks. The door in here leads to the Smithy. The counter outside this doorway contains clutter and/or minor loot. Through the doorway on the southwestern wall, a short hall reveals the throne room, with fires burning on stands to either side and a double set of stairs leading up behind. There will only be one throne until The Ultimate Heist is completed. Until then, the Count's throne can be found in a storeroom. Afterward, Corvus' throne will be on Millona's right. To the left of the entrance is the bench where a stranger can often be found sitting. The three display cases in the southeastern end are all unlocked and empty, and the counter between them also contains clutter and/or minor loot. The door here leads to the Dining Hall, and the door at the top of the stairs behind the thrones leads to the Private Quarters.

Castle Barracks

Castle Barracks

The doors into the Barracks from the Smithy and from the Castle Courtyard both enter into the same room, with two open doorways on the only straight wall and a set of stairs leading up along the curved wall. The table in the middle of this room holds two apples, two wedges of cheese, two leeks, two ears of corn, and a bottle of mead. The table on the wall holds three potatos, two carrots, a loaf of bread, and two bottles of mead.

The northern doorway leads into Hieronymus Lex's tiny bedroom with a single bed opposite the door. The chest at the foot of the bed contains clutter and minor loot, and the desk next to the doorway contains clutter and possibly a common book. The other doorway reveals a storage room with eight barrels containing clutter and/or a repair hammer, four crates with the same contents, and four food sacks, along with a chest that can hold armor and/or weapons. The sack that is pressed into the side of a barrel can contain some rare ingredients; the other three contain grain.

At the top of the stairs a table holds two apples, two ears of corn, and a bottle of mead. Two archery targets and a magic target are set up on the wall, with a chest next to them that contains clutter and/or minor loot. Along the wall are four beds that can be used by members of the Anvil Guard, with a clutter chest at the foot of each. On the bookshelf between the second and third beds are an Anvil Cuirass and an iron helmet


The Smithy

The door into the Smithy from the Great Hall opens into the main forge room. The forge itself is in the northern corner, and Orrin can often be found behind the counter, upon which sit a repair hammer, an iron mace, an iron longsword, an iron shield, iron boots, a chainmail helmet, a chainmail cuirass, chainmail boots, an empty set of drawers, and a lectern which contains clutter and possibly a common book. The chest behind the counter is Orrin's fence chest.

The door in the south corner opens into Orrin's bedroom with his double bed on the southwestern wall. The two chests of drawers stacked at the foot of the bed both contain clutter, as does the sack on top of them. The cupboard in the southern corner contains clothing, and the barrel next to it contains clutter and/or a repair hammer. The wine rack next to the barrel holds four bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine, and a bottle of Tamika's West Weald Wine sits on top. The table on the southeastern wall holds two oranges, a loaf of bread, and another bottle of Surilie Brothers Wine. The desk in the northern corner contains clutter and possibly a common book.

In the forge room, the open doorway next to the forge leads through one hallway and into another. The southwestern end of this hall leads down a set of stairs to a door to the Dungeon. Another set of stairs in this hall lead down into the #Castle Barracks. In the northeastern end, a small store room has three wine racks; the one on the northwestern wall holds nine bottles of Tamika's West Weald Wine, five bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine, and two bottles of cheap wine. The wine rack next to the doorway holds four bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine and three bottles of Tamika's West Weald Wine, and the smaller rack next to it holds nine bottles of cheap wine. Also in this room, what appears to be a small crevice is actually a door to a set of stairs leading up to the Private Quarters.

Dining Hall

The Dining Hall

The door into the Dining Hall from the southeast end of the throne room leads into a large dining room with a table that seats eight. On the table are six strawberries, five sweetrolls, four blackberries, three oranges, three loaves of bread, two apples, two tomatoes, two leeks, two carrots, a cheese wedge, a sweetcake, a potato, two samples of blue flax, and two samples of viper's bugloss. On the counter on the south wall sit five bottles of Tamika's West Weald Wine, three bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine, and two bottles of cheap wine, as well as a sample of goldenrod and another of blue flax. The cupboard in the corner near the counter holds dishes, and on top sits another sample of blue flax and viper's bugloss. On the west wall, a cupboard holds drinks and on top sits a sample of yellow ginseng and another of blue flax. The display case on this same wall is unlocked and empty.

The door in the corner opposite the entrance leads up a set of stairs to a short hallway; stairs at the southern end lead up again to another short hallway. This one has two doors on the south side, one on the north side, and more stairs in the west end. The two doors on the south side of the hallway open into Beatrice Gene's and Colin Stedrine's bedrooms, each containing only their single beds and a clutter chest. The door on the north side of the hall reveal a storage silo which contains three crates and three barrels, all of them holding clutter and/or repair hammers. Corvus's throne can also be found here until The Ultimate Heist is completed.

In the first hallway past the dining room, the doorway at the northern end leads into a large cluttered room. Three cupboards in this room hold drinks in two and food in the third, with a clutter sack on top of the food cupboard. Three crates contain clutter and/or a repair hammer, and a chest on top of one contains more clutter. The table in front of the crates holds two potatoes, two carrots, a tomato, an ear of corn, and a cheese wedge. Two barrels next to the fireplace contain food, as does the sack on the floor next to them. A loaf of bread is being baked in the fireplace, and a garlic cluster hangs from the mantel. A pumpkin sits on top of the bookshelf next to the fireplace, and a food sack is on the floor in front of it. The table next to the bookshelf holds another pumpkin, three onions, two garlic cloves, two pieces of mutton and a slice of venison. The two sacks on the floor next to the table hold food. The bookshelf next tot he food cupboard holds clutter sack and a grain sack, three sacks of flour, and a slice of ham, with two clutter sacks on the floor in front of it.

The door in the eastern corner reveals a small storage room with a barrel in each corner; the two on the south side contain food and the two on the north side contain clutter and/or repair hammers, as do the three crates here. The chest on top of one of the crates holds clutter, as does the one on the floor next to one of the clutter barrels. The windowsill-like indention in the wall between the two clutter barrels is a secret door into a long hallway; the first stairs to the left lead down to a door to Smuggler's Cave, and the stairs further along on the right lead up to a door to the Royal Quarters.


The Dungeon

The entrance into the Dungeon from the Smithy leads into an entrance room with the jailer's desk in front of the door, a clutter sack sitting on top. The chest behind the desk stores stolen goods, and the cupboard next to it contains clutter and/or minor loot. Two empty barrels sit in the east corner, and the crate next to them contains clutter and/or a repair hammer.

The open doorway next to the cupboard leads to a door which opens into a large bedroom with two single beds available for use by members of the Anvil Castle faction. The chest of drawers next to the head of each contain clutter, as does the chest on top of one. The first bed has a clutter chest at the foot, and second has a clutter/repair hammer barrel. The table in the west corner holds two apples, a cheese wedge, an ear of corn, and a sweetcake. The bookshelf on the southwest wall holds two Anvil Cuirasses, an Anvil Shield, and an iron helmet.

The doorway in the southern corner of the entrance room leads down a set of stairs to a door to the jail area. The first door on the right is a small cell with a bedroll, a table and stool, a set of pitcher, cup, and bowl, and a single candle. The first cell door on the left is a small cell with a bedroll, bench, table, plate and mug, a loaf of bread, and a candle. The second cell door on the left reveals a larger cell with two bedrolls and a bench between them. A stool sits in the south corner in front of a table with a pitcher, mug, plate, loaf of bread, and a candle.

At the end of the hallway are a crate and barrel that both contain clutter and/or repair hammers. The door at the next to them reveals a large storage room with six crates and five barrels all containing clutter and/or repair hammers. The two sacks on top of one of the crates hold grain in the untied one and clutter in the tied one. A clutter sack sits on the floor next to one of the crates. The chest of drawers in the south corner contains clothing, and the chest on top of it holds clutter, as does the chest in the west corner. A covered bowl on the bookshelf next to the chest of drawers contains food.

Private Quarters

Private Quarters

The door in the throne room to the Private Quarters reveals an entry hall. Opposite the entrance is another door that leads to the Royal Quarters. The northwest end of the hall leads to Baeralorn's bedroom with his double bed in the southern corner. His chest next to the bed contains a copy of N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!, some gold, and a possibility of ingredients, jewelry, apparatus, soul gems, potions, and scrolls. The chest of drawers in the eastern corner contains clothing, and on top of it sits a red velvet blouse. In the northern corner, the table next to the bookshelf holds a complete set of apparatus (alembic, calcinator mortar and pestle, and retort), a pile of bonemeal, a piece of mort flesh, and a potion of silence. The desk in the western corner contains clutter and possibly random or more valuable books, and on top sits a copy of the Athletics skill book The Red Kitchen Reader.

The southeast end of the hall is a door to the Dining Hall and a short hallway with a doorway at the end. This doorway leads into Dairihill's living quarters, with her desk containing gold and possibly a scroll. A bottle of Tamika's West Weald Wine sits on the table. A door in the corner opposite the entrance leads to her bedroom, with her double bed in the southeast end. The chest at the foot of it contains weapons and/or armor. The cupboard in the northwest end contains clothing, and the chest of drawers next to it holds clutter and has a nirnroot sitting on top.

The hallway leading to Dairihill's quarters holds another secret doorway in the crevice in the wall, and this one leads down a set of stairs to a door to the Smithy.

Royal Quarters

Royal Quarters

The entrance to the Royal Quarters reveals a large entrance room. In the western corner a desk contains clutter and possibly a common book, and on top of it sits a bottle of Cyrodilic Brandy and two potions - one of dispel and one endurance - as well as a copy of The Pig Children. On the table next to the desk sits a bottle of Tamika's West Weald Wine, a sweetroll, four strawberries, and five blackberries. On the bookshelf in the west corner is a copy of the skill book King, and a copy of Dwemer History and Culture sits on the bookshelf on the northwest wall. The cupboard on this same wall contains drinks. The chest sitting on top of a table on the southwest wall contains armor and/or weapons. The bookshelf on the southeast wall holds two covered bowls, one of which contains food, two sacks which contain clutter, and a lectern on top which holds clutter and possibly a common book. As an interesting edition, the trash basket next to the desk contains two love letters, one of which is signed "your penitent lover." These are most likely from The Gray Fox during the time his wife could not recognize him.

The doorway in the eastern corner leads to a door to the castle balcony. A guaranteed magic item, the Base Ring of Restoration, can be found on a table on the balcony.

The doorway in the southern corner leads up a set of stairs to Countess Millona Umbranox's bedroom, with her double bed on a raised platform on the northwest wall. In the north corner a table holds four strawberries, two carrots, two radishes, a potato, an ear of corn, an apple, a leek, a cheese wheel, and a cheese wedge. In the west corner a cupboard holds clothing, and the table next to it holds a copy of 2920, Evening Star, and a jewelry chest. The chest of drawers on the other side of the cupboard also contains clothing. The display chest next to it is locked with a very easy lock and contains two necklaces - a jeweled necklace and a gold necklace. The chest next to the display case contains clutter and minor loot. In the small area in the southern corner a counter holds three bottles of Tamika's West Weald Wine, three bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine, and two bottles of cheap wine. On the table opposite this counter sit three strawberries, and the other table in this area holds three oranges. This area also holds another secret doorway, this one leading down a set of stairs to the Dining Hall.

Related Quests

Castle People


Specific Notes

  1. ^ After The Ultimate Heist is completed.
  2. ^ Until The Ultimate Heist, A Stranger will be sitting on the bench next to the Countess' Bodyguard.
  3. ^ Hieronymus Lex relocates to Castle Anvil after Taking Care of Lex is completed.

General Notes