- "I'm doomed to be R'Aathim, living and dead. It's godhood of a sort, but what a sort! Don't begrudge me my long life span. Think of me doomed to eternity in the gloomy Ebonheart council chamber listening to the eternal wrangles ... small wonder the dead R'Aathim pulled the place down on the live ones twenty years ago, thus causing my brother and my mother to join their number. The dead R'Aathim must have welcomed the century and a half of respite while the Nords held Ebonheart." — Moraelyn, King Edward
The Ra'athim Clan (also spelled R'Aathim) is an ancient noble family of Dunmer which hails from Ebonheart. Probably its most well-known member was its beautiful heiress, Katariah Ra'athim, who married Pelagius Septim III in 3E 141 and went on to become Empress Katariah.
Stories of the Ra'athims date back to the dawn of Morrowind's history. Their holdings were vast and included many lucrative mines. Mining is said to be in the blood of "the royal Kin of Ebonheart". Their nobility retained the High Kingship of Morrowind. Eventually, Queen Lian had twin sons, grandsons of King Moraelyn, who she left as joint heirs. This led Ebonheart to split into two city-states, Ebonheart and Mournhold. At about the same time, the High Kingship was vacated in favor of a council.
Originally, the clan belonged to House Mora, but eventually joined House Hlaalu. Many famous Dunmer throughout history were born into the clan, including King Hlaalu Athyn Llethan and Queen Barenziah. It's suspected that the thief known as the Nightingale had Ra'athim blood, though the identity of the Nightingale is disputed - most accounts say he was Jagar Tharn, though Gallus Desidenius, author of The Nightingales, claims he was actually a Dunmer named Drayven Indoril.
- The clan is thought to have some ancient human ancestry.
- The clan is mentioned in 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 22, where Vivec seems to indicate that the Morag Tong were quite active within the family's holdings.
- It was an open secret that Ebonheart - and thus, the Ra'athims - supported Uriel Septim III and Queen Potema during the War of the Red Diamond.
- The Ra'athim trace their lineage through the paternal line.
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